Garrett Gate and What People Are Saying

Pretty simple: 'roid aggression. The classless teammate of Garrett's who came at Rudolph--helmetless Rudolph--from behind and shoved him was almost as bad.

I would, if I were a bettor, throw serious cash on three things:
1) Garrett WILL play the race card
2) NFLPA will put pressure on Rudolph, who will suddenly admit he was equally at fault
3) The memes will be epic

So honest question...You don't see Rudolph being equally at fault? As I stated previously, Garret was totally in the wrong and crossed the line, but glad to see there are those still out there claiming Rudolph was "an innocent victim" who did absolutely nothing to instigate or insert himself into the situation.

Again, Garret crossed the line and was there with a late hit on Rudolph, but Rudolph also tried ripping off his helmet and worked himself back into the situation when they'd already been separated. I think that earlier concussion he suffered a few weeks prior may have seriously impacted his judgement, but the whole thing could have easily been avoided if he'd of taken the high road.
What Garrett did was unexcusable and all, but Rudolph not getting suspended is BEYOND a Joke the little punk started it trying to rip off Garrett's helmet, then he escalated it by kicking/trying to kick him in the nuts, and then when the Pitt oline guy moved Garrett away the idiot rushed at him without a helmet because he had his big oline guy holding onto him....he should have gotten at min 2 games also...but NFL QB's can't get suspended...
The incident "started" when, with the game over, and a few seconds to play, a 300lb lineman had a borderline, cheap, meaningless hit on a QB 100lbs less than him. Plus he tried to keep his weight on him while the QB was helpless on his back. Rule of always have the right to defend yourself, which the QB did. I don't have a problem with the QB being suspended a game, but he received a cheap shot from a guy about twice his size and strength, and then took a vicious helmet to the head from the same goon. Garrett is a psycho, which fits in well with his coaches and teammates.
The incident "started" when, with the game over, and a few seconds to play, a 300lb lineman had a borderline, cheap, meaningless hit on a QB 100lbs less than him. Plus he tried to keep his weight on him while the QB was helpless on his back. Rule of always have the right to defend yourself, which the QB did. I don't have a problem with the QB being suspended a game, but he received a cheap shot from a guy about twice his size and strength, and then took a vicious helmet to the head from the same goon. Garrett is a psycho, which fits in well with his coaches and teammates.

It wasn't much of a cheap shot when the QB landed on Garrett on the ground...then proceeded to be a little B and try to rip off Garrett's helmet, then tried ot kick him in the nuts then without his helmet and his oline guy holding him he tried to be a tough guy and go after him....alll in all the QB was a B and got the special QB treatment by the NFL...nothing new there....he should have been suspended min 2-3 games!
It wasn't much of a cheap shot when the QB landed on Garrett on the ground...then proceeded to be a little B and try to rip off Garrett's helmet, then tried ot kick him in the nuts then without his helmet and his oline guy holding him he tried to be a tough guy and go after him....alll in all the QB was a B and got the special QB treatment by the NFL...nothing new there....he should have been suspended min 2-3 games!
Actually, the more I look at the tape, the more convinced I am that the QB committed a hate crime, and that Garrett's life was at risk.
Just to be on the other side, but what if Rudolph doesn't try to rip Garret's helmet off first, then doesn't proceed to run after him without his helmet.

By no means do I support Garret's actions or the fact he was suspended, but at the same time I have major issues with Rudolph instigating things and getting off with a fine while multiple players were suspended. That said it'll be interesting to see what happens with Garret's appeal, because I thought I heard something earlier saying that the NFLPA is taking the approach that no where in their contracts does it say the league has the right to suspend a player indefinitely (or something to that extent).

Old man get off my lawn moment here but I can still remember when there was a fight in school, playground, athletic practice or when the cops had to break something up the first question asked was always "Who started it?"

Now in our current culture of people striving to be offended and victimized, that shit has gone way out the window.
It wasn't much of a cheap shot when the QB landed on Garrett on the ground...then proceeded to be a little B and try to rip off Garrett's helmet, then tried ot kick him in the nuts then without his helmet and his oline guy holding him he tried to be a tough guy and go after him....alll in all the QB was a B and got the special QB treatment by the NFL...nothing new there....he should have been suspended min 2-3 games!

LOL what?? You must be a Browns fan. That's some delusional thinking right there.
So honest question...You don't see Rudolph being equally at fault? As I stated previously, Garret was totally in the wrong and crossed the line, but glad to see there are those still out there claiming Rudolph was "an innocent victim" who did absolutely nothing to instigate or insert himself into the situation.

