Ferentz is best player developer in NCAA

Say Hello to Nick Saban and Alabama.
Being conservative coaches (as each one is) doesn't mean they have the same player development ability (which they don't). Besides, Saban has been forced to jump out of his conservative skin from time to time just to survive in the SEC.
when has iowa ever been able to recruit "gifted" WRs?

All the Iowa WR records are currently held by Ferentz players - outside of 1, I do believe. so if one was to believe you, Iowa has never been a holder of gifted WR given that Ferentz has never had any, and his receivers hold all the WR records...

do you think Alabama, for example, develops 'gifted' athletes? or do they just 'plug and chug'?

who, in your opinion, has been the best developer of 'gifted' athletes in the last ten years. or are they simply gifted at being at a 'blue chip' school that draws in 'gifted' athletes year over year and in a conference that allows them to sign more 'gifted' athletes than are otherwise allowed, allowing for other schools to have an opportunity at these 'gifted' athletes.

Finally, i'm guessing you haven't been around D1 athletes a whole lot. these people are all gifted athletes. a guy who can play D1 football - these guys are special athletes, no matter the position. are some better than others? sure. Scherff was listed as #2 on a 'freak list'. (i'd gather that would make him a 'gifted' athlete, but i digress....)
I'll bet you that direction school from Michigan? in the MAC who hired the Baylor offensive protege will have better luck recruiting WR than Iowa, and this coach is just starting out.
Am referring to Phil Parker the DC not Phil Parker the defensive backs coach... As coach under a coordinator (or head coach), one plays to the personality, the philosophy of the coordinator or head coach (at least in the Iowa situation).

Some head coaches like, for instance, Hayden like to delegate, other head coaches, like for instance, KF don't.

Phil might be the defensive coordinator now, but he's still in charge of the defensive backs.

Look man, you aren't making a damn bit of sense. Just do yourself a favor and quit trying. You're running in place.
This post is riddled with fail.

"Matter of fact, very few Iowa DBs make it as DBs in the NFL"

Sean Considine
Derek Pagel
Bob Sanders
Bradley Fletcher
Marcus Paschall
Tyler Sash
Amari Spievey
Micah Hyde
Shaun Prater
Charles Godfrey
and Matt Bowen all say hello.

How many Iowa DB grads made it, at least, 3 years as DBs in the NFL??
Sean Considine a safety at Iowa played mostly on special teams in the NFL... I remember him with Philadelphia, mostly.
Derek Pagel? where did he play and for how long as DB?
Bob Sanders was a special player. He was known for his hitting more than his DB defense. Played as safety at Iowa and NFL - could have been considered another linebacker for the Colts (which was how he was used at Iowa). Is that player development?
Bradley Fletcher, a CB at Iowa who started out at STL and now plays for Philadelphia as a CB (had to Google). How long has he played in the NFL?
Marcus Paschall? I remember the name but don't remember his NFL DB exploits... why don't you enlighten me?
Tyler Sash.. safety at Iowa who is a special teams player in the NFL. Mostly with the Giants.
Amari Spievey.. epic fail. I mean, he was an epic fail in the NFL. Played cornerback at Iowa. Drafted number 1 by the Lions to play cornerback and by his second season was switched to safety, and after 3 years the Lions didn't want him, heck the league didn't want him.
Micah Hyde... Played as safety and cornerback at Iowa. Has played one year at safety for the Packers. He's a good athlete, but doesn't prove anything about player development at Iowa (or Green Bay).
Shaun Prater a DB for Iowa playing as a DB for I want to say Philadelphia now? Been in the NFL for 3 seasons.
Charles Godfrey a DB for Iowa playing as a DB for Carolina. At least 3 seasons in the NFL.
Matt Bowen? What did he do? Special teams at, I want to say Green Bay?

Of those 11 players you listed, as far as I can remember:
4 of those you mentioned either didn't play at their position in the NFL as Iowa (I count Spievey)
3 of those you mentioned I don't remember. I wonder what kind of NFL careers they had.
1 Sanders had a great career at the Colts with about 8 seasons in the league (talk about a concussion statistic)
3 played DB at Iowa and play DB currently with the NFL with at most 3 years in the NFL.

One can look at this another way:
This isn't scientific, but Since 2003 (I'll use 2003 as the first year of Iowa's 'greatness' under KF and the defense):
There have been 11 Iowa seasons since 2003.
That means 22 different cornerbacks and 22 different safeties could've played for Iowa since the 2003 season.
Divide those numbers by 2 (I assume each player played for 2 seasons at Iowa) and you get
Approximately 22 different CBs and safeties have played for Iowa since 2003.

Of those 22 supposed different Iowa DBs since the 2003 season:
4 I come up using your list of Iowa DBs that stayed at their positions for, at least, 3 years in the NFL.
3 I don't remember their NFL careers.
1 is an unknown - Hyde.

Not so sure your list proves any kind of superiority of Iowa DB development.
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Your right most of the criticism does come about his coaching. Trouble with that is it comes mostly from wanabes. The people that I talk to that know much more than I about football think he coaches the talent he has very well
I think virtually everyone does. KFz is widely praised for his player development. The criticism he gets comes in other areas.

