Farmer...Questions and stuff and smartasses


Well-Known Member
I'm not a farmer, just a guy in the 'burbs' looking to make sure I eliminate those pesky weed seeds in my yard. Next spring I dont want to have a bunch of weeds filling my yard, kill them and have a bunch of dead.

Ideas? what products should I use. advice for using 2,4D

As a kid growing up in Iowa, they always advertised those products Treflan, etc, on the 6pm news ... They always showd the farmer elegantly pulling that string off the big bag to open it ... could never figure out how to do that. Look for tips there too.

Round-up, kills all weeds and turns the whole yard into a nice shade of brown. I attended an Iowa State game once, saw it on the Big Screen.
I get my weed control from a seed company in Tiffin. The last time I bought the stuff in the spring ended up spending about 1/2 what it would charge just to hire it done by a weed control professional in CR. I'm just going to hire the guy from now on and he'll apply more applications than I would have for less in the long run.

So, I would have ended up spending more for the product for the number of applications than the guy putting it on for me with probably more applications.
for your lawn, Trimec is a superior product. A gallon of that will treat about 1 acre of lawn. Costs about $34.99
Try this 4-in-1 solution ... weed, feed, fresh milk, family pet all in one ...

As a kid growing up in Iowa, they always advertised those products Treflan, etc, on the 6pm news ... They always showd the farmer elegantly pulling that string off the big bag to open it ... could never figure out how to do that. Look for tips there too.
If you can read, you can do it. You have to pull that little strip of paper on the threads just right....
Print out any Iowa vs Iowa state thread from any Iowa State forum, shred it and spread it. There's enough sh!t in it to keep your lawn green even in the winter.

And print out all of the ISU forum postings after they lose and shred and spread them... NOTHING can survive that much salt!!
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