OOTH, you are being too modest here. Since you are so modest, I'll go ahead and tell everyone the story.
OOTH spearheaded the revolution once before. What was previously unknown is that OOTH personally stepped in during the start of the '08 season. Sickened to death at what KF was doing to the team, he orchestrated a coup, and OOTH overthrew the KF regime from the inside. It is still unknown how he did it, but OOTH forced KF to bench Jake and put in Stanzi, in the '08 season. This saved the '08 season, and directly lead to the '09 season.
Everyone thought the great depression was over that '08 and '09 would lead to more top 10 finished. Sadly this wasn't the case, and OOTH once again had to do battle with the powerful KF after the '10 season. Unfortunately KF was wise to OOTH game plan from the first go around in '08. OOTH then had to rally the troops on HN, and take this campaign to the streets! He shouted far and loud, he cried from the rooftops, at work, at home, he was relentless in his dogged pursuit of change. Oh sure there were setbacks. I mean the whole '13 season threw off OOTH plan for an entire year, but as I said OOTH is dogged in his pursuit of change. A year later, when the dust settled following the Tennessee beat down, KF hung his head in shame, picked up the phone and admitted defeat directly to OOTH.
Now I know OOTH is too modest to share the complete story, but I will share what I do know. It wasn't KF who sat down with Jake and CJ, it was OOTH. He told Jake in not uncertain terms how this was to play out. Be a good solider and look for a place to go, as we can't have a QB controversy, and frankly OOTH didn't trust KF to just put Jake back in as soon as CJ threw an incomplete pass. I'm pretty sure that OOTH is directly behind many of the other changes as well, but he passed out before he could spill any more secrets to me.
I think that HN owes OOTH some much due love and respect. He is too modest, and he gives the credit to ALL the KF detractors......but I know better, I know the real story. So here's to OOTH, the HN savior!