Gary Uses Unacceptable to Describe 7-5....

What does the team banquet have anything to do with it? "I'm too full of mashed potatoes to talk about this. You think 7-5 is unacceptable? You should've tasted the corn casserole!"

Thank you for the chuckle. lol. However, seems like Kurt is just not concerned. Taking the casual stroll.
The football issues not withstanding, the Iowa Athletic Program is the worst in the B10, as defined by the Director's Cup standings.
That is Barta's performance review for the year.
Why does he still have a job?
I dont find your love for kirk interesting though I do leave you alone along with one other kirk fan because you guys get bent out of shape very easy on here.

How are you taking Gary at his word? He just said 7-5 is unacceptable but said he was fully behind kirk. That dont make no sense.

Im sure kirk is well aware that he is being an ***. I dont think it would shock him to find out someone would think that after listening to one of his pressers.

As for me calling Gary and idiot, well he is most likely too busy coloring or playing with sticks to notice.

Guys! 7-5 is a WINNING record. Definitely acceptable. You expect a B10 West division title or something?
Why won't he talk about the last two weeks? He is so entrenched now that he makes no justification for not addressing things? Kirk is too rich to answer your stupid questions.
Barta will do that right after he's cut Kirk's sandwich perfectly in half and arranged 26 potato chips in concentric circles around the sandwich the way Ferentz likes it after a presser.

I assume that you are referring to a diagonal cut.
This, from the bowl presser yesterday, with Gary and Kirk sitting three feet apart:

Q. Gary talked about 7-5 being unacceptable. What are your thoughts on that now?

COACH FERENTZ: Every year is different. I won’t comment on the last two weeks. Simple as that. We just got done doing our team banquet. I’m not sure unacceptable would be the word I would use. We’re disappointed, certainly, with the outcome of the last two ball games.

I also found that statement of 7-5 being unacceptable by Barta interesting. If it really is unacceptable, why didn't he relieve KF of his duties? Otherwise, the record is acceptable, in the context of allowing the coach to continue in his job.

People throw around that term (unacceptable) and it can mean quite different things to different people.
Q. Gary talked about 7-5 being unacceptable. What are your thoughts on that now?

Just to be fair, this is the reporter's question, summarizing what Barta said, or more specifically, what the reporter understood him to say. However, if Barta did not correct or qualify the reporter's characterization of his comment, then it is reasonable to assume it accurately portrayed his sentiments.

I believe it is a healthy sign that there is a difference in how each describes the overall season, thus far. KF is not ready to make a final assessment, based on his previous remarks he won't answer that question until the season is over (after the bowl game). I think that is understandable, he's trying to get his team ready to play their next game and any comments assessing the overall season now may not provide the right motivation, or worse, drive a wedge between the coaching staff and the team. But on the other hand, Barta's message to KF is that there will be accountability for this 2014 season (hopefully). I have no illusions that KF won't be the coach next year but I believe Barta has more to talk to Kirk about than what he has done in previous years.

The bottom line for me is this: Iowa football is in the entertainment industry; student/athlete education is not the primary reason why Iowa participates in the Big Ten conference. The product is entertainment for the fans, thus the fan/customer is ultimately in the driver's seat as to how much of the product is consumed. Barta and KF have a joint responsibility to see that the product they bring to the consumer is one that is worthy of the Iowa brand.
If my boss said something was unacceptable, I would agree and then come up with a plan to fix it. How is it that Ferentz can disagree with his boss and still have a job?
"My end-of-the year evaluation is expectations for Iowa football are high and we didn’t meet them" - Gary Barta. Im sure Ferentz is shaking in his boots.............
If my boss said something was unacceptable, I would agree and then come up with a plan to fix it. How is it that Ferentz can disagree with his boss and still have a job?

Ah, Grasshopper. You pose interesting and insightful questions. Seek the truth and you shall find the answer to that which is already known.

