Garza's Scoring Projected...

Sagarin ratings are worthless right now. But like I said I'm picking nits.
Don’t they have shampoo for that?? (I kid, I kid, just in a humorous mood today I guess), but just in case don’t be wearing any of my Hawkeye hats! Lol
I see people saying the Garza needs less production this year for us to be successful. While I understand the logic, I think it's not very well thought out. If he averages the same he did last year on less shot attempts, how can that be anything but good for Iowa? He's simply a better player than he was last year. Of course he is going to score more, barring every team throwing the kitchen sink at him. Just his free throws alone are probably enough to make up 2 more points per game.

A couple other points. Garza averaged 3 more points per game in Big 10 games than he did over the entire season. That means he got better as the year went on. By the end of the year, he was a 26+ points per game guy. And that was shooting terrible from the free throw line and going against way better centers than he will see this year.

So we have a guy who averaged 23 points per game last year, who was a 26 ppg guy the last 2/3 of the season, while shooting 60some% from the line, all while going against better players than this year, who will probably shoot closer to 80% from the line this year, AND he has improved a ton, AND he's got a big head start on last year by starting with three huge games. I'd say he will average around 25 points per game without upping his usage from last year.

Oh yea, and we also have Bohannon this year which will not only space the floor better, but he's also really really good at getting Garza the ball in position to score. 25 ppg might be low, and its not a bad thing.
I worry about Bohannon as I watch and he continues to have players blow by him to the basket. With that said, he needs to find more shots.
I know I’ll get lambasted for this, but I still fail to see how Bohannon can produce Fortnite YouTube videos, upload YouTube videos, stream his Fortnite sessions on Twitch (which if you watch them they go for HOURS into the middle of the night), organize podcasts, record podcasts, produce podcasts, publish podcasts, maintain the most active individual Hawkeye Twitter account and still put enough effort into being part of a top 5 NCAA basketball program. He’s looked absolutely haggard against three of the worst teams that D1 has to offer, and showed no fire. Last night he got called for a double dribble (which was blatantly obvious upon replay) and just stared the ref down with a smile on his face like someone had just fed him a couple Oxy’s. His feet are boat anchors, his defense has been lazy, and he’s not taking the shots he used to take. I’m sorry guys, he isn’t the player he was three years ago. He just isn’t. Was JB a top shelf player three years ago? Absolutely and without a doubt. Does he deserve recognition for helping this team win games three years ago? Yep.

Hate to break it to you folks who don’t follow social media, but I did the math and Bohannon has 17.3 times more Twitter replies since the season started than he does points. Since the season started he’s uploaded more YouTube videos to his channel than he has points. Since the season started he’s published three times as many podcasts as he’s made 3PTers.

Jordan seems content to be a social media talking head which is fine, but if you’re going to do that and make video game streams your main focus, give your spot up to the next guy. Be the next Kluver with a hot take podcast...but either wait till the season’s over or relinquish your minutes to someone who’s going to put their total effort into it.

Maybe it’s the hip surgery, maybe it’s him not giving a shit as much, or maybe it’s him becoming disillusioned with college sports (very plausible if you read his many oppositions to the NCAA). Either way, we’ve got a Final Four to reach and if your PlayStation, Twitch stream, Instagram, and Twitter are more important then get the F out of the way, bub...

Where’s his focus now? Is it making sure he’s doing every single thing he can to help his team win ball games, or is it to get as many followers and views as possible to YT or Twitch?

I’m pretty sure Garza is in the gym after hours running draconian drills to better himself, and definitely not calling people to make podcast arrangements.

Jordan...I hope you play better, but if you’re going to keep half assing it then GTFO. If you want to play basketball then bring the noise.
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I know I’ll get lambasted for this, but I still fail to see how Bohannon can produce Fortnite YouTube videos, upload YouTube videos, stream his Fortnite sessions on Twitch (which if you watch them they go for HOURS into the middle of the night), organize podcasts, record podcasts, produce podcasts, publish podcasts, maintain the most active individual Hawkeye Twitter account and still put enough effort into being part of a top 5 NCAA basketball program. He’s looked absolutely haggard against three of the worst teams that D1 has to offer, and showed no fire. Last night he got called for a double dribble (which was blatantly obvious upon replay) and just stared the ref down with a smile on his face like someone had just fed him a couple Oxy’s. His feet are boat anchors, his defense has been lazy, and he’s not taking the shots he used to take. I’m sorry guys, he isn’t the player he was three years ago. He just isn’t. Was JB a top shelf player three years ago? Absolutely and without a doubt. Does he deserve recognition for helping this team win games three years ago? Yep.

