Feel bad for that receiver or not?


New Member
im glad iowa won, but i think we can all say they didnt deserve it. im not sure if i should feel bad for that receiver that dropped the game winning TD. :confused:

I doubt Wisconsin feels bad about any of the stupid mistakes we made that would have secured the win. Nor should they.
Not one bit of sympathy. He's the enemy, and he failed. Iowa wins.
When I listened to the game on the radio and read the boards afterward, I got the impression that he was all alone and it was an easy play. Someone on this board said receivers catch that ball 999 out of 1000 times. Now that I've seen the replay several times, I have to disagree. Yes, he should have made the catch. But he was totally extended, in the air, and got hit by one of our guys on the way down. It was a play that should have been made, but it wasn't the sort of crazy/insane drop people were making it out to be.
My jumping for joy instantly after I saw the ball on the ground should answer this question.

In case it doesn't, no.
I feel bad for HIM as a person. I don't feel bad for Indiana or the result. And I don't think you can say we didn't deserve to win... we outplayed IN and we made plays when we had to.
When I listened to the game on the radio and read the boards afterward, I got the impression that he was all alone and it was an easy play. Someone on this board said receivers catch that ball 999 out of 1000 times. Now that I've seen the replay several times, I have to disagree. Yes, he should have made the catch. But he was totally extended, in the air, and got hit by one of our guys on the way down. It was a play that should have been made, but it wasn't the sort of crazy/insane drop people were making it out to be.

Watch the play again. None of our guys were near him until after he lost control of the ball.
Watch the play again. None of our guys were near him until after he lost control of the ball.

Just making the point that Greenwood made contact when he was trying to re-secure the ball, and that he had to leave his feet and extend to make the catch.

Again: should have been caught. But it was not a 99.9% play. I'd say we see 3-4 drops like that every game.
Nope ... I don't feel for the kid.

Chaney Jr dropped a pretty significant ball in the game against Wisky. Had the ball been caught ... the outcome of that game possibly could have been different.

Stross dropped how many critical balls last year agaisnt tOSU?

That sort of heartbreak is just a part of the game.

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