Expectations for Vandenberg next year


Well-Known Member
1. Hopefully stay healthy all year
2. Lead team to at least 8 wins as a starter
3. Throw 15 or moreTD passes
4. Come up with at least one game winning drive in the 4th quarter to win a game
5. Post an overall winning record in games decided by 7 points or less
Davey Obrian award winner
3rd in Heisman voting.
(he's only a JR, I have to leave a little room for improvement)
1. Hopefully stay healthy all year
2. Lead team to at least 8 wins as a starter
3. Throw 15 or moreTD passes
4. Come up with at least one game winning drive in the 4th quarter to win a game
5. Post an overall winning record in games decided by 7 points or less

15 TDs seems like a pretty light number, considering there are 12 regular season games.

That would seem to approach Christensen-esque territory.
3600ish yds
30 td's

Well, DJK did say that he was flawless in practice all year and Martin-Manley was already as god as he is(or something like that), so why not a Hartlieb/Long type of season? :)
Unless Coker et al have 30+ TDs next year, Vandenberg will have more TD's than Stanzi's 17 in '09.

I think we all will be saying "Ricky Who" after next season. I'm disappointed he didn't get more work in mop up duty last year, but I think he is as ready to be "prime time" as a first year QB can be. He has all the throws that require zip and is very accurate...that isn't up for discussion. If he can show touch to get the ball over the LB's and in front of the two deep, he's going to be tough to stop.

The other thing that he has going for him is that our offensive line will be excellent next year...and deep. If everyone stays healthy through Spring and Fall camp, our offense should average well over 30 a game. It all starts up front and Vandy will make up pay.
I think we all will be saying "Ricky Who" after next season. I'm disappointed he didn't get more work in mop up duty last year, but I think he is as ready to be "prime time" as a first year QB can be. He has all the throws that require zip and is very accurate...that isn't up for discussion. If he can show touch to get the ball over the LB's and in front of the two deep, he's going to be tough to stop.

The other thing that he has going for him is that our offensive line will be excellent next year...and deep. If everyone stays healthy through Spring and Fall camp, our offense should average well over 30 a game. It all starts up front and Vandy will make up pay.

Vandy already has the skillset. Probably better than any QB under Ferentz, with maybe the exception to Drew Tate.

Two things JV needs to do/improve on - find the secondary receiver and learn to check off. He is already slightly better than the outgoing QB in that regard, but improvement is needed. If he can do that our offense will be good.
Take it for whatever it's worth.....some friends tailgate with a lot of former players. Apparently several of them said Vandy is the real deal and just might blow away all of the rest. Who knows. I can't wait to see the kid but he seems to throw the ball with a lot of heat and it would have been nice if he could have taken more snaps over the past two years.
I would like to see a 2-1 TD/INT ratio along with 32:30/game TOP and zero lost fumbles on his part. If he can do that much to manage the game, the offense will be tough to stop. If he can do more, and by that I mean really be a star playmaker and not just a game manager (and if he has the receivers to allow for that), we might win 10 games again next year.
I would like to see a 2-1 TD/INT ratio along with 32:30/game TOP and zero lost fumbles on his part. If he can do that much to manage the game, the offense will be tough to stop. If he can do more, and by that I mean really be a star playmaker and not just a game manager (and if he has the receivers to allow for that), we might win 10 games again next year.

Honestly, we could have easily won ten games if Stanzi would have made more plays in the second half of our losses, in particular, on third down. I'm not talking about the final drives in those games. We lost those games because we didn't take advantage of field position and we didn't score more points in the 3rd and early 4th quarters. We had so many opportunities to go up by two scores in those games and we couldn't make the plays. If Vandenberg gets the same opportunties, which he will, we could easily win 10 games. The thing about 2011 is that we are going to have to outscore some teams to win. Our defense isn't going to be as good and a few of the teams we play can put points on the board. We are going to have the pieces on offense (o-line, WR's, and TE) to put up big numbers IMO. Coker will also be much better just by going through a spring and full fall camp. How exciting is that? The kid is a stud.
I think he looks pretty good (esp under pressure - tOSU game) and should have a solid line to help him avoid too many major mistakes. If our running backs stay healthy, he could have a great first year. (I still think Keenan is a beast, so McNutt, Keenan and fill in your favorite Hawk TE here will provide options for him.) High hopes!

On Iowa!
I'm not going to throw out any unreasonable expectations for Vandy, I'm just going to be hopeful his starting season goes better than JC's. Unless he dramatically regresses I don't see this happening. Not to hate on JC anymore but couldn't stand to watch him throw poor outlet passes to his RB, that was painful to watch.

I'm more excited to see how much more the o line developes and what kind of momentum they can give Coker.
you have to be optimistic from what little we have seen of him. He was thrown to wolves against OSU and I really thought we were just going to get KILLED in that game. Vandy wasn't rattled at all. He gave us a chance to win the game and that's all we could ask for.
I like what I have seen of him, but wish he could have seen more snaps this year. I think that the O is going to be stellar and he'll have weapons to throw to and good protection in front. I don't expect much of a drop in terms of production now that Stanzi is gone.