Fuller and Brust


Well-Known Member
As mentioned in another thread Fuller has not made any official coments regarding the new coach.

According to an article in the Gazette today Brust is the only one of the current recruits we haven't heard from (he also appeared to be the closest to Lick).

I'm not reading anything into this as it has only been one day but it would be nice knowing if these guys were on board. Has anyone seen anything CREDIBLE that indicates where they are regarding everything?
Re: Brust

I thought I read somewhere that Brust was on a family vacation and unavailable for comment.

Not sure what to make of Fuller's lack of comment, though. However, if he does leave it's not like it's a unique situation. More often than not when there is a coaching change at least one player will leave.
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I would think that the change in style would help Brust more than any other recruit in that class. I really believe if Cully is staying that Ben will to.

Right now it is Fuller I am worried about. Not commenting at all is a very bad sign.
Brust is in Hawaii....Fuller, concerning.

I really believe he had made his mind up to leave, prior to Lick being fired. If he had, then he probably knows where he wanted to go..and if so, the mind buys into that next reality.

BUT...Fuller is also a quiet sort...so could be nothing more than that. Iowa won't release anyone until they have had ample time to speak with Fran.
Brust is in Hawaii....Fuller, concerning.

I really believe he had made his mind up to leave, prior to Lick being fired. If he had, then he probably knows where he wanted to go..and if so, the mind buys into that next reality.

BUT...Fuller is also a quiet sort...so could be nothing more than that. Iowa won't release anyone until they have had ample time to speak with Fran.

I remember Tyler Smith being pretty quiet too (post-Alfred). I think he was leaving also, regardless of the change in coaching. Hopefully this is not redux.
Brust is in Hawaii....Fuller, concerning.

I really believe he had made his mind up to leave, prior to Lick being fired. If he had, then he probably knows where he wanted to go..and if so, the mind buys into that next reality.

BUT...Fuller is also a quiet sort...so could be nothing more than that. Iowa won't release anyone until they have had ample time to speak with Fran.

Fuller concerning is an understatement. I fully believed with everyone retruning and everyone new comming in we could compete for a NIT bid.
I wouldn't be too concerned w/ Ben. He's going to like what he hears from Fran, I anticipate he will remain a Hawkeye.
Hopefully Fran is able to articulate to Fuller how much potential he has in his system...

Also it will be much harder for Fuller to leave if he is the only one and his classmate Gatens is pushing him hard to stay.

Fact is, he is 20 years old and his world has been turned upside down. I think if he was planning on leaeving if Lick came back, he needs to be convinced to stay, not the other way around.
I'm personally torn between wanting everyone to stay vs. wanting 1 to leave and allowing the the new staff 1 more sholarship to use to put their stamp on the program.

Brust would would be one of the last I would want to leave ( I just think there is something special about him) Fuller would fall right behind May, Payne and Gatens on my list.
I hear you... Fuller leaving would hurt...but that would give us a real quick indication on coaches recruiting contacts. I just think loosing players with a coaching change is to be expected.

I'm personally torn between wanting everyone to stay vs. wanting 1 to leave and allowing the the new staff 1 more sholarship to use to put their stamp on the program.

Brust would would be one of the last I would want to leave ( I just think there is something special about him) Fuller would fall right behind May, Payne and Gatens on my list.
Aaron Fuller is the most talented player on the team. I sure hope he stays. Otherwise it will be the 4th straight year the best player on the team has left. Hard for a program of Iowa's stature to overcome that level of attrition.
I'm personally torn between wanting everyone to stay vs. wanting 1 to leave and allowing the the new staff 1 more sholarship to use to put their stamp on the program.

Brust would would be one of the last I would want to leave ( I just think there is something special about him) Fuller would fall right behind May, Payne and Gatens on my list.

Disagree completely on that list. I don't think we could find anyone close to being able to score inside like Fuller could next year at this late junction. You can find PG and wing players that might be able to contribute but no chance on being able to find a 12 point 8 rebound guy (what he averaged for all big ten games) for next year. I wouldn't mind if another post left but if we have any chance of competing next year Fuller has to stay.
Fuller might be our most valuable player! Teams were keying on him down the stretch last year because they knew he was the most dangerous player. He was our most consistent scorer and best rebounder.

It would hurt if he left. He is a good teammate and a good student as well, so he fits right in with what Fran wants on this team. I would really hate to see him leave.
I hear you... Fuller leaving would hurt...but that would give us a real quick indication on coaches recruiting contacts. I just think loosing players with a coaching change is to be expected.

Agree with you and Trainmaster. Fuller is a valuable player and I'd hate to see him transfer. I'm guessing he's sorting out his options right now. I frankly thought he had one foot out the door at the end of the season regardless of the coaching change; I'm not convinced he was planning to stay. This will be an opportunity for McCaffery to sell him on the merits of sticking with the program. If Iowa and Fuller part ways, coach then can figure out what to do with another scholarship.

Our new coach has been around the game a while; I have faith he'll be able to turn this into a positive either way.
Fuller might leave but he would be nuts to do so. His game is tailor made for McCaffery's system.
Fuller should realize he is the best player on a Big Ten team and basketball is about to be fun again. He would be wise to stay. I hope he does

If no one leaves i think we will be very competitive next year and maybe even (gasp) fun to watch
I think the team can absorb Fuller's loss with May, Gatens, McCabe, and Marble. I also think the team could play Cole and Larson at the same time.

However, if Fuller is gone, then it would really help to get a true big man to step in.

While Fuller is currently the most productive player, he isn't necessarily irreplaceable. We could use bigger PF's and more nifty SF's. He is a grind it out hustle glue guy. You don't want to lose these types, but a bigger guy or one that had more of an offensive skill set could be useful.

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