Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close game

Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

A lot of people come back to the conservative approach and how you think it gives us a better chance to win. But let's look at a couple of situations. Michigan State in 08. We get into field goal range twice, but try to pick up the first down instead. We lose by three. Then Michigan State this year. They try to run up the score, and a key player gets knocked out. I'd rather take the conservative approach, than anything fancy.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Is it possible that Iowa plays so many close games because he is a good coach?

You mean like only beating Indiana in a close game? And UNI, Arkansas St, and so many other inferior opponents?

That kind of good coach?

Damn my being a fair weather fan because our team just can't seem to consistently beat the crap out of bad football teams! :rolleyes:
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Kirk...Fire Ken O'keefe or change your conservatism if we ever want to become a national contender...that simple!
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

a good leader recognizes his shortcomings and makes changes to address those. Kirk is a great rep of the University, a good recruiter and an excellent developer of players. His weakness is game day coaching and making adjustments. In a perfect world he would address that with a switch of OCs. We all know that it wont happen.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

What happened to 7-23, +/- a couple of games? If you're going to go to statistics to back up an argument, one ought to be a little closer to being correct.

I will say this though. For a team that is consistently in games this close, which suggests that Iowa's last possession of the game will often be a game deciding drive, their 2 minute offense is not good. I'm just a rank amateur who sits in the stands, but it never looks to me like Iowa has a clear picture of what they want to do. Sometimes under center, sometimes in the shotgun. Spiking the ball when it's not needed, not spiking it when it is needed. Stanzi's looks over to the sidelines, palms up. The line not getting set/staying set. It looks too hectic, not planned.

I wonder how much they drill on the 2 minute offense.

Well, I will dispute it - you are full of crap. You use dishonest statistics to support your erroneous conclusion, which is not good. The real statistics (as supported by the year-by-year breakdowns of CollegeFootballDataWarehouse) are as follows.

In reviewing these stats, wins or losses by seven points or less are really the best barometer, because 7 points is a margin that can be closed in one drive. For example, Iowa has had several overtime wins that were decided by 7 points. You can't have a game closer than one that goes to overtime. Here are the real statistics for the entire Iowa coaching career of Kirk Ferentz

5 pt or less 7 pt or less
1999 0-2 0-4
2000 2-1 2-3
2001 0-2 2-4
2002 2-1 3-1
2003 1-0 2-0
2004 4-0 5-0
2005 0-2 0-3
2006 0-3 1-3
2007 2-2 3-2
2008 2-4 2-4
2009 4-1 4-2
2010 1-4 1-4

Overall, in games decided by 7 pts or less, Ferentz is 25-30. In games decided by 5 pts or less, he is 18-22.

Since 2005, he is 11-18 and 9-16, respectively.

His career record of 25-30 in games of 7 pts or less is ok, but not great.

Since 2005 he is 11-18, which I would say is a poor record.

Thank you for looking this up...I read this topic and thought "That's horrible"...then I started doing the math in my head...if you even think about this 7-23 claim a bit...it's SO bogus!! Don't just make stuff up...but you are probably a troll anyways...
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Chosenchildren, thanks for looking up the real stats on this. To the original poster - 'eff you and your lazy @ss for posting false info.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

I think the OP went to the "Deace School of Mathematics".
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

This is a huge statement. I wish someone had the balls to ask him about his close game record face to face.

I think KF is aware that some games have got away from him and his staff. IMO he always does a good job of taking blame. However all this aside, he needs to assess decisions made and look to change up the formula. I don't believe we necessarily have to change all but something is needed. We have too many coaches in the B10 that know what Iowa is going to do.

At times I wonder if all the strange play calling is actually genius or if our staff has absolutely no idea what to call in certain situations. Play action pass on first down doesn't work if you only run on that down a few times a game. Eventually teams know exactly when to apply pressure and when to cover us man vs zone. On defense, short passes over the middle and flat play is how you keep our defense on the field as we didn't have the personnel from LB this year to continue to play the type of D packages we have been used to. We needed to make some changes.

IMHO, it is the lack of ability to adapt or sheer arogance/stubborness that I believe seperates KF and staff from true greatness. And for that matter, it seperates Iowa from taking the next leap to being a serious B10 and Naitonal title contender.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Well, I will dispute it - you are full of crap. You use dishonest statistics to support your erroneous conclusion, which is not good. The real statistics (as supported by the year-by-year breakdowns of CollegeFootballDataWarehouse) are as follows.

In reviewing these stats, wins or losses by seven points or less are really the best barometer, because 7 points is a margin that can be closed in one drive. For example, Iowa has had several overtime wins that were decided by 7 points. You can't have a game closer than one that goes to overtime. Here are the real statistics for the entire Iowa coaching career of Kirk Ferentz

5 pt or less 7 pt or less
1999 0-2 0-4
2000 2-1 2-3
2001 0-2 2-4
2002 2-1 3-1
2003 1-0 2-0
2004 4-0 5-0
2005 0-2 0-3
2006 0-3 1-3
2007 2-2 3-2
2008 2-4 2-4
2009 4-1 4-2
2010 1-4 1-4

Overall, in games decided by 7 pts or less, Ferentz is 25-30. In games decided by 5 pts or less, he is 18-22.

