It is not as simple as that
HawkeyeDug. I don't speed either. I am against the whole principle of these cameras.
-Besides being revenue raisers these tickets will:
-Lead to increases in rear end collisions because of inattentive drivers slamming on their breaks when entering the speed trap zones (Winter time in Cedar Rapids should be a lot of fun on I-380).
I don't think this will make much difference, it doesn't matter where you are, you can't drive while texting or whatever you are doing. At least they should know they are entering a speed trap zone, versus coming up on a cop sitting in the median who is a surprise.
-Distracted drivers when looking at the
Red Speed Trap Car parked along the interstate. More accidents in the making here.
-The tickets are issued to the owner of the vehicle regardless of who is driving. So, say someone takes off for a joy ride in your car on the interstate and goes 30 over in one of these zones. You pay the ticket, not the driver driving your car in these zones.
I typically know who is driving my car, this is a non issue. If the car was stolen I'm pretty sure you can get out of it.
-These tickets will not stop people from speeding or running red lights. We can already see evidence for this.
It has definitely stopped some, and will stop more as they find a ticket in their mailbox.
-Private companies are profiting from law-enforcement. For every speeding ticket is collected the private company makes 30% off of the ticket.
Take this for example. It would be like putting a camera in an alley recording someone selling drugs and then send a 325 dollar ticket to the drug dealer. The city keeps 70% of the profit and the private company gets 30%. The drug dealer gets to keep selling drugs. Way to keep the city safe and get the drug dealers off the streets.
-A qualified police officer can at least pull over the speeding offender. A camera can't do this.
What difference does it make if the car is pulled over or not, the ticket is still issued. If the car is pulled over there is only another hazard created on the road.
-A camera can not judge if motorists are a risk to the road or not like a qualified police officer can.
The camera can judge the speed of the car. The limit is predetermined, what is the problem?
"No taxation without representation."