Explaining the bandwagon concept to the board

KF is not helping the 'university'? In what way is he a 'liability'??? You think only in your 'small minded', self-centered world about your feelings and 'wins and loses'...... The 'important' people and 'intelligent' people think in terms of integrity of the program, graduation rates, what kind of citizens and 'leaders' are we developing, etc... and how our coaches and athletes are 'representing' our 'institution'......they do 'not' worry about losers who rate their happiness and satisfaction based on how a college football team does 4 months of the year, lol............You tiny, tiny percentage of so called fans are totally pathetic and have no connection with the 99% of us who understand what it is to root for a team and care about the 'institution' and the student athletes....and don't piss and moan every time 'our' team disappoints us, lol.........clueless!!!

I forwarded this to my niece. She is doing a research project on psychopaths and how they interact with normals.
its because they really weren't that good last year.

lucked out in a few games and played an easy schedule

Well, the early schedule has been easy with 6 patsies and we're 4-2. So I respectfully have a different take on 2015.
For all of you who kick the dog, scream bloody murder and call for the head coach to be run out of town because we lose a game...I thank the good Lord that he didn't afflict me the way he has you. Im glad you all have opinions and I appreciate your right to share your opinion. But perspective is needed if your life is messed up over the game played by 18-22 year old kids. I'm a fanatic, I get mad when we lose, roll my eyes with some play calling and I might have even sworn at the tv a time or a thousand. But contemplate what you are angry about. Our 18-22 year olds didn't beat theirs. Here's an idea. Just be a "fan." ENJOY that you live in AMERICA. Take a moment and review Nike Kinnick's Heisman acceptance speech and KNOW perspectve. Its football season. The leaves are changing. Enjoy a Saturday watching the hawks...win or lose.
I don't know much about the Georgia situation. The problem with being a good coach is twofold. One, eventually fans will want good to evolve into great. KF will always be good, never great imo. The second thing is, if you're good, and you rely on goodwill to keep your job, eventually that will run out.

KF is really hard to define as good. It's also hard to define him as not good. He's like the Twilight Zone.
how in the world can a tenured coach and staff end up with a team that plays like year 1 of a rebuild or like the 1970's. I just cant understand how they can let things fall this far. What is worse, they can't either.

I return you now to the original thread topic
Yeah, this isn't an efficient offense. I feel like the total is less than the sum of the parts on offense. At least if the defense has the right players they will be good. Don't get that feeling on offense
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We care about those things, but I want a coach that will also do everything within the rules to win -- because that's what competing is.

Thinking they are mutually exclusive is silly. Best not to do that.
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KF is not helping the 'university'? In what way is he a 'liability'??? You think only in your 'small minded', self-centered world about your feelings and 'wins and loses'...... The 'important' people and 'intelligent' people think in terms of integrity of the program, graduation rates, what kind of citizens and 'leaders' are we developing, etc... and how our coaches and athletes are 'representing' our 'institution'......they do 'not' worry about losers who rate their happiness and satisfaction based on how a college football team does 4 months of the year, lol............You tiny, tiny percentage of so called fans are totally pathetic and have no connection with the 99% of us who understand what it is to root for a team and care about the 'institution' and the student athletes....and don't piss and moan every time 'our' team disappoints us, lol.........clueless!!!

Recruiting. Failing to garner respect from national pundits about Iowa's on-field performance and failing to convince the nation we were deserving of being in the Playoff in 2015. Rhadbo.

Do you believe Kirk Ferentz is being paid $4.5 mil per year to graduate players? Our coach really cares so much about graduation rates.

For all of you who kick the dog, scream bloody murder and call for the head coach to be run out of town because we lose a game...I thank the good Lord that he didn't afflict me the way he has you. Im glad you all have opinions and I appreciate your right to share your opinion. But perspective is needed if your life is messed up over the game played by 18-22 year old kids. I'm a fanatic, I get mad when we lose, roll my eyes with some play calling and I might have even sworn at the tv a time or a thousand. But contemplate what you are angry about. Our 18-22 year olds didn't beat theirs. Here's an idea. Just be a "fan." ENJOY that you live in AMERICA. Take a moment and review Nike Kinnick's Heisman acceptance speech and KNOW perspectve. Its football season. The leaves are changing. Enjoy a Saturday watching the hawks...win or lose.

Is it wrong to be competitive and have expectations and to hold and be held accountable? Seems to me that those are part of what helped build America. Is there only one correct way to be a fan? I'm not mocking or denigrating how you are as a fan because it works for you. Please don't mock or denigrate how I am as a fan. I don't threaten and I don't mock. That I am competitive and hold Iowa's head coach accountable is not wrong.
The situation with Georgia was really sad. They had a good coach.

With Georgia Tech playing option football, and the amount of high school talent in Georgia, Mark Richt had a nice run between 2002-2005, won the conference twice, but, then hadn't won the conference, since. Sound familiar?!

