Expect status quo even without O’Keefe

We don't need a large shift in philosophy. We need a shift to someone who will scratch where it itches. Do what is working. Stop doing what is not. When the opposition stops what we do, change it. My biggest complaint about O'keefe was the fact that he didn't change what his plan of attack was. He would stand there and get punched in the mouth all day. That's what was predictable.
I expect us to run the same scheme. But I also expect us to get an OC that specializes in running a pro-style offense. KOK is a spread guy, and wasn't a great fit as a pro-style OC. If we find a better fit, we can run the same scheme and get better results.
I suspect hiring practices are pretty much uniform in any university...KF will have to look at minorities and probably select a minority as one of the finalists. Hopefully, the University won't require him to ensure a woman is on the list. In the end he will hire someone he is very very comfortable with and knows very well. He simply takes no risks whatsoever and he isn't going to take one with OC. He will ensure whoever he selects will run an offense that KF expressly wants...a very conservative, predictable offense.

The more the coaching is changing the more they are going to stay the same.
I suspect hiring practices are pretty much uniform in any university...KF will have to look at minorities and probably select a minority as one of the finalists. Hopefully, the University won't require him to ensure a woman is on the list. In the end he will hire someone he is very very comfortable with and knows very well. He simply takes no risks whatsoever and he isn't going to take one with OC. He will ensure whoever he selects will run an offense that KF expressly wants...a very conservative, predictable offense.

The more the coaching is changing the more they are going to stay the same.

Are you serious about the woman thing?
We will run the same scheme, pro-set I, with some variation. Hoping for a Small amount of improvement is an understatement!

We averaged something around 70th in the country under KOK. Hoping for a small improvement is a HUGE understatement. This moment is the best thing to happen to KF's legacy. Let's see how he chooses to use it.

One of two things will happen, he will choose the best talent or reward loyalty & friendship. If it is the latter, then let us hope he gets luckier than the last time!!
I understand what you're saying, but I'm trying to not let my hopes get too high for this. I hope for small improvement. Large improvement would be a pleasant surprise, but difficult to achieve, realistically thinking.
Re:Expect status quo even without OÂ’Keefe

A long delay in hiring a coordinator makes a lot of change even less likely. If there is going to be much in the way of change, the guy almost has to be on board for spring practice.
It could happen but if you read Barta's presser, because of stupid University hiring practices, that position will have to be posted for 30 days I believe before they can make a decision. I believe he can start interviewing anytime but the hiring can't occur for at least 30 days. By my estimation that 1st or 2nd week of March before we get a name. That starts making April look awwwfully close.
Why does it seem to me that only the U of I operates in this manner? I understand it can be a very smart policy, but it seems like nobody else does this. I'd just as soon they take their time and find the right guy.
Am I correct when I interpret most posters on this thread are hoping for a 'tweaking' of Iowa's pro-style offense? How is a 'tweaking' going to make Iowa's offense any more efficient than the oft-timed quote of 70th in the nation in offense? Especially with the touches that are taken away from Iowa's offense because of the bend-but-don't-break pass defense?

How is that going to make you happy... as long as the D isn't blamed?
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I always smile when I see comments like KF takes no chances and yet, I see them all the time. In the end we see what we decide will will see in advance. As for the offense it didn't need changed, what we need is better execution and consistency. It really was alarming how many first down passes we dropped and drive killing penalties we committed at the most inoppurtune times...our offense is very similar to Alabama's excpet we probably threw down field more. And Alabama executed better throuout the year, game to game....thats all that needs fixed.

That and somewhere in the last couple years we somehow lost that Iowa killer, we will constantly outwork you attitude. That is the one thing that has limited our wins...a new, better shiny offense wont fix that and will likley make it worse.
Am I correct when I interpret most posters on this thread are hoping for a 'tweaking' of Iowa's pro-style offense? How is a 'tweaking' going to make Iowa's offense any more efficient than the oft-timed quote of 70th in the nation in offense? Especially with the bend-but-don't-break-pass defense?

How is that going to make you happy?

Not me...I just want that ole Iowa attitude back and better focus and execution. Thats pretty much all thats needed...
You see, to the naysayers of KOK who were on this board, Iowa's offense being ranked 70th in the nation is a problem ONLY if Iowa's defense is ineffective.

The naysayers of KOK think: some other unit has to be blamed than Iowa's defense.

EDIT: Have the naysayers of KOK just been a smokescreen for the poor performance of the defense?
So, what needs to be done is: make the defense more efficient.

What do you think Chad, boy?
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You see, to the naysayers of KOK who were on this board, Iowa's offense being ranked 70th in the nation is a problem ONLY if Iowa's defense is ineffective.

The naysayers of KOK think: some other unit has to be blamed than Iowa's defense.

EDIT: Have the naysayers of KOK just been a smokescreen for the poor performance of the defense?

Football like life is a composite formula.....those people you are speaking of, don't process things well. Iowa's offense in my opinion could have been better but I'm not anti-Kok. I'm also Pro Iowa's D, but in reality they let up in some very uncharacterisitc spots in recent years...

And the one area where we have really failed is "FG's in critical spots" and maintaining field position thru out the game...

