FYI for all of you rumor mill clowns


Well-Known Member
The Hawks have a bowl game against Missourrah coming up. Irregardless of what happens in the next few hours or days, our boys are heading down there and playing. Might be some different names on the back of the jerseys, but it don't matter to the true fans, like me.

Some of you clowns ditch the program at the first sign of adversity, but most of us have stayed true to the team through the thick and thin. I don't care what rumors you have or who you got them from, we'll pull through this and come kickoff for the bowl game, I'll be wearing my Jake Christensen/Andy Fenstermaker jersey and cheering loud and proud for my Hawkeyes.

Later losers.
The Hawks have a bowl game against Missourrah coming up. Irregardless of what happens in the next few hours or days, our boys are heading down there and playing. Might be some different names on the back of the jerseys, but it don't matter to the true fans, like me.

Some of you clowns ditch the program at the first sign of adversity, but most of us have stayed true to the team through the thick and thin. I don't care what rumors you have or who you got them from, we'll pull through this and come kickoff for the bowl game, I'll be wearing my Jake Christensen/Andy Fenstermaker jersey and cheering loud and proud for my Hawkeyes.

Later losers.

Hell YAH! Go Northwestern!...erm..I mean Iowa!

Go Hawks!
You know Okeefe4Prez, a lot of times I don't agree with your posts or even understand the humor in them. But I have to say this is excellent post and I agree 100%!!!
Except for the Christiensen/Fenstermaker jersey deal. I thought you were rich?? Get a new jersey for crying out loud!!
The Hawks have a bowl game against Missourrah coming up. Irregardless of what happens in the next few hours or days, our boys are heading down there and playing. Might be some different names on the back of the jerseys, but it don't matter to the true fans, like me.

Some of you clowns ditch the program at the first sign of adversity, but most of us have stayed true to the team through the thick and thin. I don't care what rumors you have or who you got them from, we'll pull through this and come kickoff for the bowl game, I'll be wearing my Jake Christensen/Andy Fenstermaker jersey and cheering loud and proud for my Hawkeyes.

Later losers.

You a true fan ... lol that is funny Mr. Northwestern....oh and enjoy the ban hammer for this kind of pathetic post.
Well said, once the dust settles and the rubble is cleaned up, there will still be Hawkeyenation and probably a better one, once all pretenders have left! GO HAWKS!
Very rarely do I enjoy your posts. However, I have to say this awkward rallycry is probably just what the doctor ordered. Keep up the good work. And yes, the true fans will still be here. We will weed out the weakest in the herd. Bring on the Tigers.
Sorry for my rant, guys. It's just that these rumors are not good for morale of the program or the board, we should just wait for something official and remember the sacred vows we all made to the Hawks on our first trips to Kinnick or Carver or whereever we first saw the Hawks play.

As for my jersey, GameDayRon had a blowout sale on #6 jerseys and I got it for $189.99 marked down from $239.99. What a sucker, next year when Keenan Davis is awesome, the #6 jersey is going to be worth like a grand and I'll make a fortune selling it on ebay.
The Hawks have a bowl game against Missourrah coming up. Irregardless of what happens in the next few hours or days, our boys are heading down there and playing. Might be some different names on the back of the jerseys, but it don't matter to the true fans, like me.


Irregardless is not a word. Prole.

Sorry...had to say it. :)
ah, the two or three true fans come out in self promotion whenever there's trouble; What would we do without them and their Einsteinish vocabularies; teaching us the true meaning of words such as band and wagon and how they go together to define those who are not of their race; fair and weather, how the two words put together take us beyond the sunny skies and warm breezes of their black and gold paved neighborhoods, to the smokey back rooms of those who are possessed with Hawk athletics, and like to question and criticize, but really don't care; how they make us forget that the word 'fan' is short for fanatic, by trying to lull us into their Kirk is god mentality; they charge that to criticize and question the rank and file, borders on third reich mentality.
All is well as long as we can cling to our heroes, even if we go down mutely with the ship they are sinking.
We're all Hawkeye fans that's why this year has been so aggravating, dissapointing, any other adjectives...dismayed....
Can someone please give me the Readers Digest version of elijahhawke's post?

You aren't a Debby Downer, Negative Nellie, Chicken Little,wimpy whiner or rumormonger. Therefore you must feel yourself to be superior to the legion of those that are among the aforementioned personality types. How dare you.
I sincerely hope those of you throwing around feces and hoping it would stick feel really good about yourselves. Please don't watch the bowl game or any future games for that matter. Real fans stand behind the Hawks 100% and don't pounce on the players without good reason. You guys disgust me and I hope Miller runs through here with a nice round of bannings for all of those who have slandered the good name of the program.

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