Richt was at Georgia for 15 seasons. Fans loved him as a person, but, both, Georgia and Mark Richt, were ready to part ways.
Is it wrong to be competitive and have expectations and to hold and be held accountable? Seems to me that those are part of what helped build America. Is there only one correct way to be a fan? I'm not mocking or denigrating how you are as a fan because it works for you. Please don't mock or denigrate how I am as a fan. I don't threaten and I don't mock. That I am competitive and hold Iowa's head coach accountable is not wrong.
I think you need to actually read what I wrote. Point out the quote where I said anyone was wrong. I said I do some of the same things. A reaction like you just had to my post is exactly the point of my post. Are you enjoying being a Hawkeye fan? Are you enjoying the Hawks? I'm going to enjoy being able to watch them play period. In just wish the same for you. But don't twist what I said. I said find perspective. It's a game. If your kid doesn't win a game do you trash him or her on social media? Do you call yourself out for their failures? Or do you encourage them and go out the next game and root them on again. If you didn't understand my post before, read it again. If you don't understand it after that, go yell at your high school teachers and blame them for your failures. Get my point?
I think you need to actually read what I wrote. Point out the quote where I said anyone was wrong. I said I do some of the same things. A reaction like you just had to my post is exactly the point of my post. Are you enjoying being a Hawkeye fan? Are you enjoying the Hawks? I'm going to enjoy being able to watch them play period. In just wish the same for you. But don't twist what I said. I said find perspective. It's a game. If your kid doesn't win a game do you trash him or her on social media? Do you call yourself out for their failures? Or do you encourage them and go out the next game and root them on again. If you didn't understand my post before, read it again. If you don't understand it after that, go yell at your high school teachers and blame them for your failures. Get my point?

I understand perfectly what you said. I just don't feel like people should be scolded for having valid; albeit contradicting opinions. Folks may or may not agree with my posts, but when I post and I disagree with someone, I give my reasons for disagreement. I don't scold anyone for their opinion. I provide my counter opinion.

I love being a Hawkeye, not that I have to explain myself. But that doesn't mean I cannot be honest and provide thoughtful criticisms and compliments of the programs performances.

Some fans enjoy football and sports for the entertainment and some enjoy the competitive aspect. Neither is more right or wrong than the other. So, let's just agree to there are different approaches to being a fan.
I'll make a final comment, obviously you are more than welcome to respond. I didn't reply to your post or use your name in my initial comment. So if you decided that my "I don't get people who..." comment applied to you that's your issue to deal with. Have your opinions. Never once did I say you had to be a fan in the way I am. Once again I am confused why YOU continue to be offended. My post only said..about RANDOM hawk fans who choose to let a hawk loss ruin their day, weekend, fall, life...that I'm glad that's not me. Let it be you lol I didn't say you couldn't have your opinion or be miserable. Congratulations. You are miserable and I support your right to be miserable. Feel better? You chose to respond to and be offended by my random post saying I don't get why people let affect you so much. I'm competitive...obviously..but YOU aren't the competitor. I'm not the competitor. The 18-22 year old kids are the competitors. You have no impact on the outcome of a single game. So don't say you are competitive. Its invalid in an argument about being a fan lol You are only competing against yourself in that situation. Better have your game face on?? Ok. Respond and I promise no retort. Good luck Hawks!
KF has taken Iowa football to heights that Fry didn't at season's. He has also taken Iowa to mind-boggling lows that Fry didn't in-season.

Perception is that Fry's program was consistently good. Perception is the Ferentz's program is inconsistent from average to very good -- often in the same season.

It's asked: would you rather have a great season 12-0 followed by 4 meh seasons. Or five seasons of 9-3.

Okay now we're on to something.

KF finishes ranked 33% of the time. To some with low standards and short memories that is the best Iowa can hope for.

But is it ???????????

And should it be ??????

Each fan gets to answer those questions in their own way.
For all of you who kick the dog, scream bloody murder and call for the head coach to be run out of town because we lose a game...I thank the good Lord that he didn't afflict me the way he has you. Im glad you all have opinions and I appreciate your right to share your opinion. But perspective is needed if your life is messed up over the game played by 18-22 year old kids. I'm a fanatic, I get mad when we lose, roll my eyes with some play calling and I might have even sworn at the tv a time or a thousand. But contemplate what you are angry about. Our 18-22 year olds didn't beat theirs. Here's an idea. Just be a "fan." ENJOY that you live in AMERICA. Take a moment and review Nike Kinnick's Heisman acceptance speech and KNOW perspectve. Its football season. The leaves are changing. Enjoy a Saturday watching the hawks...win or lose.

You like America?

I also like America.

This vvvv guy likes America


We all like America. And we all like freedom of religion. My religion doesn't include coaches or global warming. So I'll respect your religion and you can respect my religion - which btw is Scientology.
KF is really hard to define as good. It's also hard to define him as not good. He's like the Twilight Zone.

I try not to get too caught up in the personality of a coach. I think performance relative to expectations is an adequate measuring stick.

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