Favre... Won't this guy just be done?

Never said he wasn't a great passer. But he is not one of the Top 5 "quarterbacks". That belongs to guys like Graham, Starr, Montana, Elway. Guys who usually came thru in the clutch in the big games. Brett Favre hasn't done that. That is a FACT as I've shown.

You obviously have a different definition of what makes an all-time great QB. Yes, Favre is one of the all-time greats...but he barely cracks the Top 10 in my book.

You say "Favre is the only thing that even kept that game close" (referring to the Saints game...cause it sure wasn't the case in all the others I mentioned). Maybe so....but when crunch time came around...Favre came up short. Situations that made legends out of Montana, Elway, Starr etc.....and Favre fails. Not once...not twice...not thrice...but four times out of five.


The mere fact you have to go back 50 years to name two QBs better proves my point. Montana had one of the greatest surrounding casts of all time. Favre had Antonio Freeman and Robert Brooks....oh and a washed up S. Sharpe i guess. Do i need to explain to you what the GB franchise situation was prior to Favre?

Favre will be remembered as one of the best ever. You might be the only person I have ever seen that would sum up Favre as 'coming up short'. He completely turned around Packer football after a very long down period....that is a winner pal.
Can you state the logic in how GB is better? You mean the same Green bay that has lost 3 straight to the Vikings?

Green Bay had one of the youngest starting lineups in the NFL last year. Bulaga should really help anchor the o-line, which was not great last year. Even with the abysmal line thy still managed to have one of the best offenses in the league, and the emergance of jermichael finley will help also. The defense was one of the best in the league last year. The las part of the year where it was getting torched was because al harris was injured. He will be back before the first game. The loss of Jolly will hurt, but there are plenty o talented players on the d-line: pickett, jenkins, and raji is a great starting dline. Not to mention in a qb league, the packers have a better one then almost anyone in the NFL. Yes, better than Brett (now and later, obviously not historically).
If you don't like it don't watch espn or whoever else is covering Favre. The dude is a top 5 QB at age 41, Vikings would be crazy not to try and get him back

And take this little fact to the bank. Brett Favre played with ZERO hall of fame players on offense and had ONE on defense, his entire run with the Packers. (a run which made him the all time leading passer in all passing catergories.) Name me any other HOF QB who can make that claim, you can't because he is the only one. Dude took mediocre teams to the playoffs year after year after year.

Haters gotta hate I guess.
The mere fact you have to go back 50 years to name two QBs better proves my point. Montana had one of the greatest surrounding casts of all time. Favre had Antonio Freeman and Robert Brooks....oh and a washed up S. Sharpe i guess. Do i need to explain to you what the GB franchise situation was prior to Favre?

Favre will be remembered as one of the best ever. You might be the only person I have ever seen that would sum up Favre as 'coming up short'. He completely turned around Packer football after a very long down period....that is a winner pal.

Um, there are others....ever hear of a guy named Tom Brady?

You are either a kid or a Viking fan. Completely turned around Packer football??? I believe that was Reggie White.

Look PAL....I never said Farve hasn't been a great Qb. He just isn't among the top 5. I have already shown you the FACTS on his "crunch time" playoff record. It is what it is.

You are obviously dazzled by the superficial. I on the other hand, am impressed by CHAMPIONS.

Brett Farve.....great player. Not a clutch playoff player. That is a fact.
Um, there are others....ever hear of a guy named Tom Brady?

You are either a kid or a Viking fan. Completely turned around Packer football??? I believe that was Reggie White.

Look PAL....I never said Farve hasn't been a great Qb. He just isn't among the top 5. I have already shown you the FACTS on his "crunch time" playoff record. It is what it is.

You are obviously dazzled by the superficial. I on the other hand, am impressed by CHAMPIONS.

Brett Farve.....great player. Not a clutch playoff player. That is a fact.

Not a Viking or Packer fan....and certainly not a 'kid'. Where did i specifically say top 5? Clue: I didnt!

