Ferentz interview

Yes, and it has nothing to do with liking or not liking the man. I don't know him personally, so I can't form a judgment. All reports, though, are that he's a very nice man.

But he is also the head football coach who has made $20 mil the past 5 seasons and produced a 34-30 (19-21) record.

don't forget the phrase that should be attached to every summary on Kirk.

"...and he has a losing record to Iowa State."
Golfer, there was zero reading between the lines on my part. Below are excerpts from the article.


"Everybodywas happy a couple of years ago," Ferentz said. "If you're going todo this, be prepared for some ebbs and flows. What's important is what can wedo to get everybody happy again? We want to put smiles on faces."
Ferentz acknowledges the drumbeatfor change. The best way to listen to the noise, he said, is with a deaf ear.
"If you do (listen), all youtake away is what you're trying to accomplish," Ferentz said. "Thatwould be cheating our players, and cheating our staff. And, ultimately,cheating our fans if I was worried about all that stuff."

"If it gets to the pointwhere I really can't do this job successfully, somebody is going to let meknow," Ferentz said. "I know that. Somebody that has thatdecision-making authority. That's how sports works."
A more aggressiveoffensive attack won't be part of the new-look Hawkeyes.
"My suggestion would be it'smore about how you play than the style of play you choose," Ferentz said.
"Look at Wisconsin andMichigan State, two teams that we need to be able to compete with. The way theyplay seems to be working pretty good for them."
Ferentz can already hear thegrumbling over those words.
"I've read a lot aboutthrowing the ball deep," Ferentz said. "Heaven forbid, why would youdo that? Everyone wants to spread. Do a throw chart on spread offenses. Howmany balls are going downfield? Twenty years ago it was the run-and-shoot,right? Or the Buddy Ryan defense. Whatever's the flavor of the day."

There's nothing he said that's not accurate. And as an example, this portion here isn't said by KF: "For all the good hedoes, whether it's raising money for University Hospitals with his wife, Mary,getting his players to graduate at a positive rate or avoiding NCAA scandals,Ferentz knows the win-loss record is a coach's defining statistic."
Watch the way Hayden coaches to win throughout the entire game....think he would have sat on the ball at the Shoe in 2009? Pfffftt....no way! Kurt sucks the life out of everything...year after year no matter the competition, he coaches like he is nursing a 3 point lead in the National Championship game.


That was fun to watch. Same players with current coach would have been 17-14 squeaker. :(
There's nothing he said that's not accurate. And as an example, this portion here isn't said by KF: "For all the good hedoes, whether it's raising money for University Hospitals with his wife, Mary,getting his players to graduate at a positive rate or avoiding NCAA scandals,Ferentz knows the win-loss record is a coach's defining statistic."

Golfer, I don't kfootball didn't say that because it wasn't in quotations. But, the how much fundraising kfootball does is irrelevant to winning and losing. That is why I said the "article" was a fluff piece. I still believe that. This article was an image fixer and a PR piece.
This is what irritates me the most:

"I've read a lot about throwing the ball deep," Ferentz said. "Heaven forbid, why would you do that?"

Really Kirk?
Golfer, there was zero reading between the lines on my part. Below are excerpts from the article.


"Everybodywas happy a couple of years ago," Ferentz said. "If you're going todo this, be prepared for some ebbs and flows. What's important is what can wedo to get everybody happy again? We want to put smiles on faces."
Ferentz acknowledges the drumbeatfor change. The best way to listen to the noise, he said, is with a deaf ear.
"If you do (listen), all youtake away is what you're trying to accomplish," Ferentz said. "Thatwould be cheating our players, and cheating our staff. And, ultimately,cheating our fans if I was worried about all that stuff."
For all the good hedoes, whether it's raising money for University Hospitals with his wife, Mary,getting his players to graduate at a positive rate or avoiding NCAA scandals,Ferentz knows the win-loss record is a coach's defining statistic.
"If it gets to the pointwhere I really can't do this job successfully, somebody is going to let meknow," Ferentz said. "I know that. Somebody that has thatdecision-making authority. That's how sports works."
A more aggressiveoffensive attack won't be part of the new-look Hawkeyes.
"My suggestion would be it'smore about how you play than the style of play you choose," Ferentz said.
"Look at Wisconsin andMichigan State, two teams that we need to be able to compete with. The way theyplay seems to be working pretty good for them."
Ferentz can already hear thegrumbling over those words.
"I've read a lot aboutthrowing the ball deep," Ferentz said. "Heaven forbid, why would youdo that? Everyone wants to spread. Do a throw chart on spread offenses. Howmany balls are going downfield? Twenty years ago it was the run-and-shoot,right? Or the Buddy Ryan defense. Whatever's the flavor of the day."