Why is it some people don't understand that?
Being conservative coaches (as each one is) doesn't mean they have the same player development ability (which they don't). Besides, Saban has been forced to jump out of his conservative skin from time to time just to survive in the SEC.

Now i know you're just trolling..and we'll part ways here soon.
Most if not all of Iowa's high draft picks are lineman, not skill players. Elite programs have tons of skill player talent. Blue chip programs can also hit and miss more than Iowa because they obviously attract more elite players. Kirk has a problem managing/keeping high level talent focused. I'm not sure if it's just Kirk or the Iowa culture in general. In my opinion the 1997 and 2010 seasons are the most disappointing, both years had similar expectations and a high level of talent, but obviously 2 different coaching staffs.
Your right most of the criticism does come about his coaching. Trouble with that is it comes mostly from wanabes. The people that I talk to that know much more than I about football think he coaches the talent he has very well

Yeah, but aren't all of us armchair QBs and wannabees? Again, nobody doubts he coaches his talent well, he knows how to build a football player. It's the in-game and strategic calls that puzzle more than just the posers. Plenty of "educated" critics out there too.

Very few coaches (or people in any job, for that matter) do it ALL well. KFz is a pretty damn good football coach, and a solid guy. But like anyone, he has his strengths and his weaknesses.

god forbid we end up with a bozo like Rhoades some day.
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I would have to agree with that. Well said
Yeah, but aren't all of us armchair QBs and wannabees? Again, nobody doubts he coaches his talent well, he knows how to build a football player. It's the in-game and strategic calls that puzzle more than just the posers. Plenty of "educated" critics out there too.

Very few coaches (or people in any job, for that matter) do it ALL well. KFz is a pretty damn good football coach, and a solid guy. But like anyone, he has his strengths and his weaknesses.

god forbid we end up with a bozo like Rhoades some day.
Yeah, but aren't all of us armchair QBs and wannabees? Again, nobody doubts he coaches his talent well, he knows how to build a football player. It's the in-game and strategic calls that puzzle more than just the posers. Plenty of "educated" critics out there too.

Very few coaches (or people in any job, for that matter) do it ALL well. KFz is a pretty damn good football coach, and a solid guy. But like anyone, he has his strengths and his weaknesses.

god forbid we end up with a bozo like Rhoades some day.

didn't know you had it in ya. good job.
Yeah, but aren't all of us armchair QBs and wannabees? Again, nobody doubts he coaches his talent well, he knows how to build a football player. It's the in-game and strategic calls that puzzle more than just the posers. Plenty of "educated" critics out there too.

Very few coaches (or people in any job, for that matter) do it ALL well. KFz is a pretty damn good football coach, and a solid guy. But like anyone, he has his strengths and his weaknesses.

god forbid we end up with a bozo like Rhoades some day.
Agree. I think it's important to know your weaknesses. It seems as though KF has surrounded himself with those who aren't afraid to point them out, so he has made some changes. We don't know if those changes have paid off just yet, but last year was a step in the right direction.
Phil might be the defensive coordinator now, but he's still in charge of the defensive backs.

Look man, you aren't making a damn bit of sense. Just do yourself a favor and quit trying. You're running in place.
What doesn't make sense? That Phil Parker as defensive backs coach under DC Norm Parker had Iowa's DBs cover an area rather than the WR because of Norm's philosophy?

Does this make any sense? That Phil Parker as defensive backs coach under DC Phil Parker has Iowa corner backs cover the WR rather than an area because of DC Phil Parker's philosophy.
Am referring to Phil Parker the DC not Phil Parker the defensive backs coach... As coach under a coordinator (or head coach), one plays to the personality, the philosophy of the coordinator or head coach (at least in the Iowa situation).

Some head coaches like, for instance, Hayden like to delegate, other head coaches, like for instance, KF don't.

Your saying KF doesn't like to delegate? You think he micromanages every aspect of the team? Please KF is a head coach whos specialty is the Oline. One of the reason he has such loyal and long time assistants such as Phil is because he DOES delegate and let them coach to their specialties. All head coaches delegate. If you think KF is micromanaging the DBs to the point it steps on Phils toes your just delusional and don't understand how D1 programs are run.
"A crazy statistic found by sportsnation and blackheartgoldpants is that a two star prospect has one in 34 chance of getting drafted. At Iowa, it is one and six. A three star recruit at Iowa is three times more likely of being drafted than an average program. Iowa four star recruits have a one in four chance of being drafted."



Nice find. I remember seeing a study that compared average recruiting rank to number of NFL players, (which is another indication of player development). Iowa was I think 2nd to Boise State.
What doesn't make sense? That Phil Parker as defensive backs coach under DC Norm Parker had Iowa's DBs cover an area rather than the WR because of Norm's philosophy?

Does this make any sense? That Phil Parker as defensive backs coach under DC Phil Parker has Iowa corner backs cover the WR rather than an area because of DC Phil Parker's philosophy.

What?! How many beers or shots HAVE you had today?

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