Fire Fran Thread here!!!!!

Woody should NEVER, and I repeat NEVER be in ANY effin game where you know with 100% certainty that there is going to be panicked pressing going on....Fran looked more panicked than the players did the last 5 minutes....if that is even possible. Seriously....this is year 5 folks....much like Jason Garrett, when is the last time Iowa won and you said to yourself, "Boy, Fran sure out coached such and such tonite"....nope, me either!!!
They can't close out teams! Fran forgets what he is doing under 2 minutes in the 2nd half of every close game they play... Unreal!
We need New Fran to show up and figure out how to coach the final 5 minutes and not create mentally weak teams year after year.
As an Iowa St fan I'm curious as to why Gabe was Woodberry's backup last year. You guys know?

lol I love this and have NO CLUE WHY!! But According to some it don't Matter who started, Even if the backup is better or we heard Gabe is better coming off the Bench (I always loved that gem of a response as well) Gabe did get to start on Sr Day that was very nice of Woody to let him start. Crazy isn't it that Woody has started every game except that one since he stepped onto campus.
Fran is not in good standing with Alex Zelada. He can redeem himself with a good conference record. But right now he is on double-secret probation.
Loss after loss after loss like this make it real easy to be disinterested in this program. Since Fran took over, Iowa has lost 70% of games decided by 6 or less points...SEVENTY PERCENT!!! That's not in itself enough to fire him but when the end comes you will be able to point to that as a big reason. 5 years now, you think that improves either? Fran is beginning to get tiresome. He's beginning to remind me of a former ISU football coach - lot of substance and hyperbole but out coached many times and so many collapses. At least we have 3 weeks of football left.

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