Fleck talks National Championship


Well-Known Member

What did I tell you people just yesterday. Look what Fleck says in the first TEN seconds of his press conference....something Ferments has NEVER talked about in 18 years....a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! Then he goes on to stress recruiting....something Ferments gives lip service to, but largely ignores. Even if the guy is unable to deliver, he has passion and drive....you do have to give the guy that. We have NOTHING to look forward to....this clip makes me soooo jealous of the programs who don't stay idle just for the sake of doing the "right thing" or "staying the course". D1 football is a business....you can't always fear the unknown. Barta knows only one side of it...profit. But as long as the money flows in, and zombies continue to file into Kinnick, he doesn't give two shits about achieving at the highest level....and if his boss doesn't, then why should Ferments. "Hey, if 7-5 is good enough for my boss, then why should I worry about busting my ass out on the recruiting trail.....and why put undue pressure on myself mentioning a National Championship when nobody else is putting pressure on me to do so."
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At least he puts himself out there with the ultimate goal in mind....Ferments is content with an occasional Big 10 West Title and nothing more. Big whoop! My first impression of you is someone who asks for nothing but Hawkeye gear for Christmas, and can't even wait to wash the sweatshirt you got before wearing it....probably still has the sharp fold lines and tag on it.
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This is PJ flecks game. I like the guy, but he is a man of many platitudes. Say what you want, but win a couple big ten championships. The boat didn't tow when he played the vadgers last week.

What did I tell you people just yesterday. Look what Fleck says in the first TEN seconds of his press conference....something Ferments has NEVER talked about in 18 years....a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! Then he goes on to stress recruiting....something Ferments gives lip service to, but largely ignores. Even if the guy is unable to deliver, he has passion and drive....you do have to give the guy that. We have NOTHING to look forward to....this clip makes me soooo jealous of the programs who don't stay idle just for the sake of doing the "right thing" or "staying the course". D1 football is a business....you can't always fear the unknown. Barta knows only one side of it...profit. But as long as the money flows in, and zombies continue to file into Kinnick, he doesn't give two shits about achieving at the highest level....and if his boss doesn't, then why should Ferments. "Hey, if 7-5 is good enough for my boss, then why should I worry about busting my ass out on the recruiting trail.....and why put undue pressure on myself mentioning a National Championship when nobody else is putting pressure on me to do so."
Good lord.

For the 10 millionth EFFING time,

Gary Barta has nothing to do with who the football coach is at Iowa. Gary Barta could easier dunk a basketball than have any influence on coaching or put any pressure on Kirk Ferentz. And trust me, the last thing in the world that you want if you're a Hawkeye fan is that rube making even a remotely football-related decision. Some of you guys need to learn how P5 football programs work, ffs.

On paper, sure he's the "boss." But in reality he's the one who gets told to go stand over in the corner and make himself look busy. Barta is there for press conferences, tours, and to run the kiddie sports.

Boosters decide who gets hired/fired and the AD gets to take pictures and do interviews.
At least he puts himself out there with the ultimate goal in mind....Ferments is content with an occasional Big 10 West Title and nothing more. Big whoop! My first impression of you is someone who asks for nothing but Hawkeye gear for Christmas, and can't even wait to wash the sweatshirt you got before wearing it....probably still has the sharp fold lines and tag on it.

Lol. From the out of stater who claims Hawkeye basketball is an afterthought.
He reminds me of the next Flavor of the Month from Ames. Talk, talk, talk. Anyone can talk about it.

I will say, though, that he's at least done something, for one year anyway, even if it was in the MAC.

They have heard all that big talk up there before. All the accolades this guy received have been repeated on just about every coach they have hired,
before Kill.

Anybody at that press conference was probably asking themselves. Is there an echo in here?

Kill was the exception and they were producing. Clays was a continuation of that staff. They should have kept him. He was following a script that he learned from a pretty good football coach and it was working.

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

What did I tell you people just yesterday. Look what Fleck says in the first TEN seconds of his press conference....something Ferments has NEVER talked about in 18 years....a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! Then he goes on to stress recruiting....something Ferments gives lip service to, but largely ignores. Even if the guy is unable to deliver, he has passion and drive....you do have to give the guy that. We have NOTHING to look forward to....this clip makes me soooo jealous of the programs who don't stay idle just for the sake of doing the "right thing" or "staying the course". D1 football is a business....you can't always fear the unknown. Barta knows only one side of it...profit. But as long as the money flows in, and zombies continue to file into Kinnick, he doesn't give two shits about achieving at the highest level....and if his boss doesn't, then why should Ferments. "Hey, if 7-5 is good enough for my boss, then why should I worry about busting my ass out on the recruiting trail.....and why put undue pressure on myself mentioning a National Championship when nobody else is putting pressure on me to do so."


Oh boy.....a coach said the words National Championship, so dat make him da good head coach.

KF came closer to the college football playoffs just last year than PJ Fleck will ever come to it while at Minnesota. God you are a joke, and a dumb joke at that.
Gophers feel like he's an upgrade, and if anyone knows about upgrading, it's Fleck:

First wife

Second wife (with floatation devices in case the boat he's rowing upsets):

To each their own but my eyes are not seeing the upgrade. Fake black hair color (even looks like a wig), fake flotation devices and a wicked witch chin.

Exactly. Basically what he did is dump a nice looking wife for a tranny with a boob job and Leno chin. He/they thinks he's so much better than what they've had because he can talk a good game, wear a douchey visor, talk about rowing a friggin boat, brag about their chemis-tree (have strong roots, and the appearance will be good), come up with acronyms, etc.

Here's just a sampling of vocab from his cheesy crap. The goofs will be learning all this vocab while other teams are learning to block and tackle. Really don't like this guy.