Its not a one guy, one unit thing...so you fix as you go and you probably start at special teams, thru the D and then to the O, with the one constant being limiting the other teams touches and there you have a good formula to protect yourself and play winning football...it also happens to be Iowa's formula and why we will continue to play the same way and I am not only ok with it...I expect it and want it. Its hard nosed, pressure football and teams don't like it......it really is the antithesis to the way fans think. And it puts a premium on every single possession. Its there where we have failed on O....dropping "big catches and making stupid errors" that change field position and limit scoring opportunities....its a very good formula, too bad people don't see it & appreciate it ....fix the execution and you win two to 4 more games per year...
Maybe a staff shakeup will refocus the troops who knows, because we weren't doing what good Iowa teams have done...but to those fans that think a new shinny scheme or play calling fixes anything...well...they are bound to be disappointed if we execute in a similar fashion. In fact I dare say we will lose even more...

While looking back I do see now it seems you weren't asking a genuine question but maybe just taking a jab, thinking you could catch me in a corner...?!?! I had hoped you were being sincere, but as my above post shows, my thinking is somehting that can't be cornered. Its really pretty straight forward stuff and if anyone would care to look they'd see the same thing....its a team wide deal and we haven't played well enuff....very cut & dried.

Here is to hoping we improve in the teaching/execution area next year...obvioulsy we all like to win.
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Since the OP linked a Don Doxie article, I would like to take the opportunity to remind everyone how much Don Doxie sucks.

Don, I know you read these message boards, because half of your "opinion" pieces are just taking opinions from message boards. Maybe you think you're fooling the blue hairs who still read the paper, but just know...I'm onto you. Thanks for making the QC Times sports page a joke.
Re:Expect status quo even without OÂ’Keefe

Ghost. I agree with you about Don. Only reason I posted was to get that opinion out there for discussion.
You see, to the naysayers of KOK who were on this board, Iowa's offense being ranked 70th in the nation is a problem ONLY if Iowa's defense is ineffective.

The naysayers of KOK think: some other unit has to be blamed than Iowa's defense.

EDIT: Have the naysayers of KOK just been a smokescreen for the poor performance of the defense?
So, what needs to be done is: make the defense more efficient.

What do you think Chad, boy?

So if I Understand this right...you think Iowa's offensive woes statistically are the fault of one of the better scoring D's over teh past decade?! Yeah that makes a ton of sense...only if you live in the bizzaro world.
You see, to the naysayers of KOK who were on this board, Iowa's offense being ranked 70th in the nation is a problem ONLY if Iowa's defense is ineffective.

The naysayers of KOK think: some other unit has to be blamed than Iowa's defense.

EDIT: Have the naysayers of KOK just been a smokescreen for the poor performance of the defense?
So, what needs to be done is: make the defense more efficient.

What do you think Chad, boy?

The offense has consistently been the biggest problem. Sure, it's only a visible problem when the defense isn't firing on all cylinders. But the defense picks up the offense all time. Where's the reciprocity been? It's a team effort, and you can't keep a consistently weak link around. You either need to strengthen it up, or find a new link.
So if I Understand this right...you think Iowa's offensive woes statistically are the fault of one of the better scoring D's over teh past decade?! Yeah that makes a ton of sense...only if you live in the bizzaro world.

I believe he was being facetious and trying to suggest its one or the other, when it isn't a one or the other problem....one feeds off of and affects the other and vice versa. Its a combined formula, we play offense to help the D and D to help the O and we play field position to affect game flow...when we fail at that we have problems...
I think the frustrating thing is everyone defends this staff with passion and execution arguments but in the end they are responsible for both. They are stuck playing the older players because the have "paid their dues". (Neilsen last year, playing at 50 percent all year).

I guess if players can't execute then let the younger players have a chance. If the starters don't play with emotion or fire then find someone who will. But I guess they are all a product of the 4 million dollar coach who doesn't execute or have any passion.
I think the frustrating thing is everyone defends this staff with passion and execution arguments but in the end they are responsible for both. They are stuck playing the older players because the have "paid their dues". (Neilsen last year, playing at 50 percent all year).

I guess if players can't execute then let the younger players have a chance. If the starters don't play with emotion or fire then find someone who will. But I guess they are all a product of the 4 million dollar coach who doesn't execute or have any passion.

Three things.......man have I seen a LOT of new and young faces playing this year and last and over the last several really, so I guess I don't get the people who suggest we don't play enuff guys. Especially in lieu of seeing them in posts latter complaining about us burning Redshirts...talk about being awful confusing and hard to understand...
2nd people lacking in passion and emotion don't tear up and have their voice crack on a regular basis like KF, so if people really think that they are way off base...
3rd I want a guy who is paid A LOT leading my team, business etc....in business and football alike, when you are really well paid, its a lot easier to go waaayyyy down in pay if you aren't "in it"...thought I'd try a more "real" approach with those who can't help but bring "money" in to these conversations....I remember chuckling with my uncle about how when you reach that upper pay echelon were a small percentage enter into, it gets harder to replace that income quite as easily....KF isn't coasting because he makes 4 mill, I know that's what many believe, but all it shows is a limited understanding of those who reach that height.

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