Gazette says chemistry

How can you judge chemistry before the season even starts? To me, doesn't matter what the reason was. It's still a kick in the sack.
Pretty sure he wasn't asked to leave. That seems pretty obvious.

How is it obvious? I can easily see Fran sitting him down and having a "this isn't working out" discussion. Then, giving the kid a break by framing it as his decision.

Losing Hubbard hurts, he has skills. But no one player is bigger than the program...not matter how desperate we are to turn it around.
Wow. Chemistry? I wonder if it has anything to do with current players feeling like "their" spot / minutes we're being taken. Also, you know that even though they wouldn't say it, some of the guys and their friends/families were probably upset knowing that Hubbard had served time. I think we have some cliques on the team. I guarantee that if our players "ran him off", Fran will be merciless on some of the guys. Who knows the truth, but this is what you get with a losing program. I may be way off base, but I think there was some jealousy about an outsider coming in with so much hype, Fran love, etc...
Wow. Chemistry? I wonder if it has anything to do with current players feeling like "their" spot / minutes we're being taken. Also, you know that even though they wouldn't say it, some of the guys and their friends/families were probably upset knowing that Hubbard had served time. I think we have some cliques on the team. I guarantee that if our players "ran him off", Fran will be merciless on some of the guys. Who knows the truth, but this is what you get with a losing program. I may be way off base, but I think there was some jealousy about an outsider coming in with so much hype, Fran love, etc...

How long are your arms? Cause you're definitely reaching.
Could explain why Mike Gatens is so amped up this summer. Maybe he felt the refs were ignoring Lil G and he felt the need to voice his opinion and throw his weight around [again].
Wow. Chemistry? I wonder if it has anything to do with current players feeling like "their" spot / minutes we're being taken. Also, you know that even though they wouldn't say it, some of the guys and their friends/families were probably upset knowing that Hubbard had served time. I think we have some cliques on the team. I guarantee that if our players "ran him off", Fran will be merciless on some of the guys. Who knows the truth, but this is what you get with a losing program. I may be way off base, but I think there was some jealousy about an outsider coming in with so much hype, Fran love, etc...
If other players were jealous as you describe, I doubt Fran would have run off Hubbard. He would have run off the complainers. Hubbard was Fran's boy.
Has any group of seniors seen as much attrition as this group? After the committed, they lost Smith, Freeman, Kelly, Tucker, Fuller, Crawford, Palmer, Brust, Lawson, Payne, and now Hub.

Maybe these guys need to graduate to lift the jinx, or whatever.
My arms aren't very long; I'm only 5'6".
As I said, I may be off base. I coached varsity basketball for 6 years and another 6 years as an assistant. I would be shocked if some of what I said was true. Kids, especially when they are used to losing, look at spots in the lineup as theirs. It becomes a selfish, disruptive entity. Also, I spoke in person with someone who was being recruited a few years ago; he commented on the rift/cliques between the classes. I worry that without J. Cole's team first influence we may go backwards with our leadership. We'll see. Go Hawks!
Could explain why Mike Gatens is so amped up this summer. Maybe he felt the refs were ignoring Lil G and he felt the need to voice his opinion and throw his weight around [again].

i have never seen a player- especially one who has been our best player for years- take so much unsubstantiated crap from random ******** on the internet.
Tensions can be more than playing time issues, it can simply be a matter of personalities not meshing, a recruiting trp gives players a chance to get a bit familiar, but when you are living with each other day to day, who you are is much more obvious. Add in that this is a man among boys( so to speak ), there can be significant differences in world views, then throw in the past, it all a wild card and pure speculation. It doesnt really have to reflect poorly on anyone, sometimes things just are meant to be.
Right now, Gatens would probably play with Satan if it meant a chance at playing in the tourney. So I'm not buying that all of a sudden he's scared of losing the spotlight...especially when Basabe and Cartwright have already become the keys to this team.
Wouldn't surprise me at all if the so-called "cliques" on this team led to Hub's decision. And if Fran doesn't gain control of that issue he, too, will be in Iowa City only three years. Why am I seeing G's writ large over this mess, which is putting it politely.
I think he got homesick. Period. To speculate otherwise is just ridiculous.

ERIC MAY, time to step up and play with heart and confidence. This team needs you
I agree that if this didn't originate from Fran he will go insane. I would not want to be around if something started with the players.
A mid-20s guy just will not feel all that comfortable in I.C, IMO, unless a grad student and spending all your time at the library or the Coop type and more "earthy", although that probably has changed in the last 10-15 yrs w/ more housing. That said, not sure Hubbard wants to hang w/ those trying to be leaders of industry in the city. I.C. is a playground for those in their teens and young-twenties. There is a big difference between that college mentality and the mid-twenties. I kind of assumed he would have been connected w/ some hosts to help him adjust, and while I thought it was going to be difficult, I'm still surprised he found it this difficult this fast.

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