Ferentz Statement on Binns

How is it newsworthy that Jon is sticking up for a coach who is one of the most respected men in the entire football community? Maybe I'll create a screen name on CF and start a thread asking that question.

Just kidding. I like chicks!

Travis is hilarious

Well played sir
Kirk is on vacation, that I know to be true.

I just don't understand ISU fans and their mindset on Kirk's discipline. He has been fair and stern throughout his entire career. He metes out in house punishment before the courts have their say, based on judgement criteria. Then after the legal system runs its course, he metes out additional punishments such as suspensions.

In some instances, after he has spoken with the player and when the player admits to the charges against them, he instantly metes out all levels of punishment.

I have been following these instances for every one of Kirk's years at Iowa, far more closely than ISU fans have, and I have found him to be consistent and strong. In recent years, the punishment he has handed out has been more stern than you will find at most football programs with similar offenses. The punishment his son James has received has been very harsh given what he did, at least the first time...the second time, the punishment seemed fitting for a second offense.
AMEN JON...take our new addition to the B10, Nebraska. Usually nothing gets done...not even suspensions.
Not to wish summer away but things like this make me wish the first day of preseason practice started today. That way the team would be quarantined until schools starts and this arrest stuff would be prevented.

It's still 4 weeks away from the start of practice. I hope no other player decides to do something stupid during this time period to hurt himself and the team.
This is ridiculous if I was a cop in ic and I pull over a fball player I give him a ride home not write him up this team brings soooo much money to the area and city I can't believe we don't protect our own I guarantee that's how it used to be
Not to make light of this but you would think after all the OWI's the players would know (or be told) that it would be best if they didn't take the breath test.
Well, at this point there is nothing pissin and moanin will do. Let's just hope whoever steps in for BB for however long does the job.
This is ridiculous if I was a cop in ic and I pull over a fball player I give him a ride home not write him up this team brings soooo much money to the area and city I can't believe we don't protect our own I guarantee that's how it used to be

That would only bring more negative attention, I doubt KF wants that type of preferential treatment for his players.
That would only bring more negative attention, I doubt KF wants that type of preferential treatment for his players.

Agreed. The players need to be prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. As Jon said, sometimes the only way you learn is by making mistakes. Young people do stupid things, and hopefully Broderick has learned that what he does not only affects him but his teammates as well.

That being said, I hope the rest of the team takes a lesson from this and learns to never, never get behind the wheel of a car drunk. Stopping the team from going to bars (yes, even the underage kids) is pretty much impossible, but DUIs are inexcusable.
Put me in the category of those who think he will get a two game suspension. You have a vet at the WIL linebacker spot in Hunter behind Daniel to help out and/or mask some potential problems, which probably help in the first two games. EIU probably won't matter, but it might for ISU.

King/Kroul were huge in getting the shipped rided a couple of years ago from a leadership standpoint. Maybe someone from the current leadership council need to make a preemptive strike now, before this gets out of hand.
Let's look at the silver lining to this cloud.... This will be an opportunity for his backup to see some quality playing time.
This is ridiculous if I was a cop in ic and I pull over a fball player I give him a ride home not write him up this team brings soooo much money to the area and city I can't believe we don't protect our own I guarantee that's how it used to be

You are not teaching the player anything by doing that. In fact, giving them a ride home would only encourage that kind of behavior.

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