Ferentz Goes to KC - Here's Why

You can agree with this insane analysis or you can just believe Ferentz at his word when he said he will be the coach at Iowa next year. I think I'll just go with what Ferentz said.
#1 , this listed reason is entirely nonsensical to me. You start off rambling about Stanzi being benched to spite Pioli and back into a comment about how the firing at 5-8 somehow all remotely points to KF being the guy.

#2 has nothing to do with KF going to KC, at least you don't relate the two in any logical manner.

#3, winning the AFC West is completely irrelevant to winning in the B10 in relation to hiring KF. Besides, your essentially saying a coach that is struggling recently to do well in the B10 is better suited for a weaker division in the NFL because it's easier, when the end goal is to hire a HC that will ultimately pilot the franchise through to the Super Bowl and the grueling NFL post-season battle.

#4, yes KC's talent pool is getting better. Again, completely unrelated to a sign KF is the guy, and by the way your DC has announced he is interested in being a HC again...

#5, do you even know the KC market? This isn't nearly as nonchalant of a fan base as you imply. So that point is flawed to begin with.

#6, really, do I have to explain this? He's been propped up as DC for the past how many years despite his health, this was happening regardless.

#7 do the math, VB and Wienke will be SR's, Derby is now a LB, so that leaves you with Rudock and no commits yet in the current crop. This isn't rocket science why they went the JUCO route.

In summary, I don't see a single listed reason that really remotely demonstrates the reasoning behind your belief that KF to KC is locked up.

I don't see Pioli gambling on his next HC decision. We know what the history of CFB HC's to the NFL is with few exceptions.
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I agree with the above post its almost like kaldenberg tryst to not use logic or facts when making posts. KF is not leaving and if you really think he would leave his son going into his senior year then you are just idiotic.
I just don't understand why KF is such an attractive hire compared to the likes of Cowher, Fisher, and Crennel that are potentially available and are proven HCs in the NFL. Yes, KF has experience in the NFL but that doesn't mean he can be a great HC necessarily.

I can understand why KF is on the list because he does have that Pioli connection. But if he really is their number 1 choice or near the top of list, I would be surprised. Like many have said, they have a chance to contend in a weak AFC West with some decent talent. Why gamble on someone that hasn't been in the NFL in a while and has his own program at a stagnant point at best?

This a big hire for the Chief's front office to make and they need to give hope to their fans and players that this coach can get them to the playoffs and beyond on a pretty consistent basis. What has KF done lately that could give their players and fans any hope of that? If this team was winning 9-10 games consistently and competing for B1G titles often, I could understand the appeal, but that just hasn't been the case lately.

I just don't see him as the hire here and, with no proof or basis, would have to say Fisher or Crennel will get the nod.
You can agree with this insane analysis or you can just believe Ferentz at his word when he said he will be the coach at Iowa next year. I think I'll just go with what Ferentz said.

I agree with this post, exactly. KF isn't leaving for the Chiefs, and I'm a Chiefs fan and wouldn't mind! But I want him at Iowa more.
Good to see that K-Berg is still up to his old tricks. By tricks I mean "saying something completely nonsensical that has no basis in reality and then not responding to anything."

Some things never change.
LA Times article today saying it is Jeff Fischer.

Ferentz isn't going anywhere - he has a couple of good recruiting classes coming in, and frankly it has never been easier to make it to the Rose Bowl (win your division, and then sneak out the title game).

He's staying

Fischer would be a perfect fit.
COE is correct. KF would be at least the fourth pick. Just remember that Pioli is on the clock, now. He better not pee down his leg this time.
LA Times article today saying it is Jeff Fischer.

Ferentz isn't going anywhere - he has a couple of good recruiting classes coming in, and frankly it has never been easier to make it to the Rose Bowl (win your division, and then sneak out the title game).

He's staying
Yeah, just get past the combo of MU, MSU, UN, and NW; and then beat the best of fO$U, Wisc., or PSU(?). Sure seems easy to me.

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