Future of Program - From a paying customer called "Noise"

Low on talent = coaching. Inability to utilize the talent you have on the field and sideline to best fit the situation = coaching. Playing not to lose = coaching. Being a Kontrol Freak and not letting your assistants do what they are capable of doing = KF. The formula has run its course. Either give over Kontrol Ferentz which equals trusting your staff, stopping over-coaching players not to make a mistake or you are toast; it is just matter of time. I have seen this movie before when the game had passed Hayden by and we all lived a painful drawn out end. This is not a blip, bobble or just football, it is a trend and it shows with the talent on the field and the inability of the coaches to adjust.
I bought season tickets when Ferentz came to town and enjoyed the ride except for the last few years (if you include this one).
When the Program decided to go big time and continually raise ticket and parking prices along with mandatory donations to sit in a decent place I said "yes" but with that investment came higher expectations. My return on investment with pride, enjoyment and wins has flagged of late. Either turn back the clock on ticket prices along with my expectations or I will spend my entertainment dollars on a product that is less painful to watch.
Also as a response to a coach who turns either so arrogant or blind they will not answer the questions from reporters (or they get blackballed) or fans I plan to sell my Nebraska tickets to a Husker so they can paint our beloved Kinnick red. It is the only recourse I have left. Barta, fail to make changes (real changes - not a handcuffed Greg Davis dressed in a Ken O'Keefe suit) and I will not be renewing next year.
Signed, "Noise"
If a 5th of the people who come on these boards and do what they say the will do in regards to not buying tickets or donating to the Universtity......

...then I'm in-line to get some pretty darn good seats at a decent price next year.
I would be happy if any of them bring a fifth.

If a 5th of the people who come on these boards and do what they say the will do in regards to not buying tickets or donating to the Universtity......

...then I'm in-line to get some pretty darn good seats at a decent price next year.
I have always been a KF fan. i always thought he did a great job of preparing his teams and coaching them up. But this season has really change my mind. maybe its just "that" season. Maybe this group in 2 seasons will win 11 games. But I want more, i want a national championship. And watching some of thesae teams, I dont think this staff can produce that lofty goal. Unless BF is truly a Billichek dicsiple and brings to Iowa what BOB brings to PsU.

Im slowly coming to the realization that we may need a change.
Low on talent = coaching. Inability to utilize the talent you have on the field and sideline to best fit the situation = coaching. Playing not to lose = coaching. Being a Kontrol Freak and not letting your assistants do what they are capable of doing = KF. The formula has run its course. Either give over Kontrol Ferentz which equals trusting your staff, stopping over-coaching players not to make a mistake or you are toast; it is just matter of time. I have seen this movie before when the game had passed Hayden by and we all lived a painful drawn out end. This is not a blip, bobble or just football, it is a trend and it shows with the talent on the field and the inability of the coaches to adjust.
I bought season tickets when Ferentz came to town and enjoyed the ride except for the last few years (if you include this one).
When the Program decided to go big time and continually raise ticket and parking prices along with mandatory donations to sit in a decent place I said "yes" but with that investment came higher expectations. My return on investment with pride, enjoyment and wins has flagged of late. Either turn back the clock on ticket prices along with my expectations or I will spend my entertainment dollars on a product that is less painful to watch.
Also as a response to a coach who turns either so arrogant or blind they will not answer the questions from reporters (or they get blackballed) or fans I plan to sell my Nebraska tickets to a Husker so they can paint our beloved Kinnick red. It is the only recourse I have left. Barta, fail to make changes (real changes - not a handcuffed Greg Davis dressed in a Ken O'Keefe suit) and I will not be renewing next year.
Signed, "Noise"

Excellent post, Noise.
If the stands start getting thin maybe they will relax their rules on booze. Go back to the times when botas were acceptable in the stands.

Wait. Were you even born when botas were allowed in Kinnick?? You're a young'n. Botas were outlawed in liek 1984 or 1985.
If a 5th of the people who come on these boards and do what they say the will do in regards to not buying tickets or donating to the Universtity......

...then I'm in-line to get some pretty darn good seats at a decent price next year.

I was thinking the EXACT same thing. I was already looking at the Kinnick seating charts wondering how substantial the upgrade would be. :)
I pretty much agree with everything mentioned by the OP. I have bought season tickets (this my ninth year) and made the decision this will be my last year. I can't continue to justify the cost (the cost of season tickets, donations, etc.) anymore. When you see the product regressing it is hard to justify the commitment (time and money). It is what it is. Some fans will continue to spend the money and time and kudos to them. But for me, three years of regression is enough ... unless, as the OP mentioned, the university wants to wind back the clock on the costs of season tickets.
I pretty much agree with everything mentioned by the OP. I have bought season tickets (this my ninth year) and made the decision this will be my last year. I can't continue to justify the cost (the cost of season tickets, donations, etc.) anymore. When you see the product regressing it is hard to justify the commitment (time and money). It is what it is. Some fans will continue to spend the money and time and kudos to them. But for me, three years of regression is enough ... unless, as the OP mentioned, the university wants to wind back the clock on the costs of season tickets.

And then you'll kick yourself in the balls, when they right the ship and you can't get your season tickets back. Unless of course, you're a super-donor.

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