Ferentz has covid

Hope Kirk a quick transition from someone having the virus to someone who no longer has the virus. From everything i've read about Kirk, he stays in shape and takes care of his body so he's only got like a 99.5% chance of becoming another person that had the virus.
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Does being asymptomatic mean something besides what I think? They say that's what KF is but he was coughing up a lung on the radio yesterday. Just shoot us strait. He's got a cough and some symptoms. Is what it is
No kidding. Cancelled an interview with Keith Murphy half way through because he was coughing so bad. Thats hardly asymptomatic. They had a still shot of his video presser and he looked really rough.
They need to keep Phil Parker in a bubble last thing we need his badass self getting sick, shit he could be acting HC for a bowl and we’d be screwed defensively without him! I’ve had the VID and had very mild symptoms. My wife and family on the other hand had some pretty rough days... wishing Kirk all the best.
This crap is bad news. I am on day nine and just when you think you are getting better that damn fever comes back. My wife and special needs son caught it first.

My wife works at one of the biggest hospitals in Utah and because of restrictions I can’t saw too much about that other than this is not nor was it ever a Hoax (who was the stupid bastard that says it was ever a was hoax???)............. oh that’s right.........

Even though I have been wanting a coaching change I would never want it to come from any personal harm like some thing like this.

I sincerely hope that Kirk fully recovers without any significant issue and that the rest of his family doesn’t come down with it.

They same wishes to all of you also.
My wife works at one of the biggest hospitals in Utah and because of restrictions I can’t saw too much about that other than this is not nor was it ever a Hoax (who was the stupid bastard that says it was ever a was hoax???)............. oh that’s right.........
@BigD I wish you and your family the absolute best of outcomes and I have nothing but respect for your wife working on the frontlines of this thing, and that’s the truth. But re: bolded above, do not take this thread in that direction. I 100% understand that you have strong feelings and you have reason to, but we are just not going there.

Guys, this board has done an awesome job these last three months keeping the sports boards free of the shit that drove many long term posters away re: covid, social issues, etc. You’ve all been given a safe harbor and free reign for that stuff in this forum, and I’ve stuck to my word about leaving it alone. But it’s not gonna happen on the rest of HN.

If you need to vent I understand, but do it in OT. It’s what it’s there for.
@BigD I wish you and your family the absolute best of outcomes and I have nothing but respect for your wife working on the frontlines of this thing, and that’s the truth. But re: bolded above, do not take this thread in that direction. I 100% understand that you have strong feelings and you have reason to, but we are just not going there.

Guys, this board has done an awesome job these last three months keeping the sports boards free of the shit that drove many long term posters away re: covid, social issues, etc. You’ve all been given a safe harbor and free reign for that stuff in this forum, and I’ve stuck to my word about leaving it alone. But it’s not gonna happen on the rest of HN.

If you need to vent I understand, but do it in OT. It’s what it’s there for.
I'm pretty sure that social stuff and Covid related threads were the most posted threads on the boards...it was like 70 pages or something. It was good stuff.

Those threads brought us together. It allowed us to identify the idiots more easily and steer clear of them. I don't reply to them now and it's not triggered them.

If anything, those threads made things more harmonious on HawkeyeNation.
I'm pretty sure that social stuff and Covid related threads were the most posted threads on the boards...it was like 70 pages or something. It was good stuff.

Those threads brought us together. It allowed us to identify the idiots more easily and steer clear of them. I don't reply to them now and it's not triggered them.

If anything, those threads made things more harmonious on HawkeyeNation.
Then go to the OT forum and knock yourself out. You can be as harmonious as you want over there. A huge portion of posters here didn’t want to read the arguments all the time, and this way you get the best of both worlds. Go over there and argue till your heart’s content, or talk sports here.
Leistikow just tweeted that "other staff" have tested positive besides Ferentz (per Barta presser).

Wonder how practice will look this coming week? Might have to have some player-coaches from among their upper-classmen.