You provided nothing more than 5 plays from the hundreds of games Favre has played in. Pretty weak argument. Whatever floats your boat but you proved nothing. The FACT is Favre has a Super Bowl Ring..him being 'clutch' is up for debate but he has his SB Ring already!

Again, no one can dispute that GB was terrible for a long time before Favre came along. No one can dispute (except you apparently) Favre is a champion....he has his SB Ring.

Keep trying!
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If you don't like it don't watch espn or whoever else is covering Favre. The dude is a top 5 QB at age 41, Vikings would be crazy not to try and get him back

And take this little fact to the bank. Brett Favre played with ZERO hall of fame players on offense and had ONE on defense, his entire run with the Packers. (a run which made him the all time leading passer in all passing catergories.) Name me any other HOF QB who can make that claim, you can't because he is the only one. Dude took mediocre teams to the playoffs year after year after year.

Haters gotta hate I guess.


Yet 83 says he is not a champion. Riiiight.
If it were not for Favre, Packer fans would be commenting how they "have not had a great QB since Bart Starr" W/O Favre, the Packers do not win a Super Bowl..Hell w/o Favre, the Packers probably would still be mired in mediocrity

That's all very true. But they had Favre, and they did win a Super Bowl.
Did you even watch this game? The Vikings were lucky to even be in the game and without Favre they got killed. He played lights out besides one play.

His point is that for all the good things Favre does (which he mentioned in the beginning) he makes some really stupid decisions that costs his team games.
Overall, I feel it is safe to say that NFL football is BETTER with Favre playing. He's a great leader, HOF QB and legend in his own right.

How can you not pull for a guy who is still putting up HOF numbers at his age? In football years, he's collecting social security and medicare. How many of us think we'll be as good at our professions/hobbies, etc...at age 70 as we were in our 20's? Favre is doing that very thing right now. I think the whole deal is a great story that has captured the national spotlight. Retired, not retired. It's a circus.

Sounds like he knows exactly what he is doing.

Yet 83 says he is not a champion. Riiiight.

I did? Where? Show me where I said he wasn't a champion.

Your man-love of Favre is blinding you to reality. Your straw man arguments about how bad the Packers were before he arrived, etc. are immaterial (don't forget...it wasn't just Favre...Reggie White, Mike Holmgren and Ron Wolf had AS MUCH to do with Green Bay's success as did Favre).

My whole point....backed up by actual FACTS instead of opinion...is that Favre performs poorly in "crunch time" during playoff games. His record of 1-4 is proof of that. Slobber all over him as much as you want...but the record speaks for itself. You say I picked out 5 plays out of all his career....pretty importand plays, though. What good does it do to put up great numbers only to throw an INT that costs your team a Super Bowl berth (twice).

Tell me...how many Super Bowls has Favre been to since Holmgrn and White left the Packers?

Like I said...he is a great QB...just not a Top 5 all time.
Vikings fan here and I could not be more thrilled he is back. I can see why Packer fans and players are tired of the annual Favre saga. Do not blame them one bit.

However, I think the thing that drives the fans nuts is they just went from a favorite to be the #1 or #2 team in the NFC with a bye in the playoffs to having to fight for a wild-card berth and be a 5 or 6 seed just like last year.

Favre is the most important piece to the Vikings success, and once they get everyone back from their lingering injuries and Griffin back in a few weeks from his ACL tear they will have 22/22 starters back from last year.

I do not understand how anyone can say that a team that won the division last year, came within a few plays of going to the Super Bowl and return every starter is not the favorite within their division.

Vikings fan here and I could not be more thrilled he is back. I can see why Packer fans and players are tired of the annual Favre saga. Do not blame them one bit.

However, I think the thing that drives the fans nuts is they just went from a favorite to be the #1 or #2 team in the NFC with a bye in the playoffs to having to fight for a wild-card berth and be a 5 or 6 seed just like last year.