Hate to break it to you folks who don’t follow social media, but I did the math and Bohannon has 17.3 times more Twitter replies since the season started than he does points. Since the season started he’s uploaded more YouTube videos to his channel than he has points. Since the season started he’s published three times as many podcasts as he’s made 3PTers.

Jordan seems content to be a social media talking head which is fine, but if you’re going to do that and make video game streams your main focus, give your spot up to the next guy. Be the next Kluver with a hot take podcast...but either wait till the season’s over or relinquish your minutes to someone who’s going to put their total effort into it.

Maybe it’s the hip surgery, maybe it’s him not giving a shit as much, or maybe it’s him becoming disillusioned with college sports (very plausible if you read his many oppositions to the NCAA). Either way, we’ve got a Final Four to reach and if your PlayStation, Twitch stream, Instagram, and Twitter are more important then get the F out of the way, bub...

Where’s his focus now? Is it making sure he’s doing every single thing he can to help his team win ball games, or is it to get as many followers and views as possible to YT or Twitch? At the very least you have to question it, and if there’s any question— have your answer.

I’m pretty sure Garza is in the gym after hours running draconian drills to better himself, and definitely not calling people to make podcast arrangements.

Jordan...I hope you get better, but if you’re going to keep half assing it then GTFO. If you want to play basketball then bring the noise.

I can’t help but wonder if his recovery didn’t go as well as he had hoped.

To your point on all the extra activities. It does seem odd that he has all that time to do all those things you mentioned. I know when I went to college I didn’t have much free time to do a lot of things Inwanted to do. Some days I found it difficult to find time to even sleep as I would be up late studying or up very earlier studying.

Maybe his association with the team and the extra year has pushed him past the classroom and he is done with classes and has a lot of free time other than practicing and playing basketball. I certainly hope so as all those things you mentioned could be very time consuming.

If the surgery and recovery did t go as well as anticipated and that is being withheld from people, maybe he knows it and preparing for his next step in life.

He seems like a good guy but how would any of us really know how people really are. I am friends with a person who say an former NFL QB at a football game and went up to approach this NFL QB and the guy was a totally rude jerk to him. Yet on TV this person is portrayed as a warm, sensitive, and caring person.

I also was friends with a former Iowa first basemen who once met Bobby knight. He told my that Bobby is actually a very nice and friendly person even though the media portrays him as a total jerk.

My point is some of our biggest sports heroes could be total turds or may actually be very down to earth and friendly people. I generally give people the benefit of the doubt until proven other wise.

I hope Bo is doing well and gets into the groove quickly because we are going to need him to be his old self.
I think JB and everyone else on the team knows Garza is the best player on the floor; has worked his tail off since he arrived on campus; and has to touch the ball every trip down the floor. I’m happy to see JB...and everyone else...aren’t playing with the “I’m going to get mine” mentality.

Also, I’ve not been impressed with JB’s shooting or D. But I still trust his ball handling and FT shooting. There are 5 to 7 guys on the bench that can play. So I’m not too worried about JB...or the team as a whole.
I can’t help but wonder if his recovery didn’t go as well as he had hoped.

To your point on all the extra activities. It does seem odd that he has all that time to do all those things you mentioned. I know when I went to college I didn’t have much free time to do a lot of things Inwanted to do. Some days I found it difficult to find time to even sleep as I would be up late studying or up very earlier studying.

Maybe his association with the team and the extra year has pushed him past the classroom and he is done with classes and has a lot of free time other than practicing and playing basketball. I certainly hope so as all those things you mentioned could be very time consuming.

If the surgery and recovery did t go as well as anticipated and that is being withheld from people, maybe he knows it and preparing for his next step in life.

He seems like a good guy but how would any of us really know how people really are. I am friends with a person who say an former NFL QB at a football game and went up to approach this NFL QB and the guy was a totally rude jerk to him. Yet on TV this person is portrayed as a warm, sensitive, and caring person.

