Gary Barta has Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of those where there is no reason you should not expect a full and complete recovery with no further repercussions, as long as it is caught at the earliest of stages. One would think working at the University of Iowa with University Hospitals right there, there would be no good reason for not catching this at the earliest stages, unless someone simply chose not to get the normal prescribed physicals and recommended tests for someone of that age.

Good luck to Gary. Here is to hoping he doesn’t need good luck to beat this, because it was caught early enough.
Prostate cancer is one of those where there is no reason you should not expect a full and complete recovery with no further repercussions, as long as it is caught at the earliest of stages. One would think working at the University of Iowa with University Hospitals right there, there would be no good reason for not catching this at the earliest stages, unless someone simply chose not to get the normal prescribed physicals and recommended tests for someone of that age.

Good luck to Gary. Here is to hoping he doesn’t need good luck to beat this, because it was caught early enough.

As a survivor of prostate cancer myself, I agree its easily survivable if caught early in a non-agressive stage. But it is an adjustment because no matter what treatment you choose, you will never be your normal self ever again. But all in all, its not the worst cancer you can get.
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Complications caused by Prostate cancer took by father's life. He made it to 90 but the last couple years were rough. Take the Bull by the horns Gary! Early aggressive treatment is the way to go.

That aside it looks like we now have a female AD, at least temporarily, in Barbara Burke. I thought Iowa would get here eventually but didn't expect it w/ this kind of news.

Again wishing for Gary's speedy recovery.
Women can get prostate cancer too... They have a prostate.

Uh, not really. Some women have a gland that sometimes is referred to as the female prostate, but that's not the same thing as a real prostate, which only men have.
Interesting. I was at the Presidential Reception before the Homecoming game. He was standing nearby talking to people. I guess this was diagnosed just in the last couple of days.