Boat - The sacrifice that defines what the WMU football program is made of. Related: Row the boat.

Change - Truthful listening.

Change your best - At Western Michigan, your best isn't good enough. If you're doing your best you're staying the same. Whatever you did today is in yesterday's news. You change your best by doing truthful listening. Your best is better than your best.

Chemis-tree - Constant change at the root of the family. People look at a tree's trunk to see how experienced it is. No one can see the root system of a tree. You see the trunk and the leaves, which are the family. How healthy the root system is how healthy the tree is.

Compass - The direction the WMU football program will go. Learning from past experiences. Related: Row the boat.

(Being) Different - Doing something else, not doing more.

Elite - Like joy. A lifestyle. An outlook. You don't let circumstances dictate feeling or behavior. It's a perspective of how that circumstance is looked at and then it becomes a way of life.

FFF - Fuel. Fierce. Finish. Seen on T-shirts and social media. Mind, body, spirit for fuel. Fierce is all about championship habits and instincts. Finish is all about details and the little things when people get tired and beat up. Finishing is the hardest part.

F.A.M.I.L.Y. - Forget About Me I Love You. Our job is to teach guys what a real family is. What we have to do is sit there and get everybody to believe in one vision.

Failing - Growth. Failing sometimes comes with hard decisions, but you have to make those decisions to grow.

Failure - Quitting.

Farmer's alliance - Unselfishness. When you grow corn, the seeds are on top and when the wind blows, if you're next to crops that aren't taken care of, no matter how well yours are taken care of, they are going to be destroyed. The idea of unselfishness is even if you're not the starter, you have to make the starter better. It's holding everybody accountable and it's about looking after your own crop.

FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real.

Heartwork - Hard work plus purpose, pride and passion. The inside measure of a man. We don't believe in just hard work here. Everybody in the world works hard. Everyone has their own version of how hard they work.

HE'S here - Hydrate. Eat. Sleep. Any place that we can replenish, rest or eat. We've made our (Bill Brown Alumni Football Center) into a place where every player can do that. There are signs that say "HE'S here" where players can do that.

(The) How - Combination of nekton mentality, Prefontaine pace and farmer's alliance. Your how will make your who. The how is really your heartwork. Similar to: How Mountain, Hownado, etc.

Hungry dog - A dangerous dog. A dog that's hungry and starving will do anything to eat. He's going to find a way to get it done. That's what we do. We find a way.

Leadership - Influencing others.

Love - Sacrifice. Once you sacrifice something, you are showing love toward it. That's how you show love to a teammate.

Maturity - When something you're supposed to do becomes what you want to do.

Monday - A day of the week that doesn't exist in the WMU football program. If you really love what you do, there is no such thing as Monday. You don't have a case of the Mondays. There is no start of the week. It's just the next day you're growing. Stems from heartwork.

Nekton mentality - Always attacking. Never full. What a nekton really is, is an organism that can float freely through any water current without the current dictating its behavior.

Oars - The energy of where the WMU football program is trying to go and how it will get there. Related: Row the boat.

Prefontaine pace - Urgent. The style we live our life. It's an urgent pace. It's the tempo of your life. When I think of fast, I think of hurried and rushed. You're going to miss things when you're fast. When you're urgent, it's well thought out and planned, but when you go, you go.

Row the boat (RTB) - Mantra and philosophy that defines the WMU football program in P.J. Fleck's tenure. When you're rowing a boat you're not facing the direction you're going. You have to row with the same efficiency, same power, same speed and same energy as the other people in the boat to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. If one person in the boat slows down and not do their job we'll zig-zag.

RoWINg - Rowing equals winning. The only way you win in any aspect of your life is to keep your oar in the water. A staple in the WMU football program.

W2F - Worst to first. Seen on T-shirts and on social media. A slogan for the 2014 season. If WMU wanted to go from worst to first place there were things the Broncos had to do.

From the WMU football book of quotes:

"Never let the circumstances dictate your behavior."

"Pain of discipline versus pain of regret."

"A man distracted is a man defeated."

"If you control yourself you control your opponent."

What did I tell you people just yesterday. Look what Fleck says in the first TEN seconds of his press conference....something Ferments has NEVER talked about in 18 years....a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! Then he goes on to stress recruiting....something Ferments gives lip service to, but largely ignores. Even if the guy is unable to deliver, he has passion and drive....you do have to give the guy that. We have NOTHING to look forward to....this clip makes me soooo jealous of the programs who don't stay idle just for the sake of doing the "right thing" or "staying the course". D1 football is a business....you can't always fear the unknown. Barta knows only one side of it...profit. But as long as the money flows in, and zombies continue to file into Kinnick, he doesn't give two shits about achieving at the highest level....and if his boss doesn't, then why should Ferments. "Hey, if 7-5 is good enough for my boss, then why should I worry about busting my ass out on the recruiting trail.....and why put undue pressure on myself mentioning a National Championship when nobody else is putting pressure on me to do so."

Hey, even if he doesn't deliver...he talked about it. So it's all good.

Could you link that quote from KF, can't find it.
At least he puts himself out there with the ultimate goal in mind....Ferments is content with an occasional Big 10 West Title and nothing more. Big whoop! My first impression of you is someone who asks for nothing but Hawkeye gear for Christmas, and can't even wait to wash the sweatshirt you got before wearing it....probably still has the sharp fold lines and tag on it.

You keep saying this about KF, but I can't find anything out there where he's said he's content with only a B1G West title.

I like Fleck, and am on record saying I was hoping he'd stay at WM for a few more years and be available when KF starts to think of retiring. I believe it was a good hire for Minny.

Extreme fringe is extreme.

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