I also was friends with a former Iowa first basemen who once met Bobby knight. He told my that Bobby is actually a very nice and friendly person even though the media portrays him as a total jerk.

My point is some of our biggest sports heroes could be total turds or may actually be very down to earth and friendly people. I generally give people the benefit of the doubt until proven other wise.

I hope Bo is doing well and gets into the groove quickly because we are going to need him to be his old self.
He has to be in grad school to be eligible to play, doesn't he if he's done with undergrad studies?

It's possible his recovery has been slow, despite talk about how he's in the best shape of his life. And who knows how much it set his off-season training back.

If his off the court hobbies are truly impeding his game, someone (Luka or Connor) is going to have to take him aside soon, if the have t already done so.

I sometimes lacked sleep in college, but it wasn't from studying. My first three years I majored in bridge jumping. As Clark Griswold once said, it ain't nothing to be proud of. If I hadn't partied so damn much it might not have taken me five and a half years to graduate. Nowadays with high school CLEP programs and on line opportunities a student could graduate in three years without breaking much of a sweat.

Bobby Knight was whatever he wanted to be to benefit Bobby Knight. He was an expert at mind manipulation, had studied masters on the subject like Sun Tzu as well as military generals from around the world. There will never be another coach like Bobby Knight.
I know I’ll get lambasted for this, but I still fail to see how Bohannon can produce Fortnite YouTube videos, upload YouTube videos, stream his Fortnite sessions on Twitch (which if you watch them they go for HOURS into the middle of the night), organize podcasts, record podcasts, produce podcasts, publish podcasts, maintain the most active individual Hawkeye Twitter account and still put enough effort into being part of a top 5 NCAA basketball program. He’s looked absolutely haggard against three of the worst teams that D1 has to offer, and showed no fire. Last night he got called for a double dribble (which was blatantly obvious upon replay) and just stared the ref down with a smile on his face like someone had just fed him a couple Oxy’s. His feet are boat anchors, his defense has been lazy, and he’s not taking the shots he used to take. I’m sorry guys, he isn’t the player he was three years ago. He just isn’t. Was JB a top shelf player three years ago? Absolutely and without a doubt. Does he deserve recognition for helping this team win games three years ago? Yep.

Hate to break it to you folks who don’t follow social media, but I did the math and Bohannon has 17.3 times more Twitter replies since the season started than he does points. Since the season started he’s uploaded more YouTube videos to his channel than he has points. Since the season started he’s published three times as many podcasts as he’s made 3PTers.

Jordan seems content to be a social media talking head which is fine, but if you’re going to do that and make video game streams your main focus, give your spot up to the next guy. Be the next Kluver with a hot take podcast...but either wait till the season’s over or relinquish your minutes to someone who’s going to put their total effort into it.

Maybe it’s the hip surgery, maybe it’s him not giving a shit as much, or maybe it’s him becoming disillusioned with college sports (very plausible if you read his many oppositions to the NCAA). Either way, we’ve got a Final Four to reach and if your PlayStation, Twitch stream, Instagram, and Twitter are more important then get the F out of the way, bub...

Where’s his focus now? Is it making sure he’s doing every single thing he can to help his team win ball games, or is it to get as many followers and views as possible to YT or Twitch?

I’m pretty sure Garza is in the gym after hours running draconian drills to better himself, and definitely not calling people to make podcast arrangements.

Jordan...I hope you play better, but if you’re going to keep half assing it then GTFO. If you want to play basketball then bring the noise.
I don’t follow that stuff but if all of this is going on then why isn’t Fran stepping in? Perhaps he is worried about the backlash that could occur pissing off the Bohannon’s.
If Fran thought JBO had an attitude problem, a come to Jesus meeting would be immediate. Fran worried about the Bohannon’s ? Ha Ha Ha!
Not to be a douche, but I did all this stuff last Spring before the 'rona. Barring injury, it will come down to whether or not his number is worthy of retiring(Garza).

Jbo is a different debate. Historically, he could put up all-time conference numbers in terms of 3 point shooting, but he is certainly not a conference all-time he a Iowa all-time great?

