expectations unrealistic??


Well-Known Member
I heard them on sound off just say that their expectations for this team were way off base, What?????? I don't that much about the x's and o's of football but when your team loses all its games by less than one touchdown how could you say the expectations were off base. They could have one everyone of those games.

If we would have lost a couple games by 17-20 points then yes I would say we probably thought too highly of ourselves, but when you could have won every one of your losses I think the expectations of this team were right on track.
I heard them on sound off just say that their expectations for this team were way off base, What?????? I don't that much about the x's and o's of football but when your team loses all its games by less than one touchdown how could you say the expectations were off base. They could have one everyone of those games.

If we would have lost a couple games by 17-20 points then yes I would say we probably thought too highly of ourselves, but when you could have won every one of your losses I think the expectations of this team were right on track.

It's not the scores. It's how we've lost. Multiple blown 4th quarter leads. Butchered 2-minute drills. Generally awful special teams play. Great teams don't have those things on their resume. This team is good, just can't get over the hump.
It appears that way, but they shouldn't have been. I really underestimated the loss of Edds and Angerer. It's clear that they were the heart and soul of the defense.
It's not the scores. It's how we've lost. Multiple blown 4th quarter leads. Butchered 2-minute drills. Generally awful special teams play. Great teams don't have those things on their resume. This team is good, just can't get over the hump.

Maybe he's referring to the expectations for the coaching staff. We expected them to be great and pay them in such fashion, yet they are only mediocre.
12-0 NC game expectations were unrealistic. There are only about 5 schools in which those expectations are realistic in a given season.

B10 championship expectations. Completely realistic.

Factoring in the 22 starters( not entire rosters) and also a few regulars for all B10 teams, Iowa will probably have more guys in the NFL in than everyone except OSU and might even have more.

Stanzi, DJK, Reiff, McMillian (sp?), McNutt, Reisner, Clayborn, Ballard, Morris, Sash, Daniels all have NFL level ability and/or bodies. I would bet that all of these guys will get drafted.

You can even throw in guys like Hunter, Greenwood, Tarp, Klug, Binns, & Vandervelde who could cling on to a roster some place. They'll all probably get a shot which is more than you can say for a lot of teams.

Not to mention guys like Davis, CJ, & Coker who are too young to tell but have the ability but they coaches decided not to utilize them.
This team should have contended for a B10 championship. This program is built around being safe, keep us in the game and maybe we will get lucky. This program is not built to go out and win games...just go out and try not to lose.
This team should have contended for a B10 championship. This program is built around being safe, keep us in the game and maybe we will get lucky. This program is not built to go out and win games...just go out and try not to lose.

This would seem to be the truth.
After listening to Jon and the Z the last several weeks, I think they are right. We should never expect to win more than 7 or 8 games. We will never be able to recruit 4.2 speed and a bunch of 4 and 5 star players. When we win 7 games we need to be thrilled because history shows us we used to suck.
After listening to Jon and the Z the last several weeks, I think they are right. We should never expect to win more than 7 or 8 games. We will never be able to recruit 4.2 speed and a bunch of 4 and 5 star players. When we win 7 games we need to be thrilled because history shows us we used to suck.

Quite an exaggeration.
12-0 and Nat'l Championship = unrealistic
11-1 and Big Ten Title = Very tough and would require some lucky bounces = semi unrealistic
10-2 and possible solo or shared Big Ten Title and BSC game = Very Realistic given the roster
9-3 and possible BCS game - Realistic and somewhat expected - We ABSOLUTELY have the right as a fanbase to EXPECT this given the squad we have - even with a letdown or two.
8-4 - and decent bowl game - This should be a MINIMUM this year.... not a goal, unfortunately due to a series of less than stellar situations. This is reality....maybe. They better regroup and get it down next week or the fanbase won't even care what bowlgame we're in.
I see a team that won a BCS game last year and most of that team was back this year.. A senior QB, supposedly one of the best defensive lines in the country, etc. To expect better than a 4-5+ loss season I don't think is unrealistic.

As others have said - expecting a national title, yes, unrealistc. But expecting to challenge for the Big Ten title = realistic.

This is one of the most disappointing seasons I can remember.
We are reeling as a fanbase. But if anyone thinks a possible Big10 title and BCS game was unrealistic, they are simply looking for a way to make themselves feel better. Most heartbreaking season I can remember, given the Realistic expectations.
We are reeling as a fanbase. But if anyone thinks a possible Big10 title and BCS game was unrealistic, they are simply looking for a way to make themselves feel better. Most heartbreaking season I can remember, given the Realistic expectations.

Agree 100 percent, Walker. I'm not saying this team had a "national championship or bust" look to it, but go back to August, and would any Iowa fan have been at all OK if you told them we would have a 7-4 record going into the final game? That's saying nothing of how the losses have all happened, with the fourth-quarter struggles from such a veteran team.

And Jon, what's with the "not giving blood to anyone" silliness that has been a theme these last 2 weeks with you? You predicted 12-0, now at 7-4 you say those were unrealistic expectations and still come up with excuses why it's not anyone's fault. And if anyone dares point that out, you're "not giving blood to anyone"? Are you that thin-skinned?
Kirk keeps talking about how the team didn't meet "the fans" expectations for the year. So what were his expectations? Did he expect to go 6-6, so a 7 win season has met this expectations? Why can't he just come out and say that this team didn't play to it's potential and that things haven't worked out?
I think we each have our own idea of realistic expectations, and none of them have anything to do with how the season will play out. I'd take 8-4 every year, better than that is freekin great but I don't expect it. 120 FCS teams, all trying to get better every year, many of them would kill for our record over the past 10 years. These games are so close, no team has really beat us convincingly since USC. Sure the breaks didn't go our way this year but it's not gloom and doom time.
I read or heard from someone that KF said the expectations for the team came from outside the organization. If that is true, then I have a real problem with our coach not having winning the B10 as his expectation for his team.

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