Game Notes from USC

At the beginning, it says the game should be close with the USC offense being top 20 and Iowa's defense being top 20. I'm sure USC has some really good offensive stats (passing?), but according to NCAA stats, USC's offensive scoring ranking is 35nd and Iowa's defensive scoring ranking is 5th.

Nothing top 20 about putting up USC points. Top 5 in Iowa's ability to stifle offensive scoring.
Teams Iowa's played with similar stats:

USC-462 YPG, 335 passing YPG, 126 rushing YPG, 33.2 ppg
ISU- 459 YPG, 318 passing YPG, 140 rushing YPG, 34.1 ppg

USC's QB-260-362 3242 yards, 71%, 28 TD, 9 INT -48 yards rushing
ISU's QB-295-445 3760 yards, 66% 27 TD, 9 INT 265 yards rushing

USC defense-415 YPG, 249 passing YPG, 166 rushing YPG, 27.8 ppg
NEB defense-388 YPG, 201 passing YPG, 188 rushing YPG, 27.8 ppg
It's USC, they will have talent. If Iowa tries to trade field goals for touchdowns eventually our defense will be overwhelmed. Score early and keep scoring. Hopefully, USC buys into the national narrative that Iowa is big and slow and we hit them with our new speed players. If Eppy and the D can disrupt USC enough to create T/Os Iowa can win this thing.

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