Former Iowa SID George Wine is a Harris Voter. He voted Ok St 6th

It amazes me that the most bashed element of the BCS system is usually the computers. The voters have been off their rocker this week. That is terrible.
Epic fail--but he is not the only one who put them at 6.

Also, it seems to me that his vote did not change the outcome at all.
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He probably watched Ok St lose to ISU. If I were a voter I am not sure I would have voted them as high as 6. That was a very bad loss.

Why is losing an OT road game against a bowl team a "very bad loss"? Particularly one that occurred the day after a tragedy within the OSU athletic department?

After LSU, OSU is the most accomplished team this year. Most wins over top 25, over winning teams, etc.
I actually don't have a problem with someone ranking them sixth, but under no circumstances should Houston be ranked ahead of OSU.

If someone wanted to put LSU, Alabama, Boise State, Stanford, and Oregon ahead of OSU I wouldn't agree but it wouldn't be an outrage.
A guy named Derrick mayes, no idea who he is, has OSU #6 adn Oklahoma #9

I mean just look at some of the rankings. Georgia #8, Michigan #7, Penn State #13.

Some of these voters need to pull hteir heads out of ther butts
That's about as bad as that awful joke he told years ago that just about cost him his job.
It is amazing that the coaches poll...

It amazes me that the most bashed element of the BCS system is usually the computers. The voters have been off their rocker this week. That is terrible.

is part of the BCS equation. Both Saban and the Stanford coach are voters. How do you think they are going to vote? No surprise that Saban voted Alabama 2nd and Oklahoma State 5th. Or that the Stanford coach had his own team ranked ahead of Okie State.

There are so many conflicts of interest in the coaches poll it's silly. If CEOs acted this way they would be called corrupt.

The Harris Poll is little better with votes like Wine's and the idiot Craig James. James had Boise 24th, Arkansas 3rd, Stanford 10th. Ridiculous that these polls make up 2/3 of the BCS tally. Really it's ridiculous to have this system at all.
A guy named Derrick mayes, no idea who he is, has OSU #6 adn Oklahoma #9

I mean just look at some of the rankings. Georgia #8, Michigan #7, Penn State #13.

Some of these voters need to pull hteir heads out of ther butts

He's a former ND wide receiver.

I googled him because it was pretty obvious his ranking were an attempt to get Alabama into the championship game so I assumed he was an SEC homer. Turns out he's worse, a domer.
At least he had the sense to vote Alabama #2.

Jim Walden voted Alabama #4 and Houston #8. WTF is wrong with him?
Stuff like this is the reason I have absolutely ceased to care what happens outside of what the Hawks do. D1 CFB is an effing joke. We will get another fictitious national champ, and this broken system will never change. It is the only sport at any level where a true champion has never been crowned.

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