Fran should tell Woodbury..


Well-Known Member
2 dunk the ball instead of tryn his high school lay up crap. How many times has the 7 ft 1 inch guy been blocked this year? 10?

He will learn it in time but he appears to have the strength to do it now. Come on Adam slam the rock!

FYI I can barely touch the net so its easy for me to say. :)
If he's going to play this weak maybe he should have redshirted until he realizes how to take the ball up strong. He's going to look like a 5th grader against Big Ten competition, both defensively and offensively.
If he's going to play this weak maybe he should have redshirted until he realizes how to take the ball up strong. He's going to look like a 5th grader against Big Ten competition, both defensively and offensively.

Did you watch the game tonight? He was one of our better players
That sounds like a KF move. Keep playing a guy because he is a senior. May isn't a ball player, good leaper, little else.

McCabe is virtually useless when he isn't hitting threes.

Woody, on the other hand, impacts the game on both ends, yet he is the one criticized.
Yes, I did watch. A 7 foot plus center shouldn't play as soft as he does. Maybe he should sit on the bench for awhile and take some notes from White on how to take the ball up strong and actually dunk it instead of laying it up and getting swatted.
Yes, I did watch. A 7 foot plus center shouldn't play as soft as he does. Maybe he should sit on the bench for awhile and take some notes from White on how to take the ball up strong and actually dunk it instead of laying it up and getting swatted.

He isn't a great athlete. He will never be a great athlete, but he is a good basketball player and he helps his team in many ways.

He is also far from soft.
If he's going to play this weak maybe he should have redshirted until he realizes how to take the ball up strong. He's going to look like a 5th grader against Big Ten competition, both defensively and offensively.

I'll take my chances with Woody, it will only make him work that much harder to improve getting the playing time now. Our next man in is Olensani at really think he should be the starter? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Yes, I did watch. A 7 foot plus center shouldn't play as soft as he does. Maybe he should sit on the bench for awhile and take some notes from White on how to take the ball up strong and actually dunk it instead of laying it up and getting swatted.

You mustve fallen asleep and missed the parts where Woody went to the bench and Va Tech immediately went on a run
Yes, I did watch. A 7 foot plus center shouldn't play as soft as he does. Maybe he should sit on the bench for awhile and take some notes from White on how to take the ball up strong and actually dunk it instead of laying it up and getting swatted.

Woody has no quick leaping ability that is why he doesn't dunk. It's actually amazing how quick White can get up and dunk it. He is the only guy on our team that can catch the ball under the hoop and dunk it without gathering himself for a split second.
Woodbury is a work in progress. I agree, he was soft in this game. He did good things, but he also hurt the team, especially when we were going on our run. He got outworked for rebounds on both ends of the court. Takes the ball up weak to the basket.

He gives us more than Gabe O (much more of an upside) but lacks brute Big Ten Strength.....hence a developing freshman center.
Yes, I did watch. A 7 foot plus center shouldn't play as soft as he does. Maybe he should sit on the bench for awhile and take some notes from White on how to take the ball up strong and dunk it instead of laying it up and getting swatted.

He gets plenty of pine, he only played 6 min of first half. AW will be a great player in time
Woodbury is a work in progress. I agree, he was soft in this game. He did good things, but he also hurt the team, especially when we were going on our run. He got outworked for rebounds on both ends of the court. Takes the ball up weak to the basket.

He gives us more than Gabe O (much more of an upside) but lacks brute Big Ten Strength.....hence a developing freshman center.

Its very rare for frosh big men NOT to struggle with D1 physicality.

Just one example, frosh Lohaus was a total joke, almost painfully clumsy.
Woodbury causes me no concerns. His presence alone alters a game plan. I thought he looked good tonight. Showing he doesn't panic while double teamed, also keeps his eyes moving to find the open man. His short hook is a weapon and will get better over time.
Maybe Woodbury could develop an outside shot. He's not explosive, but added strength over the next few years will change that somewhat.
Hard to be too critical of Woodbury. He hustles and scraps, but he does not have a big ten body yet. Broken record in my posts, but a juco PF would take a lot of the pressure of Woodbury. Woodbury made some nice passes and is able to recognize double teams before he is smothered, unlike others. I don't understand McCaffrey's infatuation with McCabe and Oglesby.

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