I think this is one of the great Hawkeye teams in history, but my point was I don't think we can learn even a single thing from either of these three games other than Bohannon should spend less time producing Fortnite videos for his YouTube channel :)
ON PAPER this is one of the greatest teams in Iowa history. If we fail again on perimeter defense, (like last year and the year before) we could lose a lot of games. I'm not kidding! I'm not in the least impressed with our defense. Just sayin'.
I hate to say it jordan a defense liability. On the other hand i feel he will get going and big yen look out.
I bleed black and gold like the rest of ya, but let's face facts, JBo is a BIGASS liability on defense. I see no improvement from last year.
Excited to see where Garza ends up. He is a player that goes full tilt 100% of the time. He may get tired some of the time and slow down, but his pedal is still all the way down. Just a reminder he was throwing these numbers up last year against good competition. He can't control who he plays, but takes it to every team he plays. Lack of games or injury is the only thing that will stop him from being all time leading scorer at Iowa. This guy has a mental edge that we have hoped others would have in the past.

After Obi got player of the year last year I feel the entire team felt like he got ripped off. I don't doubt that the entire team wants wins, but also wants him to get player of the year.

As to the slide into Jbo thread. Give him more than 3 games. He is 3-14 from 3. I'm confident that he hits more than 3 of the next 14. He also has 14 assists to 3 turnovers. He will never be a defensive stopper so we can stop hoping for that.

Let's enjoy this year while we have it. 3-0 and an all time scoring thread derails to another player. I don't understand people.
Excited to see where Garza ends up. He is a player that goes full tilt 100% of the time. He may get tired some of the time and slow down, but his pedal is still all the way down. Just a reminder he was throwing these numbers up last year against good competition. He can't control who he plays, but takes it to every team he plays. Lack of games or injury is the only thing that will stop him from being all time leading scorer at Iowa. This guy has a mental edge that we have hoped others would have in the past.

After Obi got player of the year last year I feel the entire team felt like he got ripped off. I don't doubt that the entire team wants wins, but also wants him to get player of the year.

As to the slide into Jbo thread. Give him more than 3 games. He is 3-14 from 3. I'm confident that he hits more than 3 of the next 14. He also has 14 assists to 3 turnovers. He will never be a defensive stopper so we can stop hoping for that.

Let's enjoy this year while we have it. 3-0 and an all time scoring thread derails to another player. I don't understand people.
I agree with pretty much every word of your takes here. In regards to how the team has approached these first 3 games it really feels like these guys are feeding Garza like he's a starving teenager with a bottomless pit of a stomach. I don't think that's the coaches so much either I think the players are just as you are saying trying to make a point that can't be refuted. It's fun to watch.

If he does anything close to 30 pts in the first half against UNC what'll the college hoops world say to that? I mean it sounds ridiculous to even say out loud but I'd have a tough time betting against him. It's just about touches for him if he gets enough of them he'll turn them into good shots. It's uncanny.
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As far as JBs Time allocation goes I mean I'd prefer a dude have Garzas mindset where he seems to eat sleep and breath it. But JBo may not (most likely) have a bball career beyond college. He may not have much going on class wise and he's just not all that interested in taking hoops as serious anymore. Or has he been doing all this stuff for 4 yrs already?

I can see why Fry or anyone would start having that take of him. But without knowing how he's always been till now or if this is new behavior of his or not I'm not going to rail against him too hard. Now if I was Fran and the coaching staff on the other hand I would want to ask him more questions. Sleep is essential to recovery I would hope he's getting enough of that.

This is a once in a lifetime season. Garza didn't have to come back. It'd sure be nice if everyone was as all in as he is. Nunge had his world absolutely rocked a couple weeks ago. I could see his focus being elsewhere. He looked great in his first game back so I don't see any excuses. I hope Fry is wrong about JB and that all the other time killing stuff he's doing isn't distracting him from being the best player he can. Because I'm not sure how much of a subpar JB Fran would put up with. We have options..
Here’s a six and a half hour long stream of him playing Fortnite yesterday at like 3am

You must be new to internet forums.
It's against my DNA to agree with Fryowa, but I find myself doing it quite a bit lately.
JBo: Fortnite is not real.
Garza passed BJ last night on the scoring list, his PPG are more than likely going to be more than anyone in the past 40 years. It was a different game then.

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