Favre is the most important piece to the Vikings success, and once they get everyone back from their lingering injuries and Griffin back in a few weeks from his ACL tear they will have 22/22 starters back from last year.

I do not understand how anyone can say that a team that won the division last year, came within a few plays of going to the Super Bowl and return every starter is not the favorite within their division.


The Packers are no threat to win the division...even if Favre were not playing for the Vikings. Their defense and special teams are atrocious.

Favre is long overdue for a serious injury. Will this be the year? The Vikings don't have a patsy schedule like they did last year, so getting a bye won't be as easy. They should win the division easily, but it will be interesting to see what Favre does in the playoffs.

Minnesota is putting all their eggs in the Brett Favre basket. They didn't get a Super Bowl last year and if they don't get one this year they have screwed their QB position for the next several seasons (when Favre retires for good after this season, which I think he will).
Vikings fan here and I could not be more thrilled he is back. I can see why Packer fans and players are tired of the annual Favre saga. Do not blame them one bit.

However, I think the thing that drives the fans nuts is they just went from a favorite to be the #1 or #2 team in the NFC with a bye in the playoffs to having to fight for a wild-card berth and be a 5 or 6 seed just like last year.

Favre is the most important piece to the Vikings success, and once they get everyone back from their lingering injuries and Griffin back in a few weeks from his ACL tear they will have 22/22 starters back from last year.

I do not understand how anyone can say that a team that won the division last year, came within a few plays of going to the Super Bowl and return every starter is not the favorite within their division.


Favre had an amazing year in 2009 no doubt about that. IMO this division will be a very good race between the Packers and the Vikings if Favre plays the way he did last year. (the best year of his career) The chances of that happening are not that great. Last season all opposing defenses stacked up against the run and took there chances in the secondary. After seeing the beating the Saints put on him and how that transpired, more teams will be blitzing a lot more. After watching Favre for so many years, when the heat comes and he starts feeling the pressure the ball will be up in the air for anyone to grab and that will lead to a lot more ints this year for Favre and cost the Vikings more games than last year.
Hutchinson, Allen and Longwell must have remembered to bring along the gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Hutchinson, Allen and Longwell must have remembered to bring along the gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Great way to support your other teammates by leaving practice flying down to Mississippi to beg another player to come back. lol
Great way to support your other teammates by leaving practice flying down to Mississippi to beg another player to come back. lol

I highly doubt there was any begging going on. Think about that...3 grown men who make millions of dollars per year will not beg anyone to play a game with them.

And judging by the tweets that were sent out yesterday by Favre's teammates they were thrilled he is back.
I highly doubt there was any begging going on. Think about that...3 grown men who make millions of dollars per year will not beg anyone to play a game with them.

And judging by the tweets that were sent out yesterday by Favre's teammates they were thrilled he is back.

It was all orchestrated...don't kid yourself otherwise.

It is funny how Favre decides to come back as soon as training camp is over. Pretty much one year to the day since last year when he decided to play as soon as training camp was over. Last year it was because his daughter tearfully pleaded with him to come back. Now it is 3 teammates going down to bring him back.

Bottom line is: Favre was planning on playing all along. He didn't want to go to training camp but didn't want to publicly admit it and the Vikings didn't want to publicly admit they were giving him preferential treatment.....hence the game-playing and dramatics. This is two years in a row now....way too much of a coincidence to think otherwise.
Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't Favre set to make 13 mil this year and after word got out that he was retiring the Vikings made him an offer of 20 mil to come back? If true im glad to see that he is not playing for the $$$
The man is the biggest drama queen I've ever seen.

The whole world knew he wasn't going to attend training camp....why go thru the charade? Anything to be the center of attention. He couldn't use the story of his daughter tearfully begging him to "come back and win a Super Bowl" again....so this time 3 teammates fly down to "beg" him to return.

What a pile of horse manure.

I sincerely hope he fails miserably this year..then maybe he'll go away permanently. But unfortunately I don't this his inflated ego will allow it.


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