Gazette article

Iowa is 9-14 in that same span when they are underdogs.

9-13 when they are single digit underdogs, 0-1 when they are double digit underdogs.
This is far from an excuse more of something that gets overlooked and what I texted my brother after the game on Saturday.
Remember that stat of us not losing a game by 9 or more points awhile back, which was snapped when we lost to PSU.
It's the way KF coaches. He is ultra conservative in every game no matter who we are playing. That's great when we are playing Ohio State, Wisconsin, Penn State, etc. it allows us to stay in games that we might not be in if we took chances, the philosophy is keep the game tight and find a way to win late, have a lead late, sit on the ball and don't take chances.
Well that also gets applied to other teams that don't have as much talent as we do, Arkansas State, UNI, ISU, Indiana Minny, etc. Allow an inferior opponent to hang around and they start to believe they can win, and allows bad teams to hang around way longer than they should.
So over the years we have been able to stay in many close games vs. better teams by playing it safe, this has allowed us to win some and have some close calls as well. When that happens vs. worse teams they tend to stick in our minds more because they are horrible losses or near escapes (Indiana last year)
Obviously this something needs to be changed but who knows if it ever will.
Which shows that this coaching staff has no idea how to put people away. They play not lose and end up losing and that is what this coaching staff has turned Iowa into...a patsy.

The early years Ferentz's style of play was tough for other teams. But because he refuses to change anything, including Norm's defense, teams have Iowa's number.

Iowa simply is not going to win many games under Ferentz anymore unless he changes and adapts.

Ferentz has turned into the Lickliter of the B1G.
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Brutal. The ten schools better than us in the Big Ten,(everyone but Minny) were 208-13 in that same stretch vs teams they are greater than 10pt favorites than.
Ouch. In other words, the other ten averaged 21-1 over that stretch,and iowa was 19-9.

It is very weird,but KF has got to take a hard look at it. There has to be an answer.
Which shows that this coaching staff has no idea how to put people away. They play not lose and end up losing and that is what this coaching staff has turned Iowa into...a patsy.

The early years Ferentz's style of play was tough for other teams. But because he refuses to change anything, including Norm's defense, teams have Iowa's number.

Iowa simply is not going to win many games under Ferentz anymore unless he changes and adapts.

Ferentz has turned into the Lickliter of the B1G.
And the horrible truth comes out....
What coaches left in 2005?

The 2005 recruiting classes was also one of the biggest misses in recent CFB recruiting.
Does anyone know when Norm stopped recruiting or whether he ever did recruit? I'm beginning to wonder if the decline in Norm's health has anything to do with the decline in recruiting defensive players.
maybe its that if you run the car in second gear all the time, you have a hard time shifting into fourth when you need to. is that a good analogy?
This is far from an excuse more of something that gets overlooked and what I texted my brother after the game on Saturday.
Remember that stat of us not losing a game by 9 or more points awhile back, which was snapped when we lost to PSU.
It's the way KF coaches. He is ultra conservative in every game no matter who we are playing. That's great when we are playing Ohio State, Wisconsin, Penn State, etc. it allows us to stay in games that we might not be in if we took chances, the philosophy is keep the game tight and find a way to win late, have a lead late, sit on the ball and don't take chances.
Well that also gets applied to other teams that don't have as much talent as we do, Arkansas State, UNI, ISU, Indiana Minny, etc. Allow an inferior opponent to hang around and they start to believe they can win, and allows bad teams to hang around way longer than they should.
So over the years we have been able to stay in many close games vs. better teams by playing it safe, this has allowed us to win some and have some close calls as well. When that happens vs. worse teams they tend to stick in our minds more because they are horrible losses or near escapes (Indiana last year)
Obviously this something needs to be changed but who knows if it ever will.

This is an interesting point and actually one I heard made regarding an NFL team on Sunday that has its own el foldo tendencies. In essence, Iowa not only plays down to the level of competition, it actually plays below it. By allowing the underdog team to hang around long enough to make big plays (ie, critical third down, long pass completions where there is no Iowa defender present, solid rushing game), the underdog begins to believe it can win. Its home crowd grows louder (see Iowa State, Minnesota), the players and coaches believe they win, and suddenly Iowa is struggling to hold on to the lead or to build on it, which likely is not much more than one or two scores. Sooner or later the dam breaks and Iowa suffers the loss.

I think a big part of Hayden Fry's success, once he got it rolling, was to jump on teams early, build big leads without rubbing it in to the opponent, continue to play aggressive offense and not go into a conservative, defensive shell.

As good of a coach as he is, Ferentz will likely never surpass Fry's successes as a coach as long as he continues to play conservative ball, avoid risk and not adapt to changing styles of play.
The thing people seem to be forgetting is that KF has 3 bad years and then three good years.

So, if you look at 2006 until now, you have two bad years 2006, 2007. Then two good years 2008, 2009. Of those two good years the only double digit favored loss was the Stanzi injury against an underrated NW squad.

2008 the anomaly year was 2009. That was the year Norm was MIA and KF refused to name an interim. Also, Iowa was overrated after the loss of Gettis and MacMillan. From that point forward they played an interior lineman that wouldn't gave started on a MAC team.

So, it isn't that remarkable.

This year is the first of the three year down cycle so it makes sense Iowa would be overrated. Shouldn't be too much of a problem over the next couple years.
The thing people seem to be forgetting is that KF has 3 bad years and then three good years.

So, if you look at 2006 until now, you have two bad years 2006, 2007. Then two good years 2008, 2009. Of those two good years the only double digit favored loss was the Stanzi injury against an underrated NW squad.

2008 the anomaly year was 2009. That was the year Norm was MIA and KF refused to name an interim. Also, Iowa was overrated after the loss of Gettis and MacMillan. From that point forward they played an interior lineman that wouldn't gave started on a MAC team.

So, it isn't that remarkable.

This year is the first of the three year down cycle so it makes sense Iowa would be overrated. Shouldn't be too much of a problem over the next couple years.

Stop. Just stop with your stupid three bad years/three good years theory. Explain to me how 2001 was a bad year while 2010 was a good year?
Could the comparisons between KF and Lick stop? Lick was by far the worst coach I have ever seen in my lifetime at Iowa and I do not see a slow down, Butler way, offense being run.
Could the comparisons between KF and Lick stop? Lick was by far the worst coach I have ever seen in my lifetime at Iowa and I do not see a slow down, Butler way, offense being run.

The comparisons are unfair and I agree Lickliter was the worst coach I have seen at Iowa (although some old-timers can probably point me to worse ones).

But seriously, you're not seeing a "slow down .... offense being run," especially when Iowa gets the lead? :eek:
The comparisons are unfair and I agree Lickliter was the worst coach I have seen at Iowa (although some old-timers can probably point me to worse ones).

But seriously, you're not seeing a "slow down .... offense being run," especially when Iowa gets the lead? :eek:

I have seen it in the past but not this year. Earlier in the year the offense was predictable and they kept running into 8/9 man fronts, but that part of the offense has gotten better. The problems with this team is not the offense, it is one of the better ones I have seen at Iowa. I just wish they could have came away with some more points in the first half against Minnesota. But for the most part the problems with the team has been on defense.
Not being able to score points is a problem on the offense. Defense did fine minus one big play in the 1st half (4th Q they did their usual though).

Not having a quality backup for RB when Coker is gassed is a problem. Not having quality backups to fill in for KD at WR is a problem.

JVB and OL unable to pick up blitzs or avoid penalties is a problem.

And for the first time this year Meyer looked poor on his FG attempts.

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