For some reason Kirk thinks how aggressive you play has something to do with your style of play. A coach could run the spread and still be conservative with his decision making, the same as a coach could be pro style and be aggressive. It's funny how he mentions MSU and Wisconsin because their coaches are actually very aggressive.
For some reason Kirk thinks how aggressive you play has something to do with your style of play. A coach could run the spread and still be conservative with his decision making, the same as a coach could be pro style and be aggressive. It's funny how he mentions MSU and Wisconsin because their coaches are actually very aggressive.


And KF is far from an offensive genius but he stubbornly acts like one. You think someone from his inner circle would point out his offensive rankings during his head coaching career. Pretty sad.

I have been saying FOR A VERY LONG TIME that he does not know offensive past a few yards from the line of scrimmage and I don't think he ever has. For crying out loud he was on Hayden's staff. Did he not see the ball being thrown down the field? Successfully??

Oh that's right. He probably didn't look up because he was too busy doing the one thing he has ever been qualified to do. Coach the O-Line.

His meddling with the offense and imposing his flawed and outdated strategies will not change. And we know the rest of the story.
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And KF is far from an offensive genius but he stubbornly acts like one. You think someone from his inner circle would point out his offensive rankings during his head coaching career. Pretty sad.

I have been saying FOR A VERY LONG TIME that he does not know offensive past a few yards from the line of scrimmage and I don't think he ever has. For crying out loud he was on Hayden's staff. Did he not see the ball being thrown down the field? Successfully??

Oh that's right. He probably didn't look up because he was too busy doing the one thing he has ever been qualified to do. Coach the O-Line.

His meddling with the offense and imposing his flawed and outdated strategies will not change. And we know the rest of the story.

If someone pointed out his offensive statistics he would just say "I don't want to play good offense because I want to play good defense".
Yes, and it has nothing to do with liking or not liking the man. I don't know him personally, so I can't form a judgment. All reports, though, are that he's a very nice man.

But he is also the head football coach who has made $20 mil the past 5 seasons and produced a 34-30 (19-21) record.

Eda is just struggling to fight through all the negativity, he acts like KF just wrapped up the 2002 season. Take your finger off the pause button and fast forward Eda :).
KF plays statistical balanced football to the point of being anal. If he would balance short and long passes as much as he tries to balance runs versus passes we would be far more successful.

He believes in balanced running and passing and plays left and right. 50% run-pass; 50% right-left. If the first half ends and we have dominantly run 30 times and passed poorly 10 you can bet in the second half we will run less often and pass more even if it isn't working. How many times in the past umpteen years have we been doing something at will and we quit doing it before they stopped us?

I like the "scratch where it itches" philosophy much better than "dont scratch that itch you'll make it worse"
KF plays statistical balanced football to the point of being anal. If he would balance short and long passes as much as he tries to balance runs versus passes we would be far more successful.

He believes in balanced running and passing and plays left and right. 50% run-pass; 50% right-left. If the first half ends and we have dominantly run 30 times and passed poorly 10 you can bet in the second half we will run less often and pass more even if it isn't working. How many times in the past umpteen years have we been doing something at will and we quit doing it before they stopped us?

I like the "scratch where it itches" philosophy much better than "dont scratch that itch you'll make it worse"
That's as good an explanation of KF offense as I have seen. Nicely done.
Honest question- have the past seasons all started with this interview?
I'm pretty disappointed in many football issues so I certainly can be biased.
But this feels like a Jan press conference and depth chart release.
Honest question- have the past seasons all started with this interview?
I'm pretty disappointed in many football issues so I certainly can be biased.
But this feels like a Jan press conference and depth chart release.

There does appear to be a concerted effort by the AD and kfootball to do a series of image boosting interviews. The survey and slumping ticket sales are the culprit, I believe.