Ferentz Wearing Down?

In leiu of the recent events and after the 2008 fiascoe, I think Kirk is getting sick of the scrutiny. I personally saw the anguish on Ferentz's face at a charity event in the winter of 2008 in DSM. I am gonna make a bold prediction and say Ferentz will leave on his own terms after James' Senior season.

I noticed the exact same thing...but I just didn't want to add any more news to the board thar could be considered bad. I'm glad you mentioned it and I agree that he looked really out of character during the press conference. He seemed to be upset by the mere fact that he was even there, or that he had to be. I would simply state that it's the nature of the beast. It's what coaches have to do sometimes in all forms of play at all levels. I would think he would be used to it by now like any coach with his amount of tenure.
I have wondered about this myself - but its hard for anonye to know. With the changes in the Big Ten it might be kind of an exciting time. I wouldn't be suprised though.
This is the time of year where coaches probably look the most beat. It's the time of year where I feel most beat ;)

This has been a trying year, but the end of the season has its own wear and tear. Go back and look at photos of him around this same time last year. And then contrast that to how he looked right after his team laid an a$$-whupping on a supposedly much faster, talent-laden ACC team.


Those were a bunch of happy Hawkeyes, as Hayden might say, and the Hawkeye in Chief was among the happiest.
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C'mon, Iowa City is a fish bowl, I'll give you that. But it is an ultra soft fish bowl. If Ferentz bolts from Iowa to go to the NFL because he can't handle the public pressure, it would be an incredibly disappointing decision. If he can't handle Iowa City, he would tear his hair out in any NFL market, comparably.
This has been a trying year, but the end of the season has its own wear and tear. Go back and look at photos of him around this same time last year. And then contrast that to how he looked right after his team laid an a$$-whupping on a supposedly much faster, talent-laden SEC team.QUOTE]

ACC Team --
Not to mention the recruiting trips, charity events, booster events, etc etc. Being a college coach would be alot harder than being an NFL coach IMO.

I totally agree with you on this. College coaching not only hits you hard for all the mentioned above but also the emotional part it is overwhelming as it pertain to the players. Take into account the fact that he buys into a lot of these kids emotionally and to see some of them grow up only to be huge disappointments must be tasking. Also, the kids that turn out great (attitude or skill) leave the nest after only a few years never to return "home". :(
This is the time of year where coaches probably look the most beat. It's the time of year where I feel most beat ;)

I thought I was busy running kids everywhere, going to work for long hours and shoving in the shopping. When I think of the requirements and hours spent at Ferentz's job, I would have a break down.