Final Record Prediction?

My biggest fear is that the conclusion we must reach at this point is "...this team is who they are and won't change much for the balance of the year." If that is in fact the case, I think we beat Illinois and hopefully win one additional game, putting us at 7-5. As Tevya famously said "On the other hand..." If we rebound after the bye and beat NW, go to Minneapolis and beat a MN team that has some real issues, and then knock off ILL as expected, the whole game could change in a heartbeat. If we have 8 wins going into the games at Kinnick against WI and NE, we could see a dream season, or we fall to 8-5, at worst. Yeah, I know. Capt. Obvious strikes again. But, those are my thoughts and so be it.

Iowa is a team that, on defense, has not improved a lot in the LB group and certainly not in the safety position. The D is good, but has not progressed enough to become the catalyst for victories on a consistent basis. I really believed that by the time we got through the early season games and a couple of cupcakes in the BT, the LB's and S's would be mature and fairly salty. Just is not the case. Big disappointment.

The offensive problems are well known, even by those of us who are simply Hawk fans with very limited knowledge. We are running a Ferentz/O'keefe/Davis hybrid that is an absolute Frankenstein. We have a starting QB who is so terrified of making a mistake that he embodies the "Don't let fear make you a coward." cliche' a stark reality. He is now the second QB that the coaches (whomever) have ruined. The only way our backup would be successful would be to ignore the coaches and play his own game...ain't gonna happen. We would, frankly, be better off to go back to the O'keefe offense; it would take KF saying to Davis...this is where we are going and at the end of the season you need to announce your retirement. (this would also address the speculation that we have players who may transfer at the end of the year, though I am doubtful this speculation is based on any real evidence. In fact, I am appalled that Jon M. and others seem to be embracing this concept, especially when we are in the midst of recruiting for the next TWO years!) The offensive line is a total mystery to me; now we are starting to blame Brian F. and add to the criticism that he is not coaching them up, that he is not a good recruiter. Geez. When it rains, it pours. (Not buying either of those conclusions.) Our running backs, who I greatly admire for their efforts and physical courage, would not likely start for any other team in the BT. Our receivers, who have been praised for their athletic ability, have, frankly, not created a lot of separation from mediocre defensive backs at this point in the season (IMHO). Yes, we need to take risks and go down the field, use our TE's on seam routes, etc.

So, that is my mid season analysis as a die hard Hawkeye fan for my entire life, long time season ticket holder through good times and Frank Lauterbur, and one who will never give up on the football (or basketball) teams. Great admiration for KF and Fran the Man, as well as Gary Barta and what he has done for our facilities during his tenure. Feedback and down votes are welcome. Have at it.
Since this is the first time it's come up and I really haven't put much thought into, I'm gonna make a much more positive guess, 7-5. I think Hawks sweep the state of Illannoy.

Being a true fan, I gotta stay positive -- unlike certain Florida based Hawk "fans". ^^ ^^

I agree. 7-5 hopefully
I'll second the 7-5, win against Illannoy, split jNW Minnesota and lose to Nebraska and wiscy. Although somehow I want to believe iowa could pull off a win vs Wisconsin. They are one dimensional on offense, and the iowa defense can only do one dimension at a time.

I also hate that I'm at the point where I expect a lose vs northwestern.
What's the point,they beat us on our field. Does it really make you feel better we will finish with a 'better' record.
If we played ISU sched and they played ours. How do you think our records would compare then???

Why is this such a big question now. How much worse would ISU's record be if they had been in the BIG instead of the Big 12. We don't play each others schedule so the question doesn't matter. Teams adapt their playing style and players to the conference they're in. The only thing that matters is wins. We have mostly been winners for the last 3 1/2 decades. What would the cyfans be saying if they were going bowling for the 11th time in the last 13 years.
Wisky may be 1 dimentional but atleast they have that 1 dimention. That's 1 more than what Iowa has.

Here are the update cfb stats. No need to do a lot of anaylsis . Iowa in in the 80's in offence.

Here are the BigTen stats - same Idea - bottom quartile.

Each week a different story... they "can't run" or "they wont run" maybe some weeks they know when they can't run. Problem is they either "can't pass" or they "won't pass down field" .
I go by the old adage that you are never as good as you think when you win, or as bad as you think when you lose.

NW- Iowa comes out running the ball, and find a way to get a win at home...maybe by hurting their QB who is gimpy already.
Minny- set up a big game in Minny....Iowa has their number, and gets a huge win.
Ill.- Iowa rolls , Beckmans head rolls.
Wis- Iowa wins a thriller
Neb- Too much Big Red.....Iowa drops a game on Senior Day ...costs them the West.

Final record- 9-3. Good bowl offering in Florida or San Diego....who knows?
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Can't get myself to look anything past NW. That game will not only be a must win in terms if keeping any West contension, but also how the Hawks play and if we can improve obvious weaknesses, including game planning, play calling, tackling, and vertical passing.

1-0 over the next 13 days. Make it happen Hawks...please.

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