Food for thought for those wanting to fire Kirk

I'm sick of your ******* negativity. If you don't lime where this program is heading then go root for someone else, we don't need you. A real fan cheers harder when his team is losing and he never looses faith no matter bow dire things look. Why don't you go root for the CYCLONS you assbag!

Rock Solid Post DuffMan
Rock Solid Post DuffMan

I tend to personally lean a little more towards the support of Ferentz, probably a bad choice, but oh well.. In that sense, the support of Kirk, I share a few opinions with Duff but I just have to say, I like this Dave fella.. Seems like a real straight shooter. Keep posting here Dave, I'll talk to the commitee about subbing you in for Herby or olddude.. Anyone seen OK4P recently?

I visit HawkeyeInsider, Rivals, 24/7 Sports and this site as well. This site is by far the most enjoyable site of all. HawkeyeInsider is a graveyard now, they used to have a ton a stuff over there, now just a bunch of guys who I don't understand why they still follow the hawkeyes. Plus Rob dropped the ban hammer on a ton of the more frequent posters. It got bad and it needed to happen but unless you are a subscriber that site doesn't have much anymore. It got old with all the Chugger and Hater childish crap, seriously I thought some guys were going to start hunting people down on that site to find each other, talk about butt hurt.
Rock Solid Post DuffMan

Why because he "called me out", I am a true hawkeye fan but I am not a fan of Ferentz anymore. I have said repeatedly on this site that I want FK and GD to succeed and turn things around but I don't believe they can so that makes me a bad fan? To each is own I guess!
I just KNOW that Bob Diaco would totally turn this thing around. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise.
I'm just thru with Captain Spearmint.
I just KNOW that Bob Diaco would totally turn this thing around. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise.
I'm just thru with Captain Spearmint.

And we are through with you. Leave us alone. Sit in your house and be chubby until you die from the beetus or have the big one.
And we are through with you. Leave us alone. Sit in your house and be chubby until you die from the beetus or have the big one.

Listen pen15 breath, I am 15x the Hawk you'll ever be. It doesn't matter that I'm from Chicago, I'm still a Hawk through and though. You probably don't even know where FunCrest is.
nice to trash the upgrade in recruiting. 2011 top 30 class, last 3 years 15 4*'s 41 3*'s and just 5 2*'s with three of those being kickers, none of you follow recruiting, the 2005 class was rated top 10, 2007 was rated top 30, 2008 was rated 75th and 2009 was rated 63rd, all those recruiting classes were a direct result of either winning seasons or losing seasons.
2002-2004 got Iowa those 2 good recruiting classes the 2005 and 2006 down years gpot Iowa those 2 horrible classes
when you look at the results of what developed out of the 2005-2007 in a 9-4 and a 11-2 seasons,
those 2 seasons of 9-4 AND 11-2 have resulted in Iowa gettinmg that 2011 top 30 class and those 15 4*..
that's more 4*'s in a 3 year period than there has ever been in the 11 previous years,
domn't know what you are looking at but it looks pretty damn good to me

I saw a Baby Ruth bar once. It looked great! Then I realized it was a turd floating in the toilet.
I just KNOW that Bob Diaco would totally turn this thing around. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise.
I'm just thru with Captain Spearmint.

I'd want Diaco too but what do we know about him that makes us so sure that this would happen. He has a great defense at ND but Ferentz has had a great defense at Iowa many times under his watch.
I'd want Diaco too but what do we know about him that makes us so sure that this would happen. He has a great defense at ND but Ferentz has had a great defense at Iowa many times under his watch.

He's a flavor of the month who happened to play at Iowa, which makes him better than anybody else in mind's of some fans. If you ask me, these are the same fans clamoring for BJ "I've never coached basketball" Armstrong to take over the basketball program.

I have no idea if Diaco would be a good head coach or not, but his resume is thin. Yes, he's been in coaching a while. No, he hasn't had very many elite defenses, certainly far fewer than Norm Parker. Once more, he's regarded as bit aloof, even by the Notre Dame fans who love him.

But he played at Iowa, so he'd be awesome.

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