Famous hawks who never made an impact

I will defend Worley. He played a significant role for 4 years. Never expected him to be a superstar.

I will counter your defense, he was a turnover and foul machine that cost Iowa more points than he scored. His significant role was due to Alford's stubbornness to keep him in the game. Pierre Pierce and Glen Worley are probably the two best examples on why alford the most popular guy.
A bunch from the 2005 recruiting class:

Kalvin Bailey - #1 FB in the country
Ryan Bain - ALl everything DT
Alex Kanellis - Due to Injury
Tyler Blum - stud out of small town IA
B.J Travers - Stud LB, late offer from USC
Chris Rowell - offers from MI and OSU
Marcus Wilson - Could have been one heck of a SS
Corey Robertson - Could have excelled at several positions
Vernon Jackson - Due to Injury

David Cato - I thought he could be the next Bob Sanders

Jacody Coleman - This could have been his year

Anthony Bowman
Julian Smith - Anyone remember his recruiting adventures, and his attempt to make it to campus

Herb Grigsby - fastest guy on the planet
Eric McCollum - Randall Cunningham Jr.
Jason Manson
Nyere Aumaitre
Adam Shada

Think how close Shonn Greene was to being on this list.
I don't think he was overly famous, but Cornelius Roberts was a quarterback who bragged when he came to Iowa that if he had played in the 1980 Rose Bowl Iowa would have won. He never started in 4 years.
James Cleveland....? He was good, but left. Jeff Brinson now too
If I am not mistaken Cleveland transferred to Houston where he became a significant part of their offense. I believe I saw him on ESPN highlights a few times this past season. He ended up straightening out and became an impact player on their team.
Parade All-American lineman Malcom Christie. A good kid who kept his nose clean and tried hard. Just over rated and drew injuries like a magnet.
If I am not mistaken Cleveland transferred to Houston where he became a significant part of their offense. I believe I saw him on ESPN highlights a few times this past season. He ended up straightening out and became an impact player on their team.

He was awesome at Houston, but at Houston not at Iowa. So he never made an impact here.
Todd Lichliter
Jim Speed
Agree with Worley....he got worse as he got older

Marques Simmons
Bob Commings
Peter Marciano
Jon Lazar
Agree with "most of the 2005 recruiting class" boom to bust
I think that Blum really struggled with injuries and never really had a set position. A guy i would add as of right now, and i really hope it changes, is Jordan Bernstine. Played as a true freshman and sophomore, but nothing too significant. It now seems he is a little behind the Prater and Hyde. I really hope he can get on the field and be the impact player he was expected to be.
I think that Blum really struggled with injuries and never really had a set position. A guy i would add as of right now, and i really hope it changes, is Jordan Bernstine. Played as a true freshman and sophomore, but nothing too significant. It now seems he is a little behind the Prater and Hyde. I really hope he can get on the field and be the impact player he was expected to be.

I would agree completely. And I thought Blum did make it to Senior Day in 2008. I'm pretty sure he was announced anyway.

But Bernstine thus far has not done much. I wasn't overly impressed with his performance in 2008 either. I honestly feel that Prater was going to beat him out for the starting spot in 2009 even if Bernstine hadn't gotten hurt. The whole reason that Prater lost it was because of his DUI (or OWI, can't remember which). And honestly, if Hyde is as good as all signs point to him being, I don't care if Bernstine never sees the field, because Hyde looks like the "next one" at cornerback. And Willie Lowe lost a lot of fans after his poor performance against Arkansas State, and it seems like very few noticed his dramatic improvement after that. He looked MUCH better post-ASU, IMO. He's definitely got spped to burn, and he has pretty decent ball skills. I would feel very confident about our nickel package if he were the 3rd corner.

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