Since 2005, he is 11-18 and 9-16, respectively.

His career record of 25-30 in games of 7 pts or less is ok, but not great.

Since 2005 he is 11-18, which I would say is a poor record.

So to the point of this original thread, KF doesn't know how to win the close games right? It was nice to spend the time researching the statistics to come back and basically prove the same thing. Sure it brought the winning up about 20 percent but he is holding an "F" grade nonetheless. Meaning that we could have had the same record last year if it were not for some sheer luck. We need to start making decisions that don't put us in these situations. It's either this or someone is arguing that we are just good enough to hang around in these games? Does anyone recall the team we had this year? I would have put serious money on our ability to beat any of the greatest hawkeye teams in history. I'm not naive, I just know that when you compare what we have on both sides of the ball we should be better then we are. And it doesn't come down to the fact we simply are not, it comes down to the fact our staff has made some serious errors in playcalling this year. And the above stats show that when games are close, it is more of the norm then the exception. I bet if you go back to tape on all these games you can find some strange play call or game clock mismanagement under the last 2 minutes in all games.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

So what exactly do you plan to do about it since you're so mad that you can't sit back anymore? Because we've all been waiting for you to finally get off your lazy *** and do something. Hawkeye Nation, our savior has arrived!!!

This is what I have been starting to theorize this season as well. Maybe - just maybe - the reason for the success Iowa has experienced during the last 10 years has more to do with Ferentz's ability to develop players than the being a superb coach.

Sure there is blame to go around for the let-down this season has become, but there a lot of things that come back to coaching (e.g. scheme, play calling, in-game adjustments). I just can't sit back anymore and let things like this slide because Iowa has experienced a fair amount of success in recent years.

By the way this post is not a complete knock on Ferentz. To say you're great at developing players is a good thing. But I believe it's more than fair to question other aspects of the Ferentz coaching staff
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Is it possible that Iowa plays so many close games because he is a good coach? Is it possible that we are 1-4 this year because our hall of fame defensive coordinator is not really participating in the game plans or the in-game adjustments? Is it possible that not having our top 2 linebackers right now makes a difference? For crying out loud.

This thread makes me laugh. Most of you people are nuts to question this coaching staff. You are fair weather fans. Period.

Thanks for some objectivity chosen. This website is embarrassing, as-is the call in show after losses. I am coming to understand why clown-fan makes fun of the iowa fan base.

I understand that people would rather go back to the good-ole days of years past when we were regularly going to BCS bowls, winning national championships, big ten championships and routing conference foes like OSU, but come on - don't throw the baby out with the bathwater......

Why people can't look and see the injuries this team has had, at certain positions, and then think, wow, we almost beat OSU with what we had in our hand and be thankful is beyond comprehension. We are thin at OL (Gettis leaves in MSU game, any coincidence of offensive consistency since then?), we are thin at RB and we are thin at LB (thin being understatements of the year). All that being said, we are that close to beating a team we've beat how many times since 1970 or 1980 or 1960 - you take your pick of the date.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

I apologize for my stats being waaaaay off. I read that number on a NFL.com discussion last year when they were talking about NFL coaching prospects - I am probably missing a qualifier of some sorts.

I did look at wiki for about 5 min Saturday but I must have missed an entire year - going through it last night I got 25-30 also.

Still the point is - if you are going to play close games and that is part of your philosophy then we should have plans that conicide with us winning more close games then losing.
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Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Thanks for some objectivity chosen. This website is embarrassing, as-is the call in show after losses. I am coming to understand why clown-fan makes fun of the iowa fan base.

I understand that people would rather go back to the good-ole days of years past when we were regularly going to BCS bowls, winning national championships, big ten championships and routing conference foes like OSU, but come on - don't throw the baby out with the bathwater......

Why people can't look and see the injuries this team has had, at certain positions, and then think, wow, we almost beat OSU with what we had in our hand and be thankful is beyond comprehension. We are thin at OL (Gettis leaves in MSU game, any coincidence of offensive consistency since then?), we are thin at RB and we are thin at LB (thin being understatements of the year). All that being said, we are that close to beating a team we've beat how many times since 1970 or 1980 or 1960 - you take your pick of the date.

Because the key injuries we had are mostly on defense and that doesn't excuse the horrible offensive performance against some of the worse defenses in FBS including Northwestern and Indiana.

I'm not saying Ferentz needs to be fired, but if our goal is to win a big ten championship then there are things we need to improve from a preperation and philsophical standpoint.

You think this years team wasn't talented enough to win a big ten championship? If you look at the games we lost this year it was poor design, composure and execution in clutch moments of the game by coaches and players.
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Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

I listened to some of Soundoff Saturday and heard all the talk about our injuries at LB as the reason we are not as good defensively. If that is the case and our freshmen LBs can’t cover WRs why don’t we play nickel? I looked at the roster and we have more than 4 DBs, some of them can actually run to. Where is it stated that if a LB gets hurt you have to play another LB. If it’s 3rd and 10 you may want to be able to cover the WRs. And if it’s 4th and 10 you may want to blitz and make the QB get rid of the ball sooner than he wants and tackle the receiver before he can get 10 yards. I see other teams do this to us all the time.

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