Football Rumors

If I was a player I wouldn't be saying anything. If these are rumors than they will go away in due time and they shouldn't worry about it.
what's worse, spreading rumors or creeping on the facebook pages of young men you dont know?

I'd be willing to bet this release will go something along the lines of "we are continuing to investigate the sitaution and handling this process in accordance with NCAA regulation". Thus, leaving the message board "mongerers" more to speculate about.
Todd Brommelkamp, editor of Voice of the Hawkeyes magazine says the press release is about Jewel and Jewel alone.


**Edit...also expected within an hour.
Are you kidding me? If I were a (clean) played I'd be pi$$ed! I'd be angry with the teammates that gave the program a black eye and unleashed this beast. I'd be angry with fans who jump to a thousand conclusions with no proof simply because they're bored. And I'd be pretty ticked at the length of time it's taken for the University to issue a statement to stop some of the rumors.

I feel bad for the guys who are on the up and up and have worked their butts off. They get lumped in with the rest and are probably deflecting question after question about this while trying to prepare for both finals and a bowl game.
That really isn't going to cut it. This has unfortunately taken on a life of its own. They need to address this. Their silence is damaging the credibility of the program and individual players. I don't need to hear from Ferentz but I need to hear from someone either Barta, Haddy, or Chick. I want to hear something. And yes I do feel I am owed an explanation this isn't a bad coaching decision on a third down or a wasted timeout this is much more serious.
Are you kidding me? If I were a (clean) played I'd be pi$$ed! I'd be angry with the teammates that gave the program a black eye and unleashed this beast. I'd be angry with fans who jump to a thousand conclusions with no proof simply because they're bored. And I'd be pretty ticked at the length of time it's taken for the University to issue a statement to stop some of the rumors.

I feel bad for the guys who are on the up and up and have worked their butts off. They get lumped in with the rest and are probably deflecting question after question about this while trying to prepare for both finals and a bowl game.

No offense and maybe I'm missing something, but why does anyone owe us anything? These are internet rumors that have taken on a new life. If you aren't on the message boards, you have no clue about any of this.
I would love for it to be all lies...but I really think Keenan was responding to the rumor naming him being kicked off earlier.
No offense and maybe I'm missing something, but why does anyone owe us anything? These are internet rumors that have taken on a new life. If you aren't on the message boards, you have no clue about any of this.

I respectfully disagree with you here. The first thing I got on my phone this morning was a text from a friend in D.C. who seemed to know more about what was going on than I did. He doesn't frequent message boards, use twitter and only rarely uses his facebook. This is the dominant topic of small talk even among people who aren't sports fans. This has the potential to be the leading story of the 10 o'clock news for weeks, with regular reporters- not just the sports guys covering this.

Unfortunately this is more than just us internet obsessed Hawkeye fans involved in this story right now. And we are the customers of the product that they put on the field, when they ask us to donate, come to I-club events, buy bowl packages, etc. they owe us explanations for things like this. It comes with the territory of Big Time College Sports.
I respectfully disagree with you here. The first thing I got on my phone this morning was a text from a friend in D.C. who seemed to know more about what was going on than I did. He doesn't frequent message boards, use twitter and only rarely uses his facebook. This is the dominant topic of small talk even among people who aren't sports fans. This has the potential to be the leading story of the 10 o'clock news for weeks, with regular reporters- not just the sports guys covering this.

Unfortunately this is more than just us internet obsessed Hawkeye fans involved in this story right now. And we are the customers of the product that they put on the field, when they ask us to donate, come to I-club events, buy bowl packages, etc. they owe us explanations for things like this. It comes with the territory of Big Time College Sports.

Man, I don't know, I'm just not seeing it. I live in Indianapolis where I'm around tons of Big Ten fans. I haven't brought up anything about this and nobody has said a word to me. They know I'm a big hawkeye fan.

I don't see anything on any of the "mainstream" outlets such as ESPN, Press Citizen, Des Moines Register or even a google search of "Iowa Football".

Of course if 10 players are suspended for drugs, it will be a HUGE story, but I guess I'm not seeing where this is anything more than a huge web based snowball at this point.

Hope I'm right.
That really isn't going to cut it. This has unfortunately taken on a life of its own. They need to address this. Their silence is damaging the credibility of the program and individual players. I don't need to hear from Ferentz but I need to hear from someone either Barta, Haddy, or Chick. I want to hear something. And yes I do feel I am owed an explanation this isn't a bad coaching decision on a third down or a wasted timeout this is much more serious.

What exactly do they "owe" you? This is a message board; I doubt that anyone in a position of authority in Iowa City really gives a rip about what is talked about here.

Why would the University of Iowa give any credibility to rumors that may well turn out to be false?

They don't "owe" anyone here anything.
They can choose to control the flow of information. Right now it is coming out in small dribbles. Some of it is untrue, some of it may be true and some of it we may never know. How they choose to control the flow of info is what I am having an issue with.

This a big story. Maybe they don't have all the answers but they need to be proactive and stay ahead of the story. Letting endless speculation go on for another week is pointless. Now I am seeing there will be a press conference tomorrow. Still too late in my opinion. Another night for speculation and for possibly innocent players to be dragged through the mud, bad feelings to continue to linger about the program and for bowl ticket sales to stagnate.

And as a fan I do feel I am owed an explanation. If they don't feel I am owed anything they can stop asking me to support them financially. Either we agree on this point or we don't. It will be an endless debate.
I had to go away for a couple hours to attend a choir concert. It's 8:44pm EST. What did I miss?

The Seven Seals
6:1 Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!â€￾ 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.

And etc.
The Seven Seals
6:1 Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!â€￾ 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.

And etc.

Aw, crap...
Spud, you're either off base , or your friend in DC stays more informed to the Hawks than you give him/her credit for. I too have big Hawk fan friends from several states (Colo, FL., Indy, NY) that I've been in touch with in the past 48 hours, and the only thing they are aware of or heard about is DJK. Which, until this evening was the only factual comments out there.

Now with JH and ARob also getting their reprimands made public late this afternoon, there may be more national media talk. It has not been a "story" yet. Now after tomorrow's presser, if some more rumors are substantiated, then you may see some national sports talk shows mention it, as it will be a verified "story" rolling out.