Gatens is not God


Well-Known Member
I'm sure this will irritate many people on here, but I don't see why so many people think Gatens is so good and has so much influence over the program. Id be more depressed if Fuller, May or even Payne left. Don't get me wrong, I am glad he chose to stay in Iowa City and wear the black and gold, but as of now hes nothing more than an average Big Ten player who does not have a very good shot selection. And if the rumors on here that he was saying "if coach stays then i am leaving" are true, then he has an attitude problem too.
Yeah, but he falls in line right with the other multiple transfers from last year. That tells me there is a problem between player and coach relations.
Yeah, but he falls in line right with the other multiple transfers from last year. That tells me there is a problem between player and coach relations.

Id like to have seen Gatens play at Iowa under someone other than Lickliter and I think we would have seen a different player. He has regressed from his first to his second year and that in my opinion is because of Lickliter and his style and philosophy. It just doesn't get the guys shots. Tough shots maybe but not flow in the offense shots.
I would not blame Matt or any other Iowa player for wanting to leave if Lick stays. Other posters have said that Barta asked some of the players for their input and if the truth hurts then so be it.
and neither is Lick.

What do we want, our athletic dept run like the kremlin,where no communication is allowed?

Student athletes might not have 2.4 million dollar buyouts,but they do have rights.
Id like to have seen Gatens play at Iowa under someone other than Lickliter and I think we would have seen a different player. He has regressed from his first to his second year and that in my opinion is because of Lickliter and his style and philosophy. It just doesn't get the guys shots. Tough shots maybe but not flow in the offense shots.

100% agreed
and neither is Lick.

What do we want, our athletic dept run like the kremlin,where no communication is allowed?

Student athletes might not have 2.4 million dollar buyouts,but they do have rights.

IF all of this is true you have to wonder where Barta's balls reside. I want a change as much as anyone but about a month ago Barta gave Lick his full endorsement. Now he's getting told what to do by 18-21 year old kids?
HawkIregn,thats a terrible comment! I will also add if Gatens helped us in getting rid of our dead weight,good for him!
Gatens isnt trying to be "GOD". He and Fuller simply told Barta that if Lickliter was the coach next year, they wouldnt be here. Its not a threat as much as a fact. If Barta decided to stand his ground, they would transfer. I think its what Barta needed to confirm what most of us already know. If this becomes the catalyst for coaching change, more power to them. If they try to dictate who the new coach is, they need to pack their bags.
I'm sure this will irritate many people on here, but I don't see why so many people think Gatens is so good and has so much influence over the program. Id be more depressed if Fuller, May or even Payne left. Don't get me wrong, I am glad he chose to stay in Iowa City and wear the black and gold, but as of now hes nothing more than an average Big Ten player who does not have a very good shot selection. And if the rumors on here that he was saying "if coach stays then i am leaving" are true, then he has an attitude problem too.

Gatens's talent isn't the reason why it is a big deal if what is rumored to have happened did, in fact, happen. It is a big deal because he is as much of a Hawkeye as they come--bleeds black and gold. If he isn't willing to stay, who will? That is the issue.
18 to 21 year old KIDS? That same age group are being killed in the middle east. That same age group get married and have kids. These are men who signed with Iowa and whose futures reside at Iowa. They have given their all for 2 years to a coach who has done nothing, has not recruited the necessary components of the team necessary to get the job done, has no clue to what he is doing offensively or defensively as far as many fans can see, has the worst record in Iowa history.

They have EVERY right to express their feelings as MEN...they are not high-school kids.

If these guys are unhappy with the present coaching regime, they can transfer. How will that help the program? You call them spoiled? Why because they don't like losing 23 games and being on the worst Iowa team in history? IF they transfer, that idiot Lickliter will be starting ALL over AGAIN and isn't that the entire point that was being made over and over and over.

IF the players stay Iowa will have a great team next year. Now you guys say these guys are spoiled because they are expressing their feelings toward the coach. THAT SHOULD TELL YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LICKLITER. These players now have NO confidence in him whatsoever. There is dissension between players. Whose fault IS that? IT is our wonderfull coach Lickliter the Communicator/

Get that clown out of here before he can do anymore damage to the program and bring in a coach who bring some cohesion to this program. This has gone on long enough. Lickliter has NO credibility left whatsoever anymore except with about 5 percent of the fanbase. He doesn't even have the support of his own team anymore... Get rid of this clown...
18 to 21 year old KIDS? That same age group are being killed in the middle east. That same age group get married and have kids. These are men who signed with Iowa and whose futures reside at Iowa. They have given their all for 2 years to a coach who has done nothing, has not recruited the necessary components of the team necessary to get the job done, has no clue to what he is doing offensively or defensively as far as many fans can see, has the worst record in Iowa history.

They have EVERY right to express their feelings as MEN...they are not high-school kids.

If these guys are unhappy with the present coaching regime, they can transfer. How will that help the program? You call them spoiled? Why because they don't like losing 23 games and being on the worst Iowa team in history? IF they transfer, that idiot Lickliter will be starting ALL over AGAIN and isn't that the entire point that was being made over and over and over.

IF the players stay Iowa will have a great team next year. Now you guys say these guys are spoiled because they are expressing their feelings toward the coach. THAT SHOULD TELL YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LICKLITER. These players now have NO confidence in him whatsoever. There is dissension between players. Whose fault IS that? IT is our wonderfull coach Lickliter the Communicator/

Get that clown out of here before he can do anymore damage to the program and bring in a coach who bring some cohesion to this program. This has gone on long enough. Lickliter has NO credibility left whatsoever anymore except with about 5 percent of the fanbase. He doesn't even have the support of his own team anymore... Get rid of this clown...

Stay classy...I'm guessing you really work well with others...

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