Our coach puts a two event limit on distance guys. He doesn't think it's productive to do more than that in one meet. I don't have an opinion on it because I stay in my lane when it comes to stuff like that. We have a nice arrangement at our school with the luxury of specialized coaches...the XC coach also coaches track and he basically takes the 800/1600/3200 runners, everyone else practices with our head coach, we have one who was an NAIA long jumper and high jumper so he works with that group plus hurdles, and then we have a teacher who was a college football player and thrower who takes our shot and disc kids. Obviously that's common at a larger school, but most programs our size have maybe one or two coaches max and you're lucky if they even ran track themselves in high school. The kids that run our 8/16/32 are basically our cross country team which is nice because they get essentially two seasons per school year to train with each other.And let's not forget these kids often double or triple up, running the 800, 1600, 3200 in the same meet.
And a relay leg somewhere in there to boot.