Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close game

Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

this outcry is terrible, i am proud to be a hawkeye; win or lose. after complaining all week that we would get blown out- people come on here and pour it on more thinking that we were going to win.....
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

how dare we think we are going to win..... lets just expect a loss and be greatful the nuts that Ferentz tossess us squirrels when were playing on the grass.

It really is just all above our level of understanding...
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

FACE it KF is a JOKE of a game coach period and he is not worth anywhere NEAR the 3min he is getting paid of he refuses to make any changes find a new coach tired of his lame joke of excuses he comes up with after each game.....pathetic is only word i can come up for his coaching abilities.

KF's game-time-coaching this year hasn't been great always but they most certainly aren't a joke. And to call his coaching abilities "pathetic" is breathtaking in its ignorance.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

I do too. My point was if you play as many close games as we do you are relying on an element of luck. One play can change any game.

Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Notice the use of the word "or" in saying top or top 10. I'd say its a safe bet we've been in the top 25 consistently over the past decade. You can do the research.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

This is a huge statement. I wish someone had the balls to ask him about his close game record face to face.

Too bad no one on here has access to Ferentz during the weekly press conferences. Oh wait ... how about it, Jon? Are you a journalist or a cheerleader?
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Well, I will dispute it - you are full of crap. You use dishonest statistics to support your erroneous conclusion, which is not good. The real statistics (as supported by the year-by-year breakdowns of CollegeFootballDataWarehouse) are as follows.

In reviewing these stats, wins or losses by seven points or less are really the best barometer, because 7 points is a margin that can be closed in one drive. For example, Iowa has had several overtime wins that were decided by 7 points. You can't have a game closer than one that goes to overtime. Here are the real statistics for the entire Iowa coaching career of Kirk Ferentz

5 pt or less 7 pt or less
1999 0-2 0-4
2000 2-1 2-3
2001 0-2 2-4
2002 2-1 3-1
2003 1-0 2-0
2004 4-0 5-0
2005 0-2 0-3
2006 0-3 1-3
2007 2-2 3-2
2008 2-4 2-4
2009 4-1 4-2
2010 1-4 1-4

Overall, in games decided by 7 pts or less, Ferentz is 25-30. In games decided by 5 pts or less, he is 18-22.

Since 2005, he is 11-18 and 9-16, respectively.

His career record of 25-30 in games of 7 pts or less is ok, but not great.

Since 2005 he is 11-18, which I would say is a poor record.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Is it possible that Iowa plays so many close games because he is a good coach? Is it possible that we are 1-4 this year because our hall of fame defensive coordinator is not really participating in the game plans or the in-game adjustments? Is it possible that not having our top 2 linebackers right now makes a difference? For crying out loud.

This thread makes me laugh. Most of you people are nuts to question this coaching staff. You are fair weather fans. Period.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Is it possible that Iowa plays so many close games because he is a good coach? Is it possible that we are 1-4 this year because our hall of fame defensive coordinator is not really participating in the game plans or the in-game adjustments? Is it possible that not having our top 2 linebackers right now makes a difference? For crying out loud.

This thread makes me laugh. Most of you people are nuts to question this coaching staff. You are fair weather fans. Period.

The coaching staff is above being criticized? And I would think that many of us on here voicing our concerns are far from fair weather.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

No, they are not above being criticized. No one is above that.

But to mischaracterize his record in close games is simply wrong.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Hey, do you like the product that he has putting out there over the course of time or not? I personally do. I really don't have too much of a problem with the loss yesterday.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

For top ten finishes and more ranked teams. Just quit the ********!!!
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

No, they are not above being criticized. No one is above that.

But to mischaracterize his record in close games is simply wrong.

You're right, and the OP does have his stats wrong. But even you pointed out he is 11-18 since 2005 in close games, and I remember WHO13 reported a stat that since 2005 he has the worse close game record of any BCS bowl winner in that time frame. There is a part of me that is glad that we are in close games because it means we aren't getting ran over but at the same time I think losing close games over and over takes a toll on the fan base.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Well, I will dispute it - you are full of crap. You use dishonest statistics to support your erroneous conclusion, which is not good. The real statistics (as supported by the year-by-year breakdowns of CollegeFootballDataWarehouse) are as follows.

In reviewing these stats, wins or losses by seven points or less are really the best barometer, because 7 points is a margin that can be closed in one drive. For example, Iowa has had several overtime wins that were decided by 7 points. You can't have a game closer than one that goes to overtime. Here are the real statistics for the entire Iowa coaching career of Kirk Ferentz

5 pt or less 7 pt or less
1999 0-2 0-4
2000 2-1 2-3
2001 0-2 2-4
2002 2-1 3-1
2003 1-0 2-0
2004 4-0 5-0
2005 0-2 0-3
2006 0-3 1-3
2007 2-2 3-2
2008 2-4 2-4
2009 4-1 4-2
2010 1-4 1-4

Overall, in games decided by 7 pts or less, Ferentz is 25-30. In games decided by 5 pts or less, he is 18-22.

Since 2005, he is 11-18 and 9-16, respectively.

His career record of 25-30 in games of 7 pts or less is ok, but not great.

Since 2005 he is 11-18, which I would say is a poor record.


I am anxious to see how the OP came up with these figures. 18-22 is certainly a LOT different than 7-23.

I am ashamed at a segment of our fan base that has turned, with such venom, against a coach that has brought our program to such a good place where a 7, 8 or 9 win season is a disappointment.

