FSU Winston what does everyone think...

There was a reporter who asked if atty general if the girl's family had any ties to to the university of Alabama.

Seriously what is college football and society in general coming to. What dumb ******* question for a reporter to ask. How can anybody think that someone would put their daughter up to this for the sake of a football game.
Oh get off your high horse, you have no idea what went on or if he was guilty or not....

It could very well be she just was a flat out liar to...nobody knows but those 2....
How's that Nigerian funds transfer workin out for ya?
Generally i'd be skeptical of yet another football player getting off (haha -> pun intended) but from the witness' statement, it didn't sound like there was much to go on in order to charge him.
Hard to have her as the main or only witness when she said herself in the statement her memory was fogged or messed up.

Our justice system is a mess because defense attorneys know the longer they draw out the proceedings the more likely their clients get off. This idea was discussed when those two brothers (the menedez boys) got off for killing their parents in the first trial.

It took a year for this thing to get finished up, and some trials like the George Zimmerman trial all told took what a couple of years.
Oversexed celebrity football thug + Florida "justice" system = OF COURSE NO CHARGES WERE FILED.

Anyone surprised by this outcome prolly complies with the instructions in Nigerian money transfer emails.

So based on what I just read we should label him as a rapist because he plays football or because some people thing he's a football thug? Kind of hypocritical to play the "of course no charges were filed" when you've already labeled him a rapist and have no idea what is factual and what wasn't. Court of public opinion is a wonderful thing, who needs innocent until proven guilty.

Look, I'm not trying to call you out, but Meggs indicated that the accuser's story wouldn't necessarily stand up in court as a reliable witness. I'm not saying Jameis is innocent, but IMO based on everything thats made public her story changed so many times and had so many holes in it that I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. IMO I don't think its worth filing charges just to file them if he doesn't think he has a chance at winning the case. If charges were filed, and he was aquitted, is it worth ruining his life as well as hers if there isn't enough evidence for a conviction to begin with.

Again I'm not saying he did it and I'm not calling her a liar, but the fact is that football is a game and I truly think and hope that if he had enough evidence to get a conviction he would have done so whether Jameis was a Heisman candidate for the best team in the country or not.
Hard to have her as the main or only witness when she said herself in the statement her memory was fogged or messed up.

Our justice system is a mess because defense attorneys know the longer they draw out the proceedings the more likely their clients get off. This idea was discussed when those two brothers (the menedez boys) got off for killing their parents in the first trial.

It took a year for this thing to get finished up, and some trials like the George Zimmerman trial all told took what a couple of years.

I think this would have stood up better in court then all the different stories that have been told. Not saying that things haven't been twisted by the media, but I don't think the choices she made in how she went about reporting it helped her case at all. Rape is not something I take lightly, that said, if you're willing to call someone an alleged rapist, you better make sure your story remains consistent and better be damn sure that it wasn't consentual at the time.
Hard to have her as the main or only witness when she said herself in the statement her memory was fogged or messed up.

Our justice system is a mess because defense attorneys know the longer they draw out the proceedings the more likely their clients get off. This idea was discussed when those two brothers (the menedez boys) got off for killing their parents in the first trial.

It took a year for this thing to get finished up, and some trials like the George Zimmerman trial all told took what a couple of years.

I haven't read too many of the stories out there, but I thought I remember reading that Winston's roommate was present when it happened; however he wasn't interviewed by the TPD. In fact, that was one of the red flags for the victims family.

IMO, the whole thing smells fishy.
I haven't read too many of the stories out there, but I thought I remember reading that Winston's roommate was present when it happened; however he wasn't interviewed by the TPD. In fact, that was one of the red flags for the victims family.

IMO, the whole thing smells fishy.

I agree with you about the whole thing smelling fishy and the truth is I think that there are only a handful of people that will ever know what happened that night. That said though, as fishy as it sounds I agree with the State's attorney that unless they feel they have enough evidence to get a conviction there's very little reason to press charges if there's nothing more than he said she said to go on. I agree however that the extent of the problems lies with the TPD and the fact they may have failed to do their jobs. However, I'm a believer in innocent until proven guilty and at there simply isn't enough evidence to even charge him at this point so I give him the benefit of the doubt, as I can think of only a handful of things worse then being labeled a rapist and wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I also think with the publicity of this case and the implications that would have arose if charges were filed I don't see it turning out well for the futures of either the victim or the accuser in the event that charges would have been filed and a verdict of not guilty was reached based on the evidence provided.
Oversexed celebrity football thug + Florida "justice" system = OF COURSE NO CHARGES WERE FILED.

Anyone surprised by this outcome prolly complies with the instructions in Nigerian money transfer emails.

You're disdain for the Florida Justice System has my agreement. I tried to work with them regarding fraudulent activity from a firm in Miami, but unless it is murder forget it.

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