Again, Garret crossed the line and was there with a late hit on Rudolph, but Rudolph also tried ripping off his helmet and worked himself back into the situation when they'd already been separated. I think that earlier concussion he suffered a few weeks prior may have seriously impacted his judgement, but the whole thing could have easily been avoided if he'd of taken the high road.

I don't discount that Rudolph is far from blameless. But swinging a helmet at a guy?!
40 years ago in December, the Boston Bruins climb into the stands. Mike Milbury, current NHL analyst on NBC beats on a fan with his own shoe. :) Fun to see some of the hockey players without helmets ...

I don't discount that Rudolph is far from blameless. But swinging a helmet at a guy?!

LOL I agree with you there that there's no place in sports for that type of stuff. But common sense (regardless of Garret swinging the helmet) says nothing good was going to come Rudolph's way going after Garret once they were already separated.

I can't stress enough that Garret crossed the line, but he deliberately put himself right back in the middle of it after they'd been separated so I have absolutely no sympathy for anything that came his way. Again the helmet swing shouldn't have ever happened. But if Garret would have simply gave him a beat down instead of using his helmet then I'm sure Rudolph wouldn't have the golden halo associated with his image that he does now. Garret deserved what he got, but at the same time he was also the one that successfully removed the others helmet. I just think that it's absolute crap Rudolph gets nothing more than a fine.
Ironically, the malace in the palace occurred 15 years ago ... today. And, Stephen Jackson is a current NBA analyst. :)

LOL I agree with you there that there's no place in sports for that type of stuff. But common sense (regardless of Garret swinging the helmet) says nothing good was going to come Rudolph's way going after Garret once they were already separated.

I can't stress enough that Garret crossed the line, but he deliberately put himself right back in the middle of it after they'd been separated so I have absolutely no sympathy for anything that came his way. Again the helmet swing shouldn't have ever happened. But if Garret would have simply gave him a beat down instead of using his helmet then I'm sure Rudolph wouldn't have the golden halo associated with his image that he does now. Garret deserved what he got, but at the same time he was also the one that successfully removed the others helmet. I just think that it's absolute crap Rudolph gets nothing more than a fine.

After I re-watched it a few times it was easy to see Rudolph trying to pull off Garret's helmet. He should definitely be missing (a) game(s).
Thursday Night Football solution - 2 bye weeks for each team during NFL season. One of the bye weeks occurs the weekend before their Thursday game (since most teams only have 1 - except for some of the Thanksgiving teams). So, no team plays Sunday, then Thursday - or very few, if possible.
After I re-watched it a few times it was easy to see Rudolph trying to pull off Garret's helmet. He should definitely be missing (a) game(s).

I think the part that I find hardest to accept is that the three others who were significant players in the altercation, with the exception of Rudolph, got suspended and Rudolph got nothing more than a fine. Had Rudolph simply taken the "high road" and not reinserted himself back into the situation, then nothing would have happened and we wouldn't be talking about multiple players getting suspended.
Garrett doesn't know how lucky he is that, of all the parts of that helmet that could have made contact with Rudolph's head, he only made contact with the foam padding on the rear base of the helmet.

Any other part of that helmet hits Rudolph and your dealing with with a serious, possibly career ending injury. And yes, its not inconceivable that he could say Rudolph started the whole thing with a slur or epithet at the bottom of the pile.
Sure as shit, it has been reported by ESPN that Garrett is acxusing Rudolph of starting the incident with a racial slur

Of course he's going to say that. First, it's a possible way to justify what he did and get the suspension reduced and second there really no way to prove that Rudolph didn't say something unless there's an audio feed. Of course there are other possibilities but it would be impossible to bring them up without sounding racist myself.
Sure as shit, it has been reported by ESPN that Garrett is acxusing Rudolph of starting the incident with a racial slur

Of course he's going to say that. First, it's a possible way to justify what he did and get the suspension reduced and second there really no way to prove that Rudolph didn't say something unless there's an audio feed. Of course there are other possibilities but it would be impossible to bring them up without sounding racist myself.
I just heard the audio of the play and it was plain as day what Rudolph said...

..."I hate the browns."
Sure as shit, it has been reported by ESPN that Garrett is acxusing Rudolph of starting the incident with a racial slur

Of course he's going to say that. First, it's a possible way to justify what he did and get the suspension reduced and second there really no way to prove that Rudolph didn't say something unless there's an audio feed. Of course there are other possibilities but it would be impossible to bring them up without sounding racist myself.

Anyone capable of thought knew Garrett was gonna play "the card" before all was said and done...
Suspend football operations for the Cleveland Browns for a decade. Who would miss them? Probably would have about the same amount of wins if they aren't playing.

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