From High to Sobering in less than 48 hours...


Well-Known Member
Anybody else out there, after the glow of the win faded away, feel like we've been kicked in the gut? I don't want to be the "debbie downer" but I just can't shake this feeling that the injury events of this past weekend may have a huge impact on how the last four games play out. All of the sudden these games against Indy and NW look daunting and I for one am unsure if we can get to Columbus with a clean record anymore. Am I the only one feeling this way?
As long as the Hawks don't get caught looking ahead, Iowa should be able to go into Columbus at 10-0. One game at a time. Next man in and hopefully everyone is healthy going into Columbus.
Does anyone remember 2004? We were down to our 5th or 6th string RB and still produced wins. I'm thinking we will be fine.
I'm still riding high on the win; yet still appalled at some of the MSU fanbase (both at the stadium, as well as on the Net)
I actually think we have a better chance of beating IND and NW because now we'll have to work harder and they won't become the trap games they otherwise might have been. And it's too soon to say how we'll do against OSU...unless you count the way OSU struggled against MINNESOTA?! (The score covers up how fairly badly they played against them, you should watch the replay.)
I actually think we have a better chance of beating IND and NW because now we'll have to work harder and they won't become the trap games they otherwise might have been. And it's too soon to say how we'll do against OSU...unless you count the way OSU struggled against MINNESOTA?! (The score covers up how fairly badly they played against them, you should watch the replay.)

Ya, I watched a lot of that game, Minnesota's defense gave that game to OSU. Not quite sure what those safeties were trying to do in that game, but they were flat out bad.
I'm worried too...especially since Indiana beat us at home in 2007 and Northwestern beat us at home last year!
Sounds like Greenwood is ready to. We can get by without Sandeman for a week or two. Arob is a big loss, but it sounds like the staff thinks Rodgers is ready to go. Losing Dace really sucks. Especially for him, he worked his tail off to be able to play again and now this.
I think we will be okay. The line will gel in the next two weeks as we won't be rotating anymore. Greenwood should be fine. Give Sandeman a week off and he'll come back good. I really think that not rotating backs will make the man in there better, but it's not good to lack depth.
This team thrives on challenge and adversity. If you think about it, "The Drive" was a microcosm of the season so far. Overcoming the initial onslaught of injuries. The blocked FG attempts. The numerous come-from-behinds. Now this team has another hurdle to overcome. Judging by thier past, I think the chances of them doing just that are pretty good.

I say enjoy this ride! It doesn't happen very often. Well, actually, its never happened before. Enjoy it while you got it man! GO HAWKS!
As long as Wegher is healthy, I feel good. If Wegher gets hurt then that would be bad.. I have full confidence in Brandon though.
I have to agree, especially if read some of the stuff Kirk is saying. Kirk is even making comments that our chances of winning these last four games has just taken a huge hit. The guys behind A-Rob and Dace are definitely not bad and have some experience, but you still lose alot. Teams only have to prepare for one back instead of two, and they will also find a way to attack the weaker spots on our O-line. These hawkeyes have battled through alot, but these injuries just may be too much in a season where we have 0 bye weeks to get healed up. I love the hawks and i would still pick them against any big ten team, but it only takes a few things going the wrong way for us to finish up 10-2 or 9-3.

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