Gary Dolphin Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer

Thunderhawk, every time I read one of your posts, I laugh. They say laughter is the best medicine. Keep them posts comin'.

Why do I laugh? You wear your ideology on your sleeve.
Don't get me wrong here. I'm not disagreeing with your ideology per say (I'm not agreeing either). You just wear it on your sleeve.
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A couple years ago I had a family friend who was diagnosed with prostate cancer, the doc caught it at an early stage and my friend is back to his old self. I'm so glad Dolph is doing fine and staying positive. Best of luck
So now you can find out by taking a blood test?
Or does the Doc still penetrate the ol' dirt button?

Anyway hope Dolph fully recovers.. Love that guy

A simple blood test is all it takes. I have it done every other year and I'm only 32 years old. No reason to let something so preventable send you to an early grave.
BTW....the PSA blood test, while OK, isn't 100%.

You have to do the PSA, AND, the digital rectal exam (DRE).

DRE and PSA = what you need to do, yearly.
A simple blood test is all it takes. I have it done every other year and I'm only 32 years old. No reason to let something so preventable send you to an early grave.

PSA all the way.

Perhaps we should send Dolph a get well card courtesy of this forum. That would be a nice gesture.

I'm not being sarcastic.
So now you can find out by taking a blood test?
Or does the Doc still penetrate the ol' dirt button?

Anyway hope Dolph fully recovers.. Love that guy

No, the blood test is a PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen) & if elevated can help direct the urologist to perform a Bx or not. It is a very abritary test & there really is not a set standard on what is pos or neg. So much depends on the Pt's age & how fast it increases. It can fluctuate as can periodically decrease as well. Once the physician deems it elevated then may go to Bx. IE. A PSA of 4.5 may not be perceived as elevated in an 82 yr old male but most likely would be in a 55 yr old male. It is a case by case situation.

Also, other factors can cause an elevation in the PSA such as certain meds or if the PSA was drawn within a short time after a rectal exam. These would be false positives. For some reason, the manipulation from a rectal exam can cause an increase & false positive.

So, PSA is not an exact science but it is used in conjunction with a rectal exam to help guide the urologist if a Bx is warranted.
Another reminder for men to educate themselves on prostate cancer. More cases are diagnosed in men each year than breast cancer in women, and the numbers that die from each are similar. For many reasons (probably because we as men don't like to talk about our address our health, espescially with others) its addressed much less in the media and in funding.

As many have said, its very treatable if caught early. My dad was diagnosed three years ago, was treated, and is cancer free. Different docs have different opinions, but if you're over 40 at least talk to yours and see what he/she recommends as far as the PSA and rectal tests.

Best wishes to Dolph! Although a Husker, I grew up in Dubuque, and remember him from his sportscasting days at KDUB. A good guy who I'm sure will make a full recovery.
Another reminder for men to educate themselves on prostate cancer. More cases are diagnosed in men each year than breast cancer in women, and the numbers that die from each are similar. For many reasons (probably because we as men don't like to talk about our address our health, espescially with others) its addressed much less in the media and in funding.

As many have said, its very treatable if caught early. My dad was diagnosed three years ago, was treated, and is cancer free. Different docs have different opinions, but if you're over 40 at least talk to yours and see what he/she recommends as far as the PSA and rectal tests.

Best wishes to Dolph! Although a Husker, I grew up in Dubuque, and remember him from his sportscasting days at KDUB. A good guy who I'm sure will make a full recovery.

Fail. Not even close.

Breast CA is #1 Dx'ed in women & prostate #1 in men but breast CA numbers trump prostate, but not by a ton. Colon CA is 2nd for both as number of cases Dx'ed, but the #1 killer for both is lung CA.

One really doesn't need to inquire about testing prior to 50 unless has a family history of prostate CA in a father or brother/s. The risk substantially goes up if in a father or brother. And if in both, risk prob more than triples compared to the general population, especially if they are Dx'ed at a relatively young age.

There is also an associated risk with high-fat diets.

If there is no FH, I doubt a urologist would recommend a PSA under age 50.

There is currently controversy if routine PSA's are done too often & some are saying they aren't needed. But, that is the battle right now.

As always, consult your physician if you have questions.
Fail. Not even close.

Breast CA is #1 Dx'ed in women & prostate #1 in men but breast CA numbers trump prostate, but not by a ton. Colon CA is 2nd for both as number of cases Dx'ed, but the #1 killer for both is lung CA.

One really doesn't need to inquire about testing prior to 50 unless has a family history of prostate CA in a father or brother/s. The risk substantially goes up if in a father or brother. And if in both, risk prob more than triples compared to the general population, especially if they are Dx'ed at a relatively young age.

There is also an associated risk with high-fat diets.

If there is no FH, I doubt a urologist would recommend a PSA under age 50.

There is currently controversy if routine PSA's are done too often & some are saying they aren't needed. But, that is the battle right now.

As always, consult your physician if you have questions.

Not to sidetrack the topic, because I think we both believe its an important topic for men, but I don't see how I "failed."

I got my numbers from the National Cancer Institute (of the National Institutes of Health). Here are their projections for 2011:
New cases Breast - 230, 480 Deaths Breast - 39,520
New cases Prostate - 240,890 Deaths Prostate - 33,720
I am 40 I have been putting off the colonscopy , the stool sample, the prostate exam, the whole nine for a while now. This thread puts it back on the front burner for me.

I agree with the poster who said if you live long enough it is almost inevitable.

Best wishes to Dolph and his family.

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