Ferentz End of Season Transcript

Its one thing to flap your gums and act like a know it all when your team is rolling people, but to flap your gums and act like a know it all when you got rolled by central mich, indiana, northwestern, and isu is a complete joke. I'm boycotting this program until we have a new coach even if that coach wins zero games.


Ditto. There is no possibility of this d!ckhead ever winning my support back, either. I will always love and root for my Hawkeyes because I believe that the University is still larger than this grifting jerk, but I no longer respect or like him. I am anticipating a very happy day, when he retires or is pushed out.

"The worst thing a coach can do is stand pat and think the things that worked yesterday will win tomorrow." -Johnny Vaught
I posted this yesterday in the thread speculating what KF's presser would include - "....you are leaving out all of the obscure historical sports references that most people have no recollection of or really know what he's talking about.

And sure enough Kurt does not fail to deliver and throws in a reference to Tony Wanket (anyone remember him?) and his interception from 30 years ago - LMFAO!
Your struggles with comprehension are not my problem.

It's a free message board populated by a lot of people who have differing philosophies and senses of humor. In an environment such as this, you will see posts ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime. You don't seem to be taking these facts in to account when you complain about other posters complaining about ferrets and his "style".
This is exactly the place where we congregate to discuss ferrets and Iowa football, and that includes venting when we're frustrated with Chewy McSnortzalot.
THAT is the point you seem incapable of grasping.
Some of these responses are hilarious. If you've followed this coach for any length of time, then you know that he doesn't actually say anything at any of his press conferences. He doesn't say anything when things are going well, and he certainly doesn't air any laundry when things aren't going well.

I have no idea if Ferentz can turn things around. I'm not even defending him here. But it is this mans full time job to coach a football team. The idea that every fan on this board knows better than him about everything is ridiculous.

He isn't going to come out and claim that this years team had terrible talent. He isn't going to say that he was embarrassed and disgusted with his dismal offense. He isn't going to call out a poor senior class for being poor. And he's not going to speak publicly about his frustrations with any of his staff, should he be.

The only thing that really speaks is results. This year's were terrible. If they're better next year, great. If not, then there will be more press conferences like this.

The point is, he never reveals anything substantive about how he really feels about things, especially when they aren't going well.

He is not going to come out and say any of the things you mentioned above because they are all his fault.
I actually thought kf was more candid in this presser than most. He's still a long ways from bury me upside down so my critics can kiss my *** Robert night, but i thought it was a decent presser
I actually thought kf was more candid in this presser than most. He's still a long ways from bury me upside down so my critics can kiss my *** Robert night, but i thought it was a decent presser


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