Passing: 6.17 YPA
Rushing: 4.1 YPC
My ideal mix would be 60% Pass, 40% Run. And the runs should be between the tackles from a single back set with Bullock and Weisman. To throw in a new wrinkle Iowa should check down out of the pass into a QB/RB draw or middle screen play on 3rd and mid-yardage instead of the off-tackle run. Especially if Weisman is in the backfield. Teams crash the line like crazy when Jake checks down. Pop a couple of long delayed runs or middle screens and they will back off a bit on the checkdowns.
The 5 yard outs and short flags are getting around 6 yards per attempt, which is enough to keep the ball moving. Those last two drives Saturday showed that Iowa can move the ball. Instead of only running the two minute drill when down in the last two minutes of the half, it may be prudent to modify the pace of play to use it at least once each quarter. This will keep opposing teams off-balance, and it will especially confuse ISU.