First Coaches Poll of 2010 Released

They don't matter. #1 and #2 in the preseason never make it to face eachother for the national title later in the season. It DOESN'T matter where you are ranked. Winning all your games is all that gives you a shot at winning a title. Iowa being at #10 doesn't mean they won't get a chance to play for a title and it doesn't mean they will. For ****sake why is that so hard to understand? Some of you think that being in the top 10 in the preseason guarantees you can win a title, which it doesn't, it gives you a chance but EVERYBODY has a chance to win a title before the season.

Jesus H. Christ. We're not talking about wins and losses. We're not talking about have a "chance" to play for the title. We're talking about RANKINGS. If every team ahead of you loses and you win out, then no s*** you will play in the title game. Tell me something I don't know.

The past 50 posts in this thread have been about if 3 teams go UNDEFEATED. The team that is ranked lowest in the preseason polls will be the team to be left out. It's not rocket science.

This whole discussion is about the fact that you can win all of your games, and still NOT have a shot at the title because you were ranked lower than other teams at the start of the season, where those other teams ALSO won all of their games.

Rankings DO matter. Period.

But I suppose the sun doesn't rise in the east and set in the west, either.
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Wanting to be ranked lower is loser talk. We are a great team and great teams don't wilt in the face of expectations. The people complaining about being too high are just afraid of being upset and having to get grief from people about it. The Goal is a NC and its almost impossible to do if you are out of the top 10.
It does no good to use common sense with him.

There are some people who will never admit that they are wrong, and act like a ******* in the process. You can show them the hard proof that they are wrong, and they will still deny it and insist that they are right.

I'm done arguing about it.
They don't matter. #1 and #2 in the preseason never make it to face eachother for the national title later in the season. It DOESN'T matter where you are ranked. Winning all your games is all that gives you a shot at winning a title. Iowa being at #10 doesn't mean they won't get a chance to play for a title and it doesn't mean they will. For ****sake why is that so hard to understand? Some of you think that being in the top 10 in the preseason guarantees you can win a title, which it doesn't, it gives you a chance but EVERYBODY has a chance to win a title before the season.

Wrong. Again. The No 1 and 2 preseason teams have faced each other in the BCS title game twice in the last six seasons, USC and Oklahoma in '04 and USC-Texas in '05. But keep making stuff up, it's obvious facts and logic do nothing to change your idiotic opinion.
I'm sorry if I have no problem with being ranked low in the preseason.

So then you'll have no problem if (and when) the Hawks get wrongfully shafted from being given a NC game invite because of their preseason ranking. Gotcha. Good to know for later reference.
How in the world is this thread 100+ posts long? Isn't this about where most of us expected Iowa to end up in the first place?
How in the world is this thread 100+ posts long? Isn't this about where most of us expected Iowa to end up in the first place?

You should know by now that anytime there is a thread about Iowa being ranked that means its time to dust off the same old arguments and push the thread over the 100 post mark.
You should know by now that anytime there is a thread about Iowa being ranked that means its time to dust off the same old arguments and push the thread over the 100 post mark.

I just assume that any thread that's over 100 posts is a ******* match involving rdubbs since that guy (or gal) has an insatiable desire to be right.....even when he's wrong. Turns out that is the case once again.
The Big Twelve IS getting too much love. Two teams should be here, but three is questionable. However, this will all flesh out when they start playing.

As far as Oregon is concerned, they have to have a Pac Ten team somewhere around there. Same with Va Tech and the ACC. Big East must be embarrassed. Also, this year things are messed up because of Boise and TCU.

You don't think Texas, OU, and Nebraska all deserve to be ranked?

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