Ferentz Wearing Down?


Well-Known Member
In leiu of the recent events and after the 2008 fiascoe, I think Kirk is getting sick of the scrutiny. I personally saw the anguish on Ferentz's face at a charity event in the winter of 2008 in DSM. I am gonna make a bold prediction and say Ferentz will leave on his own terms after James' Senior season.
You think he is going to retire then? Any high profile college jobs and definitely any NFL gig is going to get a lot more scrutiny than the Iowa job.
Perhaps. But where would he go? The NFL or a college football program that actually expects answers during pressers? Frankly speaking, Ferentz it treated with padded gloves by the media in Iowa. Personally, I don't think there is enough scrutinizing of this program, which has proven over the years to be dirtier than most people think. After all, there is much more at stake here than Ferentz's opinion of the media.
He reminds me of some of our recent presidents. They age like hell and by the second term they look like they need a blood transfusion. He should be enjoying this time in his career. Instead he looks like he either wants to cry or kick somebody's a$$.
Perhaps. But where would he go? The NFL or a college football program that actually expects answers during pressers? Frankly speaking, Ferentz it treated with padded gloves by the media in Iowa. Personally, I don't think there is enough scrutinizing of this program, which has proven over the years to be dirtier than most people think. After all, there is much more at stake here than Ferentz's opinion of the media.

Really? Belichick doesnt answer questions, Ferentz learned from the best. If you think Ferentz doesnt answer questions, i suggest you listen to a Pelini presser. I predict Ferentz will either retire, or go to the NFL. No more college...
You think he is going to retire then? Any high profile college jobs and definitely any NFL gig is going to get a lot more scrutiny than the Iowa job.

Let's be honest here. Between the sexual assault cases and now the latest drug incidents, he's had to deal with more than most coaches deal with.
Let's be honest here. Between the sexual assault cases and now the latest drug incidents, he's had to deal with more than most coaches deal with.

The sexual assault was one thing, but to be accused of a cover up is a whole different ball game IMO.
Every year brings a blank slate.... He has a personal goal of passing Hayden and bringing home a National Campionship. I think he is uber excited about the addition of Nebraska and also that it is almost easier to get there after winning the championship game (more likely now that a one loss team trumps other undefeateds just like the sec).
Please, all of you guys boo hooing in this thread are leaving out 30 million reasons why Ferentz will not leave Iowa.
any coach who didn't look "worked over" given all the crap in the past few months wouldn't be worth a damn. He will come back and be good

We will be a better team next year. May not have better talent but will be a better team......I'm a believer. try it, you'll like it
Imagine being a Dad to his own kids and then having another 100+ other kids. It's seriously one of the reasons I have personally stayed away from coaching no matter how bad I have wanted to get into it. If a person spends that amount of time with a team a coach comes to care about every single player on that team. Practices, trips and other things that take away from "family" time to spend with your other "family". Sure KF is making great money but I don't know if having all that money makes a guy sleep any better. I'm sure KF looks at these kids as a son of some sort. A coach doesn't want any player to fail and will put in a lot of time and effort.
Imagine being a Dad to his own kids and then having another 100+ other kids. It's seriously one of the reasons I have personally stayed away from coaching no matter how bad I have wanted to get into it. If a person spends that amount of time with a team a coach comes to care about every single player on that team. Practices, trips and other things that take away from "family" time to spend with your other "family". Sure KF is making great money but I don't know if having all that money makes a guy sleep any better. I'm sure KF looks at these kids as a son of some sort. A coach doesn't want any player to fail and will put in a lot of time and effort.

Not to mention the recruiting trips, charity events, booster events, etc etc. Being a college coach would be alot harder than being an NFL coach IMO.
Please, all of you guys boo hooing in this thread are leaving out 30 million reasons why Ferentz will not leave Iowa.

I honestly don't think KF cares about the money, he donates a large chunk back to the University Hospitals or the University in general every year. He could walk away now and wouldn't have to work again the rest of his life.
Not to mention the recruiting trips, charity events, booster events, etc etc. Being a college coach would be alot harder than being an NFL coach IMO.

THat might be true but Ferentz is not stupid & he has been exposed to that lifestyle before.

I also think he has looked rough for wear but I also think he SHOULD be, after this season. He knows that college football coaches DO NOT make good NFL coaches, and he also knows that the average lifespan of an NFL coach leaves nothing to certainty. Plus, he is already making more than most NFL coaches.
You think he is going to retire then? Any high profile college jobs and definitely any NFL gig is going to get a lot more scrutiny than the Iowa job.

I think he is under a ton of scrutiny. Most not deserved. Maybe not so much by the media, but he feels it. Iowa has no pro teams. The Hawkeye football team is the most important team in the state, bar none.
Any high profile job is going to wear you down. Thats why he gets the big bucks. You think there arn't player personel issues in the NFL? You have players thinking they can get away with anything by throwing a little money around (Big Ben), Drug test failures by high profile athletes (Julius Peppers, Brian Cushin and more). This is the Big 10 Fella.... This isnt Juco..... He is a competitor... He will stick around....
This is the time of year where coaches probably look the most beat. It's the time of year where I feel most beat ;)
agree, you see this every year at the end of the football season by most coaches, after the bowl game, they can recharge the batteries a bit although recruiting and spring practice are still close, but its not as much of a grind on them, he'll look recharged by next fall again.
I have noticed KF has looked haggard as well, I don't think it's implausible that he walks away after James graduates and pulls an Alvarez and take a job as assistant AD or something like that.

He has made more money than most can even fathom and he lives in a city that has the cost of living of a doggie daycare. He obviously loves the area, and I could certainly see him staying in Iowa City for the long haul even after he hangs it up.

In another two years he'll be what, 56? Lots of time left to enjoy the fruits of your labor in a meaningful way.

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