Gatens is not God

18 to 21 year old KIDS? That same age group are being killed in the middle east. That same age group get married and have kids. These are men who signed with Iowa and whose futures reside at Iowa. They have given their all for 2 years to a coach who has done nothing, has not recruited the necessary components of the team necessary to get the job done, has no clue to what he is doing offensively or defensively as far as many fans can see, has the worst record in Iowa history.

They have EVERY right to express their feelings as MEN...they are not high-school kids.

If these guys are unhappy with the present coaching regime, they can transfer. How will that help the program? You call them spoiled? Why because they don't like losing 23 games and being on the worst Iowa team in history? IF they transfer, that idiot Lickliter will be starting ALL over AGAIN and isn't that the entire point that was being made over and over and over.

IF the players stay Iowa will have a great team next year. Now you guys say these guys are spoiled because they are expressing their feelings toward the coach. THAT SHOULD TELL YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LICKLITER. These players now have NO confidence in him whatsoever. There is dissension between players. Whose fault IS that? IT is our wonderfull coach Lickliter the Communicator/

Get that clown out of here before he can do anymore damage to the program and bring in a coach who bring some cohesion to this program. This has gone on long enough. Lickliter has NO credibility left whatsoever anymore except with about 5 percent of the fanbase. He doesn't even have the support of his own team anymore... Get rid of this clown...

You probably should have stopped right there.
Gatens isn't God for this just as Lickliter isn't the devil for showing Freeman the door.
If Lickliter can tell a player that he doesn't fit his system and he won't get as much minutes then.....why can't Gatens(when asked!) tell Barta that he won't be here if Lick stays. It's the same thing. One is Coach to player another is player to coach.
IF all of this is true you have to wonder where Barta's balls reside. I want a change as much as anyone but about a month ago Barta gave Lick his full endorsement. Now he's getting told what to do by 18-21 year old kids?

Wow, Barta just can't win with you, can he? You want change, and now that you may be getting it, you're going to criticize because Barta got the input from players, who are more familiar with the situation than anyone, including Barta? Give me a break. If Gatens and Fuller did tell him that, then Barta has to make the change for the good of the program. Isn't that what you've been clamoring for all along?
18 to 21 year old KIDS? That same age group are being killed in the middle east. That same age group get married and have kids. These are men who signed with Iowa and whose futures reside at Iowa. They have given their all for 2 years to a coach who has done nothing, has not recruited the necessary components of the team necessary to get the job done, has no clue to what he is doing offensively or defensively as far as many fans can see, has the worst record in Iowa history.

They have EVERY right to express their feelings as MEN...they are not high-school kids.

If these guys are unhappy with the present coaching regime, they can transfer. How will that help the program? You call them spoiled? Why because they don't like losing 23 games and being on the worst Iowa team in history? IF they transfer, that idiot Lickliter will be starting ALL over AGAIN and isn't that the entire point that was being made over and over and over.

IF the players stay Iowa will have a great team next year. Now you guys say these guys are spoiled because they are expressing their feelings toward the coach. THAT SHOULD TELL YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LICKLITER. These players now have NO confidence in him whatsoever. There is dissension between players. Whose fault IS that? IT is our wonderfull coach Lickliter the Communicator/

Get that clown out of here before he can do anymore damage to the program and bring in a coach who bring some cohesion to this program. This has gone on long enough. Lickliter has NO credibility left whatsoever anymore except with about 5 percent of the fanbase. He doesn't even have the support of his own team anymore... Get rid of this clown...

I don't disagree with a lot of what you're saying. But you do differentiate between "high school kids", and the 18-21 year old men. Loads of high school seniors are 18 years old. Does their grade level determine whether or not they are men? Just thought I would point that out, something for you to think about.........nah I'm just sh**tin' ya lol. Good post.

I've been a big Lick supporter all year up til now. With everything that's been happening, the phrase "when there's smoke, there's fire" comes to mind (though I wouldn't put it past a few people around here to whip out some smoke machines if it would help get Lickliter canned haha). But if even half of what's been said is true, then it's time, I'll take my serving of crow now.

