Well-Known Member
KF is not helping the 'university'? In what way is he a 'liability'??? You think only in your 'small minded', self-centered world about your feelings and 'wins and loses'...... The 'important' people and 'intelligent' people think in terms of integrity of the program, graduation rates, what kind of citizens and 'leaders' are we developing, etc... and how our coaches and athletes are 'representing' our 'institution'......they do 'not' worry about losers who rate their happiness and satisfaction based on how a college football team does 4 months of the year, lol............You tiny, tiny percentage of so called fans are totally pathetic and have no connection with the 99% of us who understand what it is to root for a team and care about the 'institution' and the student athletes....and don't piss and moan every time 'our' team disappoints us, lol.........clueless!!!
I forwarded this to my niece. She is doing a research project on psychopaths and how they interact with normals.