Ferentz Connected to NFL Job…Again

I don't care either way...but I have serious reservations about who we could get at this point in the game to replace Kirk...and a Lickliter type hire could kill Hawkeye football for decades...this isn't basketball, you can't turn a football program on a dime at a place like Iowa.
Kirk did go from 1-11 to 11-2 in just 4 years. It can be done at Iowa.
Once in a while you can catch lightening in a bottle but I wouldn't bet it will happen twice.
I'm not saying it will Im just saying it can. Also I wouldn't call it lightning in a bottle, '02, '03, and '04 all were top 10 finishes. Thats no fluke.
We are becoming the NCAAF version of the Chicago Cubs. "Kinnick" is the new "Wrigley." Screw the mediocrity, game day is fun!

As a Cardinals fan, my standards are somewhat higher.

Thunder, I agree 100000000% with what you just said. Yikes! Never thought I'd type those words.

You said it wouldn't happen and Marty Tirrell is a great source of insider info on Ferentz and the hawkeyes.

Just kidding, but do you really think Ferentz would have those types of discussions mid-season?
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Sean Keeler, who works for Fox in KC now, tweeted this just now: Hunt (Chiefs owner) says coach and GM will now report to him, on equal footing. If Pioli IS back, he's been seriously, seriously neutered.

If you think Ferentz is going to leave one of the best contracts in college football for that set up, you're crazy
Sean Keeler, who works for Fox in KC now, tweeted this just now: Hunt (Chiefs owner) says coach and GM will now report to him, on equal footing. If Pioli IS back, he's been seriously, seriously neutered.

If you think Ferentz is going to leave one of the best contracts in college football for that set up, you're crazy

On that note however I trust Keeler just about as much as I trust Tirrell.
Sean Keeler, who works for Fox in KC now, tweeted this just now: Hunt (Chiefs owner) says coach and GM will now report to him, on equal footing. If Pioli IS back, he's been seriously, seriously neutered.

If you think Ferentz is going to leave one of the best contracts in college football for that set up, you're crazy

Jon, I have been called worse things than "crazy". Besides you know the old saying, if the shoe fits, wear it!

I agree, I don't see him leaving with Stephen at Iowa now and Brian on the staff.

I really don't think KF can turn it around but I hate the conspiracy theories that people have that KF wants to lose to hurt the fans. You can tell, he is fully invested in this program he wants to win, but he wants to win his way.
This is classic.

Hawkeye fans are getting giddier than Norwalk thinking about MeatMan and Freak, just from the IDEA of the CHANCE that they can get rid of their head coach.

Just a few people tweeting a few rumors and random thoughts, and people are dreaming of changes.

We're on a long slide, folks.

well then, i probably shouldn't tell about what really happened...
Marty T is not a source anyone who is sane can trust. Numerous times during his career here in Iowa he has popped off at the mouth and then a quick google fact check turns up nothing. As much as I would like a new head coach in Iowa City it ain't going to happen.

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