Fast Rising Candidate: Tony Barbee of UTEP

My guess is that nobody at UMASS knew about Camby taking money. I really don't see any reason to believe that Barbee is shady. I think he is the real deal and hope Barta makes a good run at getting him to IC.
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I am going to comment on the racial angle.

Ghost, I agree with you, except I remembered Raveling, as I was there all three years that he was.

While we don't need to be concerned with the color of the coach's skin, the fact that he could be a person of color in a state with, what, 6% minority population, would be a plus from the standpoint of exposing people to something they might not get otherwise.

When you are exposed to something that is different, you find that although you might be different, that doesn't mean you aren't also a lot alike. Then there might be less prejudice in that part of the world in question.

While enlightening people to this doesn't have to be the missionj of a black coach, it can be a nice side benefit. And while in many ways people in Iowa are nice people compared to some other areas of the country, there are a lot of "Christian People" in Iowa that have no qualms using racial slurs. I live in KC, and I have never heard anyone I know down here use a racial slur in front of me. I can't say the same about my home state.

I don't mean to change the direction of this thread, but I just felt this was something that could be commented on. I really just wanted to say it. I don't intend to get in a back-and-forth on the topic.
I really do think despite the way it looks, Barta does at least make the call and get a definite "No" from Pearl first- you just HAVE to do it. I mean I am sure it is highly unlikely but at the same time you have to realize all the players that were dismissed from the team this past year and aside from his recruits, I expect Tennessee to fall before they rise back up. I am not sure who they have coming in next year (I could care less about researching Ten. basketball) but he may pull a Tubby and get himself out before he doesn't live up to the Ten. expectations? Money would not be an issue I would assume- sure 3.5 a year is ALOT don't get me wrong, but if you want to be a contender, then you have got to spend the money.
The Big Ten is as tough as a conference as they come (maybe not over the past few years) but it is. I think over the next few weeks we will see more interest in the Iowa job than we think. Right now it is so hard to tell just because of that little tournament coming up ;)
Freddy, I agree with you to a degree.

However, part of that comes with what a program lets you get away with, too. If a program plays it by the book and a coach comes there knowing that, I think our concerns in this area can be mitigated.

When Haskis came to Minny they already had a track record of being a sloppy athletics department. They had problems with discipline on the basketball team under Dutcher when Dave Winfield played there. They also had a sex scandal type thing with some basketball players in the early 1980s before Haskins arrived. I think it was before him.

And while he was maybe working for a slimy coach, it was his college coach and he probably gave him his first break in coaching, I am assuming. Now, you can make the argument that he gravitated towards Cal in the first place, but he was a junior/senior in high school at the time.

I am just saying, I know what you are saying, but I could see it being a non-issue, too.
I think it's horrible for Barbee to be found guilty by association. There is nothing to prove that he is anything like Calipari. There is plenty of proof that he has all of the tools necessary to be a Big Ten coach. And the guy could recruit anywhere. He will have no problems in building relationships in Chitown, as well as instate.

I don't think I would have him in my top 3. But it would be a hire I could live with.
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I am going to comment on the racial angle.

Ghost, I agree with you, except I remembered Raveling, as I was there all three years that he was.

While we don't need to be concerned with the color of the coach's skin, the fact that he could be a person of color in a state with, what, 6% minority population, would be a plus from the standpoint of exposing people to something they might not get otherwise.

When you are exposed to something that is different, you find that although you might be different, that doesn't mean you aren't also a lot alike. Then there might be less prejudice in that part of the world in question.

While enlightening people to this doesn't have to be the missionj of a black coach, it can be a nice side benefit. And while in many ways people in Iowa are nice people compared to some other areas of the country, there are a lot of "Christian People" in Iowa that have no qualms using racial slurs. I live in KC, and I have never heard anyone I know down here use a racial slur in front of me. I can't say the same about my home state.

I don't mean to change the direction of this thread, but I just felt this was something that could be commented on. I really just wanted to say it. I don't intend to get in a back-and-forth on the topic.