Don't get me wrong, this season has been disappointing but our 4 losses are by a combined 15 points and we were either tied or had the lead in the 4th quarter. We just didn't finish the deal and sometimes things don't work out as you planned.

This is coming from a fan base that was so anxious that our basketball team go to the "next level" that we got rid of a coach that consistently took us to the NCAA tournament, never lost a first round game, made it to the Elite 8 once and the Sweet 16 a couple of other times. We replaced him with a "hot prospect" who started a decade plus decline in our basketball program. Be careful what you wish for!
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

On national writer characterized our fan base as "spoiled". I really think that about sums it up.

We are still ranked #24 in the AP and Coaching polls. We have a chance for a January 1 bowl game.

Our linebacker play and lack of a real defensive coordinator is killing us. Kirk won't talk about it because he is loyal to his players and his coaches. He is pure class. Ask the Penn State fans about Kirk Ferentz. Can you imagine what he would do with Penn State's talent and recruiting base?

Am I satisfied with the close losses this year? Absolutely not. Do I have a problem with this coaching staff? NO
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

I have one thing to say about this topic
Capt Kirk and his coaching staff are the reason we expect to win these games in my opinion he is better than Hayden Fry and I loved that guy as our coach. Now with that being said do I think this year has been a bad year for what we have, yes I do, but to be 8-4 and thats a bad season we should feel lucky, remember the 6-6 2-10 1-11 years or the sub par seasons under Hayden Fry. Dont worry we will get to the next level but Iowa is going to do it the right way by building and being a class program. Dont forget we have some pretty good recruits coming in the last couple of years. And this Marcus Coker kid is going to be something special.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Is it possible that Iowa plays so many close games because he is a good coach? Is it possible that we are 1-4 this year because our hall of fame defensive coordinator is not really participating in the game plans or the in-game adjustments? Is it possible that not having our top 2 linebackers right now makes a difference? For crying out loud.

This thread makes me laugh. Most of you people are nuts to question this coaching staff. You are fair weather fans. Period.
Ferentz is among the best in the business at putting together a team that has a chance to win every single week. The last time Iowa lost by double digits was against Purdue in 2007.

However, his gameday coaching leaves a lot to be desired, especially against teams who play a style that Iowa isn't well-suited to face.
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

This is a huge statement. I wish someone had the balls to ask him about his close game record face to face.

Winning the close ones involves a number of things. Among them are...

-smart clock management
-going for the kill instead of playing "not to lose"
-recognizing which player (and plays) are "hot" and using them.
-disrupting the opponent's offense, instead of laying back and letting them do as they wish
-superior conditioning

Notice a pattern there? KFz's teams only do well in one of those areas, and this year we didn't even have that going for us. Not tough to see why he's 7-23 in these kind of games.
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Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

The conservatism isnt working. If you're strategy is to play it close to the vest and have close games then you need to win more than you lose.

The philosophy isn't working consistently. You can say wellll look at the record of alot of these teams I will say this Kirk is great at developing player but his in game football managment is primitive.

This isnt high school football how do you have a freshman middle linebacker covering a WR 30 yards down field.

This is what I have been starting to theorize this season as well. Maybe - just maybe - the reason for the success Iowa has experienced during the last 10 years has more to do with Ferentz's ability to develop players than the being a superb coach.

Sure there is blame to go around for the let-down this season has become, but there a lot of things that come back to coaching (e.g. scheme, play calling, in-game adjustments). I just can't sit back anymore and let things like this slide because Iowa has experienced a fair amount of success in recent years.

By the way this post is not a complete knock on Ferentz. To say you're great at developing players is a good thing. But I believe it's more than fair to question other aspects of the Ferentz coaching staff
Re: Ferentz 7-23 in games 5pst or less... last year was the only good year for close

Well, I will dispute it - you are full of crap. You use dishonest statistics to support your erroneous conclusion, which is not good. The real statistics (as supported by the year-by-year breakdowns of CollegeFootballDataWarehouse) are as follows.

In reviewing these stats, wins or losses by seven points or less are really the best barometer, because 7 points is a margin that can be closed in one drive. For example, Iowa has had several overtime wins that were decided by 7 points. You can't have a game closer than one that goes to overtime. Here are the real statistics for the entire Iowa coaching career of Kirk Ferentz

5 pt or less 7 pt or less
1999 0-2 0-4
2000 2-1 2-3
2001 0-2 2-4
2002 2-1 3-1
2003 1-0 2-0
2004 4-0 5-0
2005 0-2 0-3
2006 0-3 1-3
2007 2-2 3-2
2008 2-4 2-4
2009 4-1 4-2
2010 1-4 1-4

Overall, in games decided by 7 pts or less, Ferentz is 25-30. In games decided by 5 pts or less, he is 18-22.

Since 2005, he is 11-18 and 9-16, respectively.

His career record of 25-30 in games of 7 pts or less is ok, but not great.

Since 2005 he is 11-18, which I would say is a poor record.

What happened to 7-23, +/- a couple of games? If you're going to go to statistics to back up an argument, one ought to be a little closer to being correct.

I will say this though. For a team that is consistently in games this close, which suggests that Iowa's last possession of the game will often be a game deciding drive, their 2 minute offense is not good. I'm just a rank amateur who sits in the stands, but it never looks to me like Iowa has a clear picture of what they want to do. Sometimes under center, sometimes in the shotgun. Spiking the ball when it's not needed, not spiking it when it is needed. Stanzi's looks over to the sidelines, palms up. The line not getting set/staying set. It looks too hectic, not planned.

I wonder how much they drill on the 2 minute offense.

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