I also now think there's considerable reason to think that Jake Kelly did in fact leave because he was still struggling with the situation with his mom passing away. I don't think that was just a screen. But maybe (as it's one of the rumors: Lick didn't connect with players away from the floor) Kelly needed someone to help him through it, and Lick wasn't there for him when he needed it?
People are going on witch hunts right now based on rumors and speculation.

here is what I know about Matt; I would not have wanted to be him, back in early November. I remember thinking after the opening game loss to something called Texas San Antonio that Gatens would be lucky to get out of this season without getting seriously injured, as it was going to be long, a lot of losing, and he would have to log a lot of minutes and carry a load that I don't believe he was every capable of carrying.

Matt is not a #1 player on a traditional Big Ten team. I see him as being a Jason Bohannon type, but with more upside because he can do more with the ball. Matt's shooting numbers were way down this year percentage wise, but it's not because Matt became a bad shooter. It's because he is on a team where none of his teammates can routinely attack the rim with the ball, therefore there is no need for the player guarding Matt to sag off of him to play help defense, so Matt had to shoot either contested three's or shoot from farther out than you would want to see.

He is a good player. He is a double digit scorer for four years...and that's pretty darned salty. And if Matt did indeed speak about being unhappy with the current situation, I can't blame him one bit. I haven't spoken with Matt about this, nor have I spoken with his father about this. I don't think I have said anything other than hello to Mike since the Drake game in Des Moines in late 2008.

There has been a lot of talk with regards to Mike being unhappy about the situation his son and his son's teammates are in. I can understand why he'd feel that way, because he spent his career at Iowa in a similar position.

His first year of eligibility was the last year of the Dick Schultz era, and that was a bad year. His second year of eligibility was Lute's first year, and that was a bad year. His third and final year of eligibility was Lute's second year, and I think Iowa won 19 games. So it ended on a positive note for him, and I would guess (I dont know) that he feels some sense of pride for being there during the turnaround of Iowa basketball. My guess would be he would want that for his son, not see his son waste away during the worst era of Iowa basketball, playing for a coach that just doesnt have good relationships with this players.

Were Matt my son, or any of these Iowa players my son, and I was aware of this lack of communication, which creates uncertainty where you stand which is a crap thing to have in life and one of the most confusing things, even for adults, I'd probably be a bit sideways. I can't say with certainty that is the case here, but if it is, I totally understand it. I don't have a son on the team and I am a bit sideways over all of this

So let's stop with the shots at the Iowa players..especially when much of it is somewhat based on theories people are buying into fro the rumor mill right now.
I think any of these players standing up and putting forth what they believe is commendable, they should stand up for themselves and their teammates and program, as they have a lot invested in all of it. To expect them to stay quiet, to work hard daily in the grind of D I sports and see the failure in what is going on, is to ask them to give up(like they played recently), to resign themselves to be powerless and not achieve, and to not be individuals of character, men who are accountable. If they actually did stand up and state their minds, I applaud it. And, for those who denounce them, there really is nothing good to say to you.
I just do not understand why fans would assume that the players would be the bad guys in this deal. Players kept leaving,and it was always their fault...well, at some point the finger has to point at the guy who is paid millions, to keep the team intact,and lead them...not just push them out of here. If it was one or two, you give the coach the benefit of the doubt but not 9 guys in 3 years. I continue to think that Tony Freeman was a top flight student athlete. And Jeff had to get very old for Matt and the rest to sit there and watch the guys bail on the team...and know that it was probably preventable if they had a coach that worked with them...rather than simply casting them aside at the first sign of dissent...
The players aren't the bad guys, and Gatens is not God - the OP is ridiculous.

As I posted elsewhere, a wise manager will "ignore an incident, attack a pattern". If Gatens unhappiness is part of a larger pattern - and Barta knows MUCH more detail on prior defections than we ever will - then it could be the proverbial last straw.

And of course, said pattern isn't just about player defections.

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