First four practices, every snap no huddle


Bryce Miller just tweeted this out....per Greg Davis.

I am shocked...I guess I didn't believe the spring fling was going to translate into that in fall camp. You don't do this in fall camp an not do it in games.
I'd like to think it carries over into the season. I'll believe what I see on the field. But it sounds great!
I would love to see up-tempo, but with so many questions on offense you just put your defense in a worse position. That is something we can't afford to do. I do agree with Jon that it still makes it hard for the defense to make subs.
Its true though. A lot of teams dont huddle after every play but are not up tempo.

Would you consider the Colts with Peyton Manning under center "up tempo"?

They rarely huddled.
Yes, up tempo is putting pressure on the other teams D, that's exactly what the Patriots and Broncos do, check out which NFL teams had the most snaps per game last year. By not huddling you are already setting the pace as an O, this is exactly what up tempo means.
So taking a more up tempo approach, does that mean Michigan State players start dropping every other play in the second quarter or will they make past half time. Glad this isn't the NFL or the refs might not allow us playing at such a pace. Oregon watch out.
That's why they need to practice it more and actually use it more in games. They can't hope to make it work well if they rarely use it.

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