Ferentz ranked #33 behind Hoke, Beilema, Dantonio, Meyer by The Sporting News

Look at the Michigan team he took over and compare it to Ferentz's first team. There you go.

Well, I don't see where comparing Ferentz comes into the equation. I think it goes without saying that Michigan generally has better recruits.

My point was specifically in regards to what Rodriguez left for his successor. It wasn't in contrast to Iowa in any way.
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Let me understand this, if you coach at a school like Michigan we can discount the accomplishment of the coach because that school has the players/tradition?

Also, please help me get my arms around what KF did his first year has to do with what BH did his first year have to do with one another.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the people in the NFL would disagree with this list.

Except that NFL people don't really care one way or the other what the record of the college team was that a particular player played for. And no one (at least that I've seen) has debated Ferentz's ability to coach his players up, develop them and have them "NFL ready".
Except that NFL people don't really care one way or the other what the record of the college team was that a particular player played for. And no one (at least that I've seen) has debated Ferentz's ability to coach his players up, develop them and have them "NFL ready".

First let me say that I love Kirk Ferentz and I wouldn't have anybody else, don't get me wrong, but his job is to win games, not to develop "NFL-ready" players. His stubborness to change and adapt over the years has frustrated me so much, along with his overly conservative ways. And I won't even get into how he still doesn't know how to manage a game clock effectively. That said though, I feel very opptimistic moving forward and am very glad with the changes that he has implemented in the offseason. Whether or not he gives very much freedom to Greg Davis remains to be seen, but hopefully we're not so vanilla anymore from here on out.
That's a fair assessment. Losing the to weaker teams year in year out. Then stomp a mud hole in a top ten team it's hard to say he is an top twenty coach. I'd like to see the list 3yrs. from now say. KF has turn the ship around and seams to have shaken off the bud-a-boo's from his past with only losing 6 games in 3 years.
Well, I don't see where comparing Ferentz comes into the equation. I think it goes without saying that Michigan generally has better recruits.

My point was specifically in regards to what Rodriguez left for his successor. It wasn't in contrast to Iowa in any way.

It was an example. His cupboard was much more full that someone else's on the list. Compare it with a lot of those guys on the list and he was sitting well. One year with those players doesn't give you much, particularly seeing that he hasn't proven anything before that year.
Hoke has beaten Ohio St once and has one BCS victory in one season as a Big Ten coach.

I'm pretty sure there is a long term Big Ten coach who has the exact same career numbers against OSU and in the BCS.

This is a pretty telling fact.
The list seemed top heavy with coaches from minor schools. I also like to hear an outsiders perspective on Ferentz, makes the kool aid drinkers go haywire for a few days.
Iowa is a middle to lower tier big ten team right now. The coaches listed ahead of Ferentz are there for a reason including Hoke. Why, because they win the games they are supposed to win, something that currently hampers Ferentz. Numerous times during his tenure I've asked, "What if the coaches didn't get in the way of the players." What might have been?
I didn't say he was overrated or underrated. Frankly, I don't care about these kind of rankings anyway...it's opinion, like the other 734 lists that will come out this year.

733 with the demise of Ponch McPhee's Long-Snapper Ratings.
It was an example. His cupboard was much more full that someone else's on the list. Compare it with a lot of those guys on the list and he was sitting well. One year with those players doesn't give you much, particularly seeing that he hasn't proven anything before that year.

Sure it was. But it's not like Rodriguez was considered some bum at the time he was hired. He was among the nation's elite. And the guys he brought in to play his system couldn't succeed in that system. Hoke made an ill-fit group work. That takes some very good coaching, IMO.

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