So to sum this up, basically you think a black coach could bring in some much needed black talent to the team because they are a little more scrappy/aggressive than the kind of kids we have there now?
I like the resume of Barbee. He fits my profile down the line. Midwest guy,great recruiter,head coaching success,and gettable.
Of course, Barta is the one in the room with him,and he has to do the due diligence on his time at UMass and Memphis. The think about Cal is that he just keeps winning as the NCAA does their thing and come up basically empty.
Barbee has been successful recruiting at places other than Memphis also.

The deal is, we can only go by what the public knows. Barta should have access to much more info than us...if he asks the right people this time. Last time I do not think he asked the right people about Lick...local bb people, who would have told him what they said when lick was hired...guy cannot recruit.
Well, I trust that barta has learned his lesson this time and will do deep due diligence on every real candidate.
To me, Barbee looks like he could be a great fit.
Forbes looks like the safe pick.
Pearl is the home run.
As far as guilt by association, just not fair. Check Barbee out, sure, but do not pre-suppose. Pastner has the #1 class coming in, Pearl and Forbes have a great class coming in, and Barbee is the one that gets the 3rd degree? I am not saying anything about anyone,cus it just is not fair.
AKAGOATMAN, I don't know what you are smoking. You may be trying to be funny and I am missing it due to the late hour. Or you may be dogging me for all I know and I am too dense to realize it.

All I am saying is that having more black people in a lily white state would expose the people of the lily white state to something they might not already be exposed to, and as a result maybe the state would be better off overall. You might think of it as "The Cosby Show" effect. Seeing a positive personality of color in the state could bring down some barriers that exist now because of ignorance.

You may choose to deride my comments, but I fail to see anything wrong with them. And I don't see how you drew the conclusions you did from my original comments unless you are trying to be a smart *** or you are trying to belittle the idea I presented.

Again, my purpose was to make a comment, not to get in a back-and forth on the topic. I don't see anything too controversial about my original comments.
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People want to say Gillespie is a good hire but not Barbee? Gillspie was with Bill Self as an assistant then went on to UTEP before landing the A&M gig. He was only at UTEP for two years, right? Barbee has been there for four and improved the record each year. Barbee was under a pretty good head man for a while (even if you feel he is a cheater), and both Barbee and Gillespie are big-time recruiters.

So you want Gillespie, who failed at UK, but you don't want Barbee, who has a similar history to Gilespie up until the time Gillespie went to A&M?
AKAGOATMAN, I don't know what you are smoking. You may be trying to be funny and I am missing it due to the late hour. Or you may be dogging me for all I know and I am too dense to realize it.

All I am saying is that having more black people in a lily white state would expose the people of the lily white state to something they might not already be exposed to, and as a result maybe the state would be better off overall. You might think of it as "The Cosby Show" effect. Seeing a positive personality of color in the state could bring down some barriers that exist now because of ignorance.

You may choose to deride my comments, but I fail to see anything wrong with them. And I don't see how you drew the conclusions you did from my original comments unless you are trying to be a smart *** or you are trying to belittle the idea I presented.

Again, my purpose was to make a comment, not to get in a back-and forth on the topic. I don't see anything too controversial about my original comments.

I agree with you...some choose to mis-interpet...:confused:
My guess is that nobody at UMASS knew about Camby taking money. I really don't see any reason to believe that Barbee is shady. I think he is the real deal and hope Barta makes a good run at getting him to IC.

Forever, like your avatar. I had Pearl for the past 24 hours but I'm convinced the chances of that happening are so miniscule I've gone with my No. 2, too.

Forbes would be great as well.
AKAGOATMAN, I don't know what you are smoking. You may be trying to be funny and I am missing it due to the late hour. Or you may be dogging me for all I know and I am too dense to realize it.

All I am saying is that having more black people in a lily white state would expose the people of the lily white state to something they might not already be exposed to, and as a result maybe the state would be better off overall. You might think of it as "The Cosby Show" effect. Seeing a positive personality of color in the state could bring down some barriers that exist now because of ignorance.

You may choose to deride my comments, but I fail to see anything wrong with them. And I don't see how you drew the conclusions you did from my original comments unless you are trying to be a smart *** or you are trying to belittle the idea I presented.

Again, my purpose was to make a comment, not to get in a back-and forth on the topic. I don't see anything too controversial about my original comments.

Not trying to be a smart@ss here at all. That is how I interpreted you post. I read and re-read it and don't see any other way you could have meant it. I felt like you were "playing it safe" and not going into too much detail. You described in so many words the people of Iowa being conservative, racist (without actually calling us that) and close minded people.
The way I saw this: "While enlightening people to this doesn't have to be the mission of a black coach, it can be a nice side benefit" the side benefit I once again interpreted was with bringing in a black coach would also bring in some more black players which would be a side benefit- opposed to the white, clean-cut kids who grow up watching Iowa hoops on tv or listening to on the radio and knowing from the age of 10 they want to grow up and play ball for the Hawkeyes.
I am NOT a racist person but I felt by your comment there were some racial undertones there. I don't believe you meant for them to be there and I don't believe you are racist at all. I think you were trying to make a point on a touchy subject and still trying to be PC. But like I said, the way I interpreted it, was what I summed up with a QUESTION because I did NOT understand.
However, I DO feel there are many more great, athletic, African American basketball players out there than there are Caucasian - whether it be environment, genetic make up, or even understanding, I don't know why for sure. But one thing I do know and agree on is we need to have A LOT better recruits coming in than we do.
Also on a side note, since we gave Coach the boot, does that mean we lose John Lickliter too!? :D (yes, i am being a smart@ss here)
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People want to say Gillespie is a good hire but not Barbee? Gillspie was with Bill Self as an assistant then went on to UTEP before landing the A&M gig. He was only at UTEP for two years, right? Barbee has been there for four and improved the record each year. Barbee was under a pretty good head man for a while (even if you feel he is a cheater), and both Barbee and Gillespie are big-time recruiters.

So you want Gillespie, who failed at UK, but you don't want Barbee, who has a similar history to Gilespie up until the time Gillespie went to A&M?

From what I have read, and again, it could be all the crack I have been smoking today, that I was the only one who mentioned Gillespie in this thread- but what I did NOT do was oppose Barbee. I think Barbee is a decent idea and would be a good fit- however, I do know moving on this coach situation is top priority but I just hope we don't rush a decision without looking at other options.
If Barbee were to come... can he bring his big man Character with him?

6'9" 275... we could use a big guy like this. Too bad he's a JR and I think he already transferred to go to UTEP so I doubt he would follow.
IB- I agree man, we lack size! Find us a big man! We would have at least been .500 if we had a decent, aggressive big man the past couple years
Show me where to sign Barbee, I hope he is interested. This guy would breath some much needed life into the Iowa basketball program.

In terms of a quasi-shady past, I'm not the least bit spooked by that. Like a good coach once told me..."there's two ways to lose your job, cheating and losing...and I sure as heck ain't gonna lose!"

I really don't want to be associated with fans like the one who authored this post. I hope and believe they represent a small minority of Iowa fans, but sometimes I'm not sure.
If Barbee were to come... can he bring his big man Character with him?

6'9" 275... we could use a big guy like this. Too bad he's a JR and I think he already transferred to go to UTEP so I doubt he would follow.

Caracter is a major head case who started off at Louisville.

If hiring Barbee means Iowa becomes the landing place for talented but immature castoffs, then I'll take a pass.
Caracter is a major head case who started off at Louisville.

If hiring Barbee means Iowa becomes the landing place for talented but immature castoffs, then I'll take a pass.

Take a chill pill man, You cant put the blame of how these kids behave off the court just on the Coach. Last I checked these kids weren't in the military and they are finally free for the first time in their life to party and chase college tail. There is only so much a coach can do, the rest falls upon the athlete and if he'd rather play ball or screw off his collegiate career
Whatever Barbee told his team at halftime, they oughta bottle it and throw it in the dumpster.

Outscored by 22 points in the first 11 minutes.