Fuller and Brust

Does anyone know how comfortable Aaron is here? He is from Arizona. I know he said he liked it here, but it may be a personal thing or just he really wants to be on a competitive team and not a rebuilding one. Many other players are local or from close by or at least the Midwest.

Maybe he'll transfer to New Mexico?


for what its worth Fuller was practicing today at Carver with May, Cougill, Payne, and two others
just one simple question. where did this rumour start that Fuller may leave? was it his current silence?
Fuller is a product of necessity, he a good player but Iowa had no other choice but him inside, so there we are. You cant control his situation, if he wants to leave then so be it. Hope he does well wherever he ends up. Brusts situation to me is you cant miss what you never had, nuff said. They have a decision to make hope they both make the ones that are best for them.
I hear you... Fuller leaving would hurt...but that would give us a real quick indication on coaches recruiting contacts. I just think loosing players with a coaching change is to be expected.

just one simple question. where did this rumour start that Fuller may leave? was it his current silence?

I think the fact that so far he has not been quoted in any news stories, university releases, blogs, tweets, etc., praising McCaffery's hiring has people concerned. Most of the other players are on record as having a positive reaction.
If , if Fuller would go elsewhere would Archie be able to stand in for him....? I have heard a lot of good things about him or is there no comparison?
Actually, you have it backwards. After May's father talked to Barta, and Barta belatedly made the effort to find out what was on the players' minds, Fuller was one of those who did not indicate any dissatisfaction or intent to consider transferring out.

On the record, Fuller's only public comments have been that he likes being a student at Iowa, likes hims teammates, liked his coach & regretted that he was fired, was not planning on leaving. You can assume that he was dissembling and falsely stating his true feelings for whatever reason, or you assume that he has since changed his mind, or figure that the chaos of the past several weeks has him reconsidering and he is the straight arrow kind of kid he has always seemed to be and isn't going to comment until he decides what he is going to do.

I liked this post and it seems reasonable for Aaron to take his time and actually get to know the new coach before he says something. And even then, he may just want to keep to himself. I hope we have him around but he has to do what he feels best about.
If Fuller were to develop his outside touch a bit, and add the ability to dribble drive past defenders to compliment that, with his ability to finish at the rim he could be an all big ten player.

It would have been nice if he wasn't pigeonholed into a spot up shooter his freshman year, and then an undersized post player this past year.
I guess if I was Aaron Fuller, I'd want to spend some time with the coach before I transfered out. Fran's style of play might accentuate Fuller's abilities, thus making him a better player and elevating his game.
Just a thought.
I typically don't jump into a body of water with out first assessing it's depth.
If , if Fuller would go elsewhere would Archie be able to stand in for him....? I have heard a lot of good things about him or is there no comparison?

What good things have you heard about Archie? And this is a serious question. Everyone talks about his athleticism, but that has never shown up as production on the court.

The limited reports I have heard is that his offensive game is still really, really raw. Have you heard differently? That would be good. Iowa will need all the athletic big bodies they can get, but they need to also be good basketball players.
I can't imagine that all the players will be welcomed back by Fran. He has to have the chance to recruit some of his own players.
Fuller was our best player in the league season.
When the offense ran thru him, it worked best,because he is an above average passer out of the post,and he made good decisions for the most part.
And he can catch it on the perimeter, put it on the floor,do his spin move and actually finish at the rim,something no other Hawk could do in a half court set.
I think his outside shooting will improve the next two years which will complete the package. I think the following guys on this team could play pro ball in europe or elsewhere:
Fuller,Gatens,May...and potentially,Larson and Marble.
We need all those guys to play 4 years at Iowa....please.
I don't believe that Archie is close to the level of Fuller. That's just going on seeing him three times in the PTL, which may not be fair.
I don't believe that Archie is close to the level of Fuller. That's just going on seeing him three times in the PTL, which may not be fair.

I was going to post they both have level 70 blood elfs on WoW but then I realized you meant "same level" in a basketball sense.
What good things have you heard about Archie? And this is a serious question. Everyone talks about his athleticism, but that has never shown up as production on the court.

The limited reports I have heard is that his offensive game is still really, really raw. Have you heard differently? That would be good. Iowa will need all the athletic big bodies they can get, but they need to also be good basketball players.

That would be because he was redshirted this year. He had an injury early, and the coaches decided it was best to bank the year of eligibility.
That would be because he was redshirted this year. He had an injury early, and the coaches decided it was best to bank the year of eligibility.

I know he was redshirted. However, he was back practicing with the team for a good portion of the season. The comments about his rawness come from the few people I have heard comment on his progress during these practices.

This isn't like RB in football. What I understand is that there was virtually no way that Archie could have contributed from a skill basis once he got healthy.

Now, having saw film of him in college and watching some Prime Time, it seemed really unlikely that he would develop into a contributor at Iowa if he was here for only two years. In fact, I suggested that he redshirt even before he was injured. He just had massive holes in his game, even on defense. A lot of people didn't like that for the same reason they don't like it now, because he is in the same class as Brommer, two big men eating up scholarships and not contributing.

However, my thoughts were that if Lick was going to give him a scholarship he might as well give himself a half of chance of having a player who might one day be able to contribute. The only way I so that happening was to give him one year of practice, play him in spots during his first year, and then increase that his senior year. People compare him to Doug Jones. He might eventually be able to get to where Jones was his first year at Iowa. But he doesn't appear to be too close yet.

Now, take into consideration that all of this is still taking Lick's system into consideration where there is only one forward/post. FM's system might be able to utilize Archie more effectively because he won't have to be so technically proficient and there will be more chance for players down the roster at the forward position to get on the court.
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Archie averaged 12 pts and 6 rebounds in the prime time league. His numbers were worse than Brommers if that gives you any indication. He might be able to block some shots but thats about it. My guess is